

Her breath was caught in her throat, ''I…'' 

''Luoluo, if you are planning to say that you don't want me to stay then prepare an explanation for why you looked sad when I said I will leave soon,'' he cut her off, his words were crisp and his expressions were solemn unlike his usually obedient-cute self. 

Shi Luo licked her bottom lips and his gaze wandered from her eyes to her mouth, his eyes visibly ravaging the sight of her wet lips, ''Did I ever tell you?" He tilted his head to the side, all the while not taking his eyes off her lips. 

''Tell me what?" Shi Luo finally found her lost voice and she asked him softly. 

''That whenever you lick your lips…'' his thumb stroked the spot below her bottom lips and the other four fingers dug inside her hair. His gaze shifted from her lips and he looked straight into her eyes, ''...I have the urge to do it too.'' 

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