
I Should've Come Here Earlier!

The next day. 

Grey decided it was time to leave Frost City, but before leaving, he wanted to go and meet up with old man Gerald, to check out Void's condition. 

The liquid he got from the young man back at the Chimera forest should make some improvements to Void's condition, well, that's what he thought. 

He told Alice the reason he brought her out, and seeing her expression, he could tell she approved of it. Alice enjoyed fighting, so staying in one place for months now must've bored her. 

She didn't delay and immediately left even before Grey headed to Frost City. After hearing Reynolds' current strength, she felt pressured to improve quicker. 

She didn't even want to talk about Grey's crazy growth, he wasn't someone who they should try to compare themselves with. Grey makes advancing a stage look so easy, while it actually isn't. 

Next chapter