

It was only obvious for Jennifer to be worried. 

After all, she had not expected to get pregnant so soon.

At least, not in times like these, when they had other things to take care of.

Jennifer didn't know anything about the changes that were occurring within Jason's soul.

Because she was oblivious to them, she was still worried about his mind, and if he had some problems with his psyche owing to the loss of his soul world.

She had just wanted to help him to overcome his struggle, and to support him in finding a way for him to reunite with Artemis and his other soulbonds.

That had been the most important for her.

However, now, it looked like their roles had switched and he was supposed to look at her because she was pregnant.

And their current location was certainly not the best to give birth to a baby with a quarter Celestia bloodline.

It was a bad…a really bad location!!

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