
Couldn't You Knock Him In Another Direction?

"This is ours, we can't let them have it"

A youth said persistently.

The sneaking Grey looked at the youth and couldn't help but feel their decision to fight wasn't the best one. From the time he had been watching the battle till now, they were on the losing side. There didn't even seem to be any hope of them being able to turn the tide, yet they still chose to stubbornly hang on. Maybe they had a trump card, he wasn't really sure. It's not cowardly to admit defeat when you know there's no hope of winning. Although there are times in life when even though you know there's no way for you to win, you just shouldn't admit defeat, Grey felt this wasn't the time.

They were in a trial land, a land where treasures were supposedly numerous. There was no way they wouldn't be able to find another treasure, why the hell would they want to give up their lives just because of one? Well, thanks to their stubbornness, he had the opportunity to be the person benefiting.

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