
All together

"It seems that the goal of Fu Qing and his group was to bring all of us together in the same place using the explosions" Huang Dong commented when he saw that almost all the clan cultivators were gathered.

Of the nearly four hundred cultivators who entered the mystical realm, only two hundred and fifty remain. The rest were either missing or dead.

At least that was the count of those who got together, some may be wandering through the mystical realm without the others knowing it.

"Huang Dong, what is your opinion on this? The other side is clearly trying to attract us to this location. Do they want us to fight that giant thing?" A young man asked.

addasaklsldasdklasklakls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In front of the crowd was the giant evil spirit roaring, struggling, and wanting to break the dark chains that bind its body.

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