
Hug Me The Series : Episode 4

Phet let Chew , Ruu , Korn and Ull have a seat with P'Rey . They was silent but Phet looked a bit angry to them . P'Rey realize that Phet was very angry , because his face looked so obvious . P'Rey tell Phet " Phet , maybe they are really care of you so that's why they are spying us . Don't be angry to them okay ?" Phet actually a soft person , never being angry as much , but once he being angry , really make people's around scared with him . Phet said to his friends "hmmmm it's okay , but don't make it obvious after this okay ? Hahahha we are friends I don't care if you guys wants to spying me but behave okay ?" Chew , Ull , Korn and Ruu was like " ha hahahaha sure " Korn said to Phet " we are so sorry to you Phet , we promise that after this we will behave" Ull, Chew and Ruu was like " Shut up korn"

After all of that , P'Rey asked Phet " Phet , want me to drive you home ?" Phet answered it " it's okay P'Rey , I have my friends here" Chew interrupt while pushing Phet to go with P'Rey " Ai Phet , why not you just go with P'Rey , go go" Phet talk slowly  " Chew what are you doing" Ull said " Aaa P'Rey , Phet actually want you to drive him home" , Korn , Chew and Ruu was like " Yes yes true true" Then Phet followed P'Rey to his car and P'Rey drive him home .

While in the car , Phet was silent , because of awkwardness him to P'Rey . P'Rey suddenly asked Phet "are you really like to be in Faculty of Architecture?" Phet answered it " Yeap , I'd really want to be in this faculty" P'Rey asked Phet " do you have a girlfriend here ?" Phet was shocked at first and answered it " I don't have anyone except my friends" Phet asked P'Rey " don't you have a girlfriend here ? Handsome men like you ofcourse you have one" P'Rey reply it " I'd have one , but when I was a first year student , then we are broke up after 1 year relationship" Phet say sorry to P'Rey and P'Rey said " it's okay Phet , maybe I have one right now" Phet was thinking about words

'right now' but Phet ignore it and turn on the radio.

After a few minutes , Phet arrived at his home . Phet said to P'Rey " thank you P'Rey because drive me home" And walk fast into his house . P'Rey was laughing cutely when he saw what Phet reacts to him. But P'Rey realize that he doesn't asked Phet about number or line id , when he want to shouts Phet's name , he already into his house . Then P'Rey just go back to his house .

After cleaning his body , Phet check all the massages from his group chat , chew , Ull , Korn and Ruu was really happy when Phet accept offered P'Rey to drive him home . Phet ignore it with shakes head . Phet lying on his bed and flash back what happened on that day . But , when Phet flash back about him and P'Rey , Phet suddenly smile and feel very happy . Then he woke up from his flash back and talk lonely "omg, what just happened right now " and go to mirror and said " did I smile ?" Suddenly his mouth moving to make a smile . "omg nooo" , Phet touch his cheeks and let them not to make a smile again .

The next day , when Phet woke up from his sleep , Phet feel like he is going to have a fever . He felt his body a bit hot but he still wants to go university it's because that day was second day of him . Phet , Chew , Korn , Ull and Ruu having breakfast together at the canteen . Ull asked Phet " Phet , are you alright ? You look sick" Phet reply it " I think I have a fever but it's okay it's not that bad and I'm still have energy to go class and orientation for today" Korn said to Phet " are you sure ?" Phet said " Yeap I'm sure"

When they were in orientation session , Phet's fever getting worse . Phet feeling like want to go to the toilet. He asked P'Rey " P'Rey , can I go to toilet?" With cough. P'Rey allow him to go to toilet , but P'Rey saw that Phet looked unwell. Phet walk slowly and his cough getting worse. He's walk like a drunk people until he already at the toilet . Phet wash his face and vomiting at the sink. After he is done , he suddenly fell down and unconscious. P'Rey actually followed Phet and when he saw Phet fell down , he was running to Phet and pick him up and bring him to the university's clinic .

Hour later , Phet woke up and feeling really unwell . When he woke up , he looking around his bed who's with him . He saw P'Rey sit next to him and sleeping . Phet just feel grateful to have a caring senior like P'Rey . Phet want to have some water and he is trying to get up by himself. P'Rey suddenly woke up from his sleep and take the water for Phet . P'Rey said to Phet " you can't get up by yourself right now , your sick will getting worse , anything you want , just hit me up okay ?" Phet just accept it and drink the water .

After a few minutes , Chew , Ull , Korn and Ruu arrived . Chew said "are you okay Phet ?" , Phet said that he just fine "Thank you guys" , Korn said to Phet " I think you thank you wrong person" while looking at P'Rey . Phet asked them " who bring me here?" Ull said " After you go to the toilet , P'Rey was stop his talk and followed you and his face looked so worried of you , then when he come back , he said that you are fell down and unconscious and tell us that he already bring you to the university's clinic" Phet was looking at P'Rey and said " Thank you P'Rey , I don't know how to pay back but Thank you for taking me here" P'Rey said " my pleasure" P'Rey said to Phets's friends "okay guys I need to go right now , take care of Phet okay ? See you tomorrow don't be late"

P'Rey walk out from the clinic and going to meet his friends at the canteen . P'Rey forget again about to asked Phet for his number . Then P'Rey going back to the clinic . Phet and his friends was shocked at first but then , P'Rey asked to Phet " Phet , can I have your number and line Id?" Phet said " sure" , after Phet giving his number and line id, P'Rey get out of Phet's room . After P'Rey close the door , suddenly P'Rey meet with his enemy which is , Leo . Leo is his enemy since they are second year student . P'Rey and P'Leo kept looking each other with fully anger and they were silent for a few seconds.


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