
Chapter 451: One shot and you're done

Five years later, she still couldn't face Shen Shihan.

She had been back in C City for a while, and the times she had seen Shen Shihan were few, and the words exchanged even fewer.

But each time she saw him, it felt as if someone was peeling open the scars on her heart.

Five years had passed, and although the pain and sorrow had faded, she still couldn't bring herself to treat Shen Shihan as the third brother she once knew.

Shen Shihan just stared at her for a while before turning his head away, his face expressionless.

Xu Chaomu thought that from now on, they were probably going to be strangers.

Mo Shuifu got into the car, exchanged a few words with Shen Shihan, and then he drove the car away from the Shen Group building.

Xu Chaomu watched the Ferrari disappear before her eyes, bit her lip, and also casually hailed a taxi.


By a little after seven in the evening, Shen Group was still brightly lit.

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