
How Unlucky!

"I see you have the real lightning tree, you even gave it to your friend, such amazing kinship is rare to find," The young man said with a strange smile. 

"Who I give what I obtain is none of your business," Grey replied calmly. 

"Sorry, my bad," The young man apologized while raising both hands as if surrendering. 

"Do you have what I want?" He asked after apologizing.

"Yes," Grey took out the orb from his pocket. It was neatly wrapped in a cloth. 

"Can I see it, it'll be a shame if you were to dupe me twice," The young man said, stretching out his right hand. 

"I want something from you," Grey said, placing the orb back in his pocket. 

"You're going to bargain with what I've paid for?" The young man raised a brow. 

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