
Chapter 6 (1.1)

Chapter 6

“Join us. Our table is far away from your brother. Our whole clan is here and we are ready to tell you whatever you want to know. We are ready to answer all your questions and arguments in your mind. As a law student and a daughter of a lawyer, I ought to tell you the truth, not only me but my whole clan. Join us?”

She walked and all I could do was to follow her. Her words are very convincing, I don’t think she’s lying though she’s giving me her mischievous smile that makes me have the reason to doubt but there’s something to me that makes me wanna believe her and her whole clan. And she said she can answer all my questions and ask me to join them on their tables and ought to tell me the truth and that’s enough to believe her.

We continue walking until we reach their table and there is the second generation of Lardizabal future lawyers. They’re staring at me and those eyes intimidate me, they’re stare makes me wanna regret the decision I made. I have to face it.

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