

Yang Dao and Feng Yun rode the Golden crow for a couple of hours at a speed of five hundred kils an hour. They both were immersed in meditation and did not waste time. Yang Dao meditated on how to deal with the things ahead. He was drawing blueprints to approach things laying ahead of him. 

Feng Yun was meditating because she did not have any interest in the scenery of the world if Yang Dao was not interested. The definition of the world in the eyes of a familiar spirit was very simple. The Dao Child was their world. If he was not there, then they will just act to make things ready for his arrival. 

That was all that mattered to them. Their job and reason of existence were to help the Dao Child while the Dao Child will deal with the big things. Since the boy was going to meditate, she turned aloof to the world. 

Amber spoke all of a sudden, "Your majesty, there is a big man-made region up ahead." 

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