
Surprise Test

Subject: Chinese

Question 1. Write two essays choosing from Section A and B (20 marks)

Question 2. Prose. (15 Marks)

Question 3…

Yu Mei leaned back on her seat, thinking about her horoscope today.

Why? Just why? She looked at the ceiling trying to bore her gaze to heaven and glare at the god.

Wasn't I grateful enough? Yeah? Didn't I thank you every morning for making my life peaceful? 

Why would you betray me?

"Student Yu, do you have some issues?"

I have. I really have. Yu Mei shook her head, "No issues, Prof." She said instead.

Professor Zhang nodded her head, "Then focus on your question paper and answer sheet. The result of this surprise test will determine where you all will be sitting for the next few months."

Looking at the pouting girl, Professor Zhang adjusted her glass, finding her cute.

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