
Chapter 721 The Rabble


As the Divine Army was consciously divided and gradually crushed by the three major combat teams, Vedas, the Son of the Insect Tribe Divine Realm hidden in the depths of the Void, shook his head and sighed:

"It's hopeless, let's go!"

The other impatient Sons of the Insect Tribe Divine Realm coldly said:

"It's been hopeless for a while now. With seven Powerful Divine Powers and such a vast army, those from the Dark God System who are slightly capable of fighting have been watching the whole time. There was no way we could win!"

The Dark God System's complete inaction throughout surely provoked the ire and wrath of the Giant God Crystal Wall consciousness, but at this moment, who would care about being angry? The majority of gods inside the Dark God System were Descenders from the Titan Battle Group, not turning traitor on the battlefield was already a consideration for the Indigenous True Gods within the system.


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