
Underworld's Gate Keeper Class

+1 Cha per odd level.

+1 VIT per even level.



Soul's Gate- Allows trading with a random Undead individual once per campaign.


E-Yakitori Flower- Evolves from certain flowers including Lillies after absorbing blood from creatures for a thousand years. The flower becomes a gate to the underworld and gains consciousness. Those it Parisitizes bodily have their souls refined and sent to the underworld.




Gives R-Parasitic Poison Skill Lv.1.


C-Lucky Planter- Increase the chance of Parasitic Poison Skill taking effect by 20%.

C-Hell's Favored- Lowers Soul shop prices by 10%.

C-Hell's Descendant- Doubles Hellfire's damage.

C-Healer's Gift- Halves the Hp damage taken from Healing skills and doubles any Healing Skills effectiveness including leech and Healer's Parting.

R-Hell's Rebirth- Allows the addition of 2 extra revives.

R-Soul Sucker- Doubles Hp health sucking abilities.

R-Stamina Sucker- Doubles Stamina sucking abilities.

E-Soulful Harvest- Allows acquisition of Souls at twice the rate.

E-Crimson Red- The Red of your flower reminds people of their deepest traumas. Enemies will automatically need to have a Wis Score of 10 at a minimum or they fall into confusion.

L-Gemini's Twin- Allows a twin parasite based on your original stats and abilities. Both bodies can take over a target, but your revives are linked. So if your clone dies, you'll need a revive to bring one back. Two revives can also revive both if both die.


C-Leech- Skill allows you to do damage to your host equal to your Wisdom x 10, and heal Hp back equal to a fourth of the damage you did times the level of this skill.

R-Healer's Parting- By cutting off your own roots you can create "Healing Roots". These consumable items that you create Cost various amounts of your Hp or your parisitized target's Vit to create. The healing effectiveness is decided by your skill level. Any Vit sacrificed in this way cannot be brought back. As such any Vit sacrifices are permanent.

Lv.1: 20Hp for every 1 Vit sacrificed or 200Hp sacrificed.

Lv.2: 30Hp for every 1 Vit sacrificed or 180Hp sacrificed.

Lv.3: 40Hp for every 1 Vit sacrificed or 160Hp sacrificed.

Lv.4: 50Hp for every 1 Vit sacrificed or 140Hp sacrificed.

Lv.5: 60Hp for every 1 Vit sacrificed or 120Hp sacrificed.

Lv.6: 70Hp for every 1 Vit sacrificed or 100Hp sacrificed.

Lv.7: 80Hp for every 1 Vit sacrificed or 80Hp sacrificed.

Lv.8: 100Hp for every 1 Vit sacrificed or 50Hp sacrificed.

R-Parasitic Poison- Skill allows you to send out a poison that paralyzes a target in a manner to let you receive control of their body. Skill can only be used on enemies within 20 Lv.'s of the player. Skill must also be used when the target has less than 10 percent of their max HP. Cannot be used on a target with an Aura effect or skill. Skill gives you a percentage of the enemies Str, Vit, Con, Agi, Dex depending upon the level of this skill.

Lv.1: 10%

Lv.2: 25%

Lv.3: 35%

Lv.4: 50%

Lv.5: 60%

Lv.6: 75%

Lv.7: 85%

Lv.8: 100%

R-Hell's Fireball- (Int+Wis) A fireball that uses the previous stats in order to deal damage to a target. This version is solid black in color and causes undead to fear and potential freeze in terror status effect. Roll for this effect. Levels of this skill increase the roll chance following the diagram below. Can use mana or Special Power energy pools.

Lv.1:(17-20) These 20 sided rolls apply terror.








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