
Chapter 169 The future

Arthur looked at his teacher calmly. He asked.

" Why?"

Ancient one extended her hands. Her tranquil voice was heard.

" Let me show you."

Ancient One channeled her magic. She changed the whole scenery.

Arthur found himself in the ruins. He saw various things. A gun with name, a big sword and so on. The ground was filled with items, but he couldn't see the owners. Arthur touched the items. He asked with curiosity.

" Where is this place?"

Ancient One answered truthfully.

" The future, my boy. You created a giant catastrophe. That gun and sword are from other dimensions."

Arthur frowned.

" Did others invade our dimension?"

Ancient One shook her head. She said calmly.

" No, they belong to your ally. That gun is made from a thing called Hexcore while the other is blessed by the nature."

Arthur raised his eyebrows because he knew where these items belong. His voice changed.

" What happened here?"

Ancient One said with indifference.

" War tore this place. The advance of technology and magic created an era that brought world war.

You participated in this war alongside your comrades. However, all of them lost their lives. They were wiped out by the universe itself."

Arthur trembled. His head was in chaos. Ancient One continued.

" The concept of magic created a new era for people. You did this to honor your father. Unfortunately, it created a new batch of villains and invited other powerful beings. Vampires and dark races invaded the planet. Not only that Evil gods, devils, and Gods fought against each other. The sanctuaries immediately lost their functions as the result. It caused a super huge problem. By the time, you realized your mistake, it was too late. You fought against each of them. However, you lost your comrades one by one. Even Avengers couldn't stop this. Finally, an alien showed up. He destroyed the planet with Infinity stones. Fortunately, the remaining Avengers tool him down. Even so, the problem didn't vanish. The old monster who was destroyed by the eternals had been resurrected. The eternals, new avengers and you held your grounds, but lost terribly because one of your comrades betrayed you. This ultimately resulted in the dusk of heroes. The heroes fell one after one. At last, only you remained alone. Even your other world friends died in the battle. You battled the enemies until your death of exhaustion."

Arthur fell to his knee. He felt exhausted. His voice trembled.

" How could this happen?"

Ancient One sighed.

" This happened because you wanted to complete your father's wish. You wanted a true peace. However, your method has gone wrong."

Arthur looked at the file in his hand. His eyes showed a clear determination.


He tore them apart. Arthur raised his head.

" I won't let that happen. I will protect them."

Ancient One smiled. She patted his shoulder.

" My student, some things are unavoidable, but some things aren't. You made a right choice. Your father would be proud of you."

Arthur closed his eyes. He whispered.

" I am sorry, father. If I can't know you, then so be it. I would rather save this world than my selfish desires."

Ancient One sighed with emotion. She said with an apologetic look.

" I am sorry."

Arthur shook his head.

" It doesn't matter. I promised that I would protect this world."

Ancient One snapped her finger. The world was changed once again. The time continued to flow. Everyone looked at Arthur with a questioning look. Arthur took a deep breath and said lightly.

" Today, we will end here. I apologize for your inconvenience."

The Avengers left. They didn't ask his reasons. Thor patted his shoulder.

" Everything will be alright. We are with you. Asgard is with you too."

Arthur looked at him with gratitude. He bowed.

" I am sorry. This is a personal matter."

Thor didn't pursue it anymore. He trusted Arthur.

Tony and Steve also cheered him up.

Finally, Arthur was left alone with his family. His grandma asked.

" What's the matter?"

Arthur shook his head. He forced out a smile.

" It's okay. I am fine."

The grandma noticed his grandson's fragility. She said with a warm tone.

" Arthur, sometimes you have to lose to gain. I don't know what happened between your teacher and you, but I know you will do the right."

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