

Yang Dao and Dao Yin helped the little girl clean up and get dressed. They did not have any clothes suitable for the girl so they washed and dried her old clothes, and took her outside. 

Dao Yin used the talisman and erased the slave formation cast over the girl before she went out. Yang Dao was simply in a pamper mode, he would hold Jeiwei's hand and lead her gently. If someone asked Dao Yin if she felt envious, she would say no, because she herself felt the same. 

Yang Dao took the little one to a shop and said, "Jeiwei, choose any dress that you might like." 

The little girl hesitated, she could not understand why this person was so generous to her. Yang Dao smiled and said, "My dear, you do not have to think so much. I promise I will not hurt you." 


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