

"Hermione, we need to talk" I say and grab her hand, leading her to my dorm. We enter and Pansy isn't present,  she's probably with Madame Pomfrey. "Sit" I instruct and she obeys, perching on the end of my bed. "I need to tell you something" I choke out. "You can tell me anything" she encourages, "I tried to kill P-Pansy" I stutter and a shocked expression takes over Hermione's face. "W-What did you just say?" I take her hand in mine "I don't know what came over me, I get so angry sometimes, mostly for the tiniest reasons" "I think it has something to do with my da"- I'm cut off as Hermione leans in and kisses me.

"Hermione, stop" she quickly pulls away and I'm grateful for her listening to me. "I'm sorry" she apologises and bows her head in shame. "No- don't be its just... I can't keep going between you and Draco like this". "Raven" she reaches up to my face and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I'll take whatever I can get". As she says this I can't help but lean in again and the kiss resumes. My fingers tangle in her fluffy brown hair and her warm hands cup each side of my face.

I feel a burning sensation in the pit of my stomach. Hermione's hair at my fingertips, wrapping stands gently around my fingers. I wish I could stay like this forever but I can't. I can't ignore the way my heart yearns for the pale blonde boy that I met at the platform. He could never feel the same way, not like Hermione does. The amortentia. It confirmed Hermione's feelings for Ron. But me alongside him, I can't let my anger over Ron distract me from the fact that she chooses me over him every day, that's why she's here. With me right now, when she could be with him.

But when Hermione smelled him in the potion I couldn't help the way my stomach churned with jealousy or the way I clenched my fists until my knuckles turned white, in that moment I wanted nothing more than to punch the shy smile right off of his freckled face.

Hermione's tongue laces. With mine and I push all thoughts of Ron from my head and focus on the beautiful girl sat before me.  After a moment the door flies open and almost snaps off of its hinges.


Draco's POV

Seeing Pansy in the bed injured that badly hurt me inside. I couldn't bare to look at her in that state. Dumbledore told me what happened. I was so angry. I was seeing red and I struggled to make my way to Raven's dorm. I knew I was in the right one when I opened the door and my eyes met with Raven's as her and Granger ate each others faces. Disgust grew as I approached them.

"YOU ARE FUCKING DISGUSTING!" I yell in her face. "You almost kill my girlfriend and now you're in here mingling with a fucking mudblood acting like nothing even happened!" "Draco! you take that back" she demands but I refuse. "Pathetic" I seethe. "Hermione, please leave, I'll talk to you tomorrow, just go" I hear Raven instruct Hermione in a soft voice "okay, just don't do anything stupid" she says and leaves Raven with a kiss on her cheek. The door closes and my anger resurfaces "why did you do it!' She sits there staring at me from the bed. "It's my dad".

"You can't just blame him for all of your mistakes Raven, whatever problems you have, you need to own up to them". "She almost killed me Draco, if you and Snape hadn't have burst in, she would have." She states and I can detect the defeat in her tone. "Why is it so different when its the other way around?" She inquires. "You hurt her Raven" I mumble. "She used the fucking cruciatus curse on me, bet you didn't say anything to her about that" she's right, I never confronted Pansy for almost killing Raven and it irks me how I could be so biased.

"You're right Raven, I didn't".

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