
Distracted in exams

Yu Mei halted in her tracks, ''Alright, If that's what you want,'' With that said, she walked out of the house. Even if the whole world was not talking to her, she was going to survive anyway. 

She tilted her head upwards and blinked a few times before putting on her shades. 

As the elevator opened, she saw Jun Boyan standing inside, ''You are back so soon?" She asked him. 

''I took the first flight,'' Jun Boyan was not surprised to see here, ''Do you have a cold?" 

''No, why do you ask?" 

''Your voice sounds like that,'' Jun Boyan felt something was amiss but he could not point his finger on it, ''Why are you wearing shades at this time?' He asked. 

''I think I probably got an eye infection,'' She hugged him, ''Gotta go. I will see you later,'' With that said, she stepped inside the elevator leaving Jun Boyan confused. 

Why did she not look like her usual enthusiastic self?

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