
Chapter 2: The legend of the abandonment of death

Local newspaper:

The world famous detective Lawrence entered the case, it is said that no one knows the detective others say he does not exist, well those are speculations.

What is known is that he will participate in the investigation of the murders between February 5 and July 15 nominated so far by the agents as the case of phantom death, being the common thing in these cases that died from internal bleeding and brain seizure.

The police did not want to give more explanations.


"Sweetheart, I came back," the woman spoke.

- Mother! - yelled happy Uriel.

That day, Alice's return was the Indian of everything that would happen in Uriel's future.

10 years later ...

In the present.

The Afthon family consists of the married couple Atlan Afthon and Alice Afthon with their two children Uriel Afthon and Athanasia Afthon aged 17 and 14.

He lived peacefully.

Alice forbade Uriel to speak of Vincent or Ana in front of her after the day he returned home.

I remember 9 years ago ...

Alice Afthon returned home.

-Mother! - Uriel shouted with joy.

- Uriel darling come back, take my little Athanasia to her room for me, she is tired from the trip.- her mother said showing her a girl who although she looked like her little sister was not her.

Her sister was shorter in stature and had lighter hair was brown not dark brown although she admitted that she looked alike and her eyes were like his not black her sister's were black.

"Mother, Athanasia ...." said the minor uncomfortable.

- I know you worried about Athanasia but she is fine Uriel now take her to her room, go with your brother my little Athanasia and Uriel be a good boy and do what your mother tells you remember to be perfect I will review your notes from when I left. - Said the oldest giving a kiss to the girl's forehead.

"Yes mother, let's go Athanasia, I'll take you to your room," said the boy.

"Yes," said the uncomfortable girl they had not called her by name since her aunt took her.


- Look Atenisa, Athanasia left recently and mom can't accept it, that's why you should call her mommy that's what my sister used to say, to your uncle my father you must tell daddy and my little brother you understand.- he said looking seriously at the girl.

-Yes .... little brother ....- he whispered.

- Well, then remember ....- he did not finish speaking when his desperate mother arrived.

- ATANASIA! Are you okay love? Uriel! What are you doing here ?! You are forbidden to be near Athanasia if I am not with you! It is understood! - Said shouting at the boy as he slapped him.

"Yes, mother, I will retire," said the minor, trying not to cry while listening to the consolation of the shinigamis.

- Calm Athanasia, do you remember that you were going to teach me how you wrote your name and birthday? Well let's do it now! - The older said cradling the girl in her arms.

End of memory.

-Brother will you teach me algebra? - Asked Atenisa.

"Of course, let Mom know she hates seeing you with me," Uriel said.

- Mommy! I'm going to study Uriel's room! - He shouted seeing his mother.

- Not athanasia! Uriel why are you doing this to me again! - I shout as I slapped him and cried.

"I don't ..." Athanasia said nervously.

- I'm sorry ... I must go to my afternoon course. - said the young man excusing himself.

"" Months later""

Lists of Suspicions:

1. ...

2. ...

3. ...

4. Uriel Afthon.

5. ....


-Wilian prepares a flight we will go.- said the detective.


"Mr. Afthon installs cameras in your house." Said the detective, looking at the nervous man.

Well, his family was blurred, there was part that he did not find in any registry.

How the adoption of a four-year-old girl, Uriel's visit to the psychologist and among others.

- Detective could tell you something? - asked the man.

"Of course," she said, inviting him to continue.

- In private.- I comment.

"Follow me," he said, taking him to a secluded place.

- Well I'll tell you about Athanasia I must tell you that my wife and Uriel sometimes fight and above all I warn you that you will see both fight.- said the man.

"I understand, don't worry Mr. Afthon," said the man.

" After installing the cameras"

Uriel enters the house ...

- Something happens? - Asked the eldest son of the Afthon children.

(L: who is Uriel talking to? -I ask. Atlan: with his friends next).

- Did someone come into my room? ... I told you today it was Vincent, I promised you traitorous apples! - He said angrily.

(L: Mr. Afthon does this often happen? - I ask. Athan: no, my wife hasn't arrived yet for sure, she talks to herself without everyone's presence.)

- So how many cameras ... it has microphones! - I scream at the end.

- I don't know who you are but I know that only in my room there are 64 microphones and cameras, please retilenlas my father did not tell me! - I shout angrily.

(Detective: he discovered it quickly .- said firmly. Atlan: Detective my wife will arrive soon .- notice).

-I'm reading page 35 of the book: "The caprice of death" .- replied the boy to nothing.

And the death that was very naughty thought: 'what will it be like to be human', 'have a short life full of adventures', 'it must be fun', he thought.

"Then he descended into the human kingdom and with his powers he transformed into a human. How happy was death, but every time he approached someone he died."

"Death fell in love with a girl with beautiful eyes and straight hair, a fiery smile and great charisma, from that unfortunate love a child was born, a monster that took the life of the woman."

"The ignorant death of life fled leaving the child with a broken heart and tears in his eyes."

"And a child grew up ignorant of life, he never felt cold, hunger or despair, he never felt anything, if he was hungry he ate whatever he found, if he was cold he sheltered himself with whatever he found and never felt despair calming his crying with the songs of the people. And that's how the child grew up, called "The abandoned one of death" because he never died and 300 years later you can still hear a child call to death because he feels nothing but he knows that death is the end and the he wants to know him. Never go near the child who will steal your skin coat, he will satisfy his hunger with your insides and calm himself like a lullaby with your despair. "

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