
Chapter Three

~Nev POV~

My eyes open to the sound of metal clashing against metal, a dark gray sky stretches out above me as I lift my head up slowly, I take note of my surroundings. I was sitting on a nearly blood covered ground as fire destroyed the trees around me, most of them already burnt pitch black and falling to the forest floor. A majority of the trees had already fallen resulting in the forest being much less dense and more clear than anything. It almost resembled an ash and blood covered desert. The ground was hot to the touch. Ambers and ashes float around me carrying the danger of fire with them as they drift through the wind. The sound of metal once again hit my ears making my head turn around so quickly that I was put in a temporary haze. As soon as my vision cleared, I could see them. There they were, two others just like me, except they were fighting. Their weapons glowing as bright as a star, one had white wings as pure as the clouds and wore white apparel with no sign of dirt anywhere. The other, well, he was exactly the opposite. He had black horns and a long skinny black tail with a point as sharp as a knife, his wings were as black as coal and darker than the night itself. I began to wonder if I was one of them, or maybe they could tell me how I ended up at that farmhouse! As their swords clash together the sound of thunder rang in my ears, making me flinch slightly. All of a sudden my body took over. It stood on its own. The pain from the cuts and gashes that covered my body pushed through me, yet even then I ignored it. I let out a growl and jumped, taking off towards the pair, my wings hoisting me higher and higher as I drew back my right arm. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the black markings on my forearm light up bright green, my palm lighting up along with them. In what seemed like seconds I hit the man with horns in the face causing a bright flash with the sound of thunder following it. The dark figure flew backwards into a tree, that had been scorched, where he was impaled, dying on the spot.

The other man placed his hand on my shoulder as we hovered in mid air together. His deep voice rang loud and clear as he spoke. "You did good Nev. Tomorrow's another day. We'll get through this, don't worry."

I woke up gasping for air as I sat up, trying to wrap my head around what that was. The first thing I do is look at my arm. On it was the same marks that I had seen in my dream were there. Slowly unwrapping them, I stared for a few minutes. 'What the hell just happened?'

~A Few Minutes Later~

I could hear Darius' voice calling my name as he walked outside. Should I tell them about my dream? I'll decide that later. Darius walked out a little ways from the porch leaving me enough room to silently drop down off of the roof behind him. "I'm right here." I said in a low voice, testing Darius. I wanted to see if he was still afraid of me. I saw him visibly shiver. Either that was from fear or..

He turned around with a tiny blush and he glared at me, immediately silencing my thoughts, "Don't do that. Mom made breakfast, come eat." Without another word he walked past me, brushing my shoulder lightly as he entered the house.

Even though I was glad that he had silenced my thoughts one still rang in my mind as I followed him inside.

'He would never think of someone like me like that.'

~Darius POV~

'I can't believe this!' I thought as I went straight up to my room, where I slammed the door and locked it despite having my doubts that a lock could keep Nev out. Its terrifying actually, living with a creature that doesn't even know what his own person is. Having undeniable evidence that said person is very, very attractive is even more terrifying..

Sighing to myself I walked over to my little window lounge sitting and hugging a pillow. Having feelings at all scared me, ever since my dad left my mom she's needed my help. She wasn't mentally capable of doing anything for months on end because everything reminded her of him, and she had suicidal thoughts! I'm so scared of falling for the wrong guy. What if he leaves me and I spiral into depression just like my mother? I don't want to live like that. What I really want to do is go to Paris for their art schools. It would be a dream to be a world wide artist, everyone would know my name and I'd be loved by millions, and that way no one can leave me. It would be nice if Nev can't leave me either..

No! What am I thinking, I want him to leave! I want him to take his stupidly perfect face and leave! God that boy is the definition of perfection..

Me eyes move to the person leaving the house and out into the back yard. It's Nev, and mom, they're heading out to the farm to feed the animals. I watch in curiosity as the animals literally crowd Nev as if attracted to him for some reason. 'He must be part bird' I snort to myself. Nev and that damned smile glance over at mom who's contently feeding the cows. She's always loved the cows more than any other animal. The reason, she's explained many times, is because of how calm and graceful they are. They're as equally as strong as they are beautiful, and then she'd look at me and whisper quietly "Like you." Almost as if I couldn't hear her. My eyes slowly trailed back to Nev, watching him and his shirtless body closely. For the first time, my eyes notice how his wings glisten silver in the sunlight. Completely awestruck, I continue to stare. Slowly trailing my eyes from his wings, to his face, watching it scrunch up as a goat licks him. Letting out a quiet giggle, I observe further. My eyes trailing slowly down his torso and back up. My eyes widen a fraction cheeks tinting a soft pink. He was looking at me, like, directly at me, he caught me staring. Instead of frowning, like I thought he would. He smiled his eyes sparkling a bit. My cheeks only darkened, I couldn't look away. His eyes were bear traps for mine, once I look there's no going back. I did the only thing humanly possible.

I took of my glasses.

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