

I was sitting on the lunch table and listened to their conversation. We didn’t have our early morning training today since I don’t have a wooden version of the sword that I am supposed to practice with. Also, I do not have enough magic/mana/power left to even practice my wolf voo doo.

“It’s hard to believe that The kingdom of Alta, were involve in a trade with the Tereau.” The Queen, my aunt, said. “It makes me wonder how they were able to reach out to them. The kingdom of Atla never mingles with land dwellers like us.”

“That’s hard to believe?” I said with a mouthful of meat. “You should see PRINCE Ace in a dress yesterday. It was very disturbing and fascinating at the same time.”

In that moment, everyone stopped eating. Ren, who was seated beside me, handed me another plate of steak while Nate, who was seated on my other side, leaned in. “Rose? Remember what we talked about when the adults are talking?” He asked me in a very gentle voice as the others watched.

I nodded and took a slice of meat. “Don’t speak unless being spoken to. Or if I want to speak then I should raise my hand.” Then I started chewing.

“Can you tell us why?”

“Because I always speak of unimportant matters that leads to bickering or a drastic change of topic.”

Nate seemed satisfied as he placed a hand on top of my head to pat me. “Good girl. And stop talking with your mouth full.” Then, looking at one of the servants, he said, “Get her some desserts.”

I have a feeling that they were treating me like a child at this point, but I didn’t mind. I mean, come on, more dessert? Yes, please!

Now that the others were satisfied at my silence, they went back to continue with their boring ‘adult talk’. “Maybe it has something to do with the chalice?” Ren suggested and I had to give Ren a look at that point.

Oh, so they let Ren join the conversation and not me!? But all this talk about a chalice is kind of making me remember something. Something important.

“That could be one of the reason.” Ace agreed. “But if that were the case, then wouldn’t that fish prince told us about this? Did he tell you two about it while I was…resting?” I have to fight the urge to talk and do a correction at that point. That time that he was resting was actually the time that he was being tied up being he refused to rest.

I sliced up another piece of meat and dipped it in gray before chewing again. Something tells me that I have to tell them about something.

“No he didn’t. Prince Meruem seem like an honest man. The only trade they did was of trading women. It would seem like they send the women that they capture to the rogue king. What happens to the transported women after that is beyond his knowledge. He said that he was always escorting his father whenever they meet with Roy, because his father expected him to continue the business once he becomes king. No mention of any chalice.” Nate says.

Chalice? Images started flashing into my mind. A man handing a chalice. An old village. Chantings...

“And I thought that we would finally have some lead on the whereabouts of the Chalice.” Ren mumbled.

Didn’t I have a dream regarding the Chalice? I raised my hand to talk like how I was instructed. “Excuse me.” I said.

“Dear, not now. We are thinking.”


“Mana, please give princess Rose some macaroons.” Ren called out in the kitchen doorway.

“Hey! I swear it’s important.”

“I read the books my brothers gave me. But it would seem that it only gives us a few information about the tamers. Queen, I will write down all the information and I humbly ask that you review and cross out the false information.”

“Will do. How is her training?”

“Her progress in using her powers is magnificent even though I hate to admit it.” Ace says.

I fought the urge to boast about what I just heard because I realize that what I was going to say is really urgent. But they were ignoring me. “Hey…!”

“Her weapon training is on hold until prince Nathaniel can acquire wooden version of hook swords for practice.”

“Can anyone listen to me?”

“Very good. Even though Rose has excellent results on her magic training, please continue to teach her how to fight. A tamer’s weakness is their inability to protect themselves when their familiar leaves their side. She needs to protect herself when she is not with her familiar.”

“Hey! In case anyone is interested.” I slammed my hands on the table to get their attention. It seemed to work. “I got a prophetic dream about the Chalice back in Atla!” I yelled. Finally…FINALLY they stopped talking and gave me their full attention.

“Back in Atla? Why didn’t you say something?” Ren asked.

“Um…” I scratched my chin as I tried to remember. “It’s kind of difficult to answer that. I mean, it is a dream so it comes and goes until something triggers it.”

“Rose!” They all yelled at me.

“It’s the truth. It’s the truth!” I cried as I sat back down on my seat and covered my face. “I know I make a lot of excuses, but I really didn’t remember anything the moment I woke up. I just remembered it when you guys started talking about the chalice!”

Ren gave me an amused look while Nate and Ace were massaging their temples tiredly. The Queen seems like she wanted to say something, but pursed her lips stop herself from saying a word. The king simply ducked his head and continued to eat. He obviously doesn’t want to be involved in this conversation.

“Well?” The queen asked.

“Well what?”

“Your dream, dear. Care to tell us about it?”

“Oh!” I nodded in understanding. “I dreamed about late king Varon and Nagga. They were walking somewhere in the woods.” I started. “I cannot tell where they are exactly. But suddenly this Ny – Thank you, Mana!” I yipped in excitement when a plate full of macaroons place placed in front of me.

“ROSE!” I jumped at the intensity of their voices.

“Sorry!” I said sheepishly and placed the macaroon down. I guess I will have to eat it later. “Macaroon?” I offered to lighten up the atmosphere.

“I cannot believe that the fate of this world is in the hands of a girl like her.”

“I cannot believe she’s related to my sister.” The Queen mumbled.

“Now now.” It was the king. This was the first time that he ever spoke since we all sat down. “I want you all the remember that Rosalie is just a young girl from another world. Try to understand her situation.”

At the king’s words, everyone seemed to finally calm down. Among the others here, the king is the only one who takes my side and treats me like his actual child. The king met my gaze and inconspicuously gave me a thumbs up for encouragement. I grinned.

“Where was I? Oh, right. In my dream I saw king Varon and Nagga giving the chalice to this Nymph, saying something like 'it is the only way for something.' ”

“That’s it?” Ace questioned.

I shook my head. “No.” I said and furrowed my brows as I tried to recall the rest of the dream. “In my dream I was following the Nymph. It showed me the Nymph handing the chalice to a group of people. Like villagers of some sort. It’s like another place because the people seemed…um…they were wearing animal skins as clothing. If that makes any sense.”

“A village where people wears animal clothing?” The Queen gave me a questioning look before he turned her gaze to her husband. “Dear, do you know anything about it?”

The king shook his head sadly. “No, dear, I don’t. I have never heard of it. Maybe it’s because the dream was already from a long time ago. Maybe the people are modernized in this age.” The king gaze me a look as they all waited for me to somehow confirm it.

“I can’t say. But at that time, king Varon doesn’t seem to be wearing the same clothing as them. Somehow, I feel like they are cut off from the rest of the kingdom.” Then again it was just a feeling. Custard, who finally finished eating his meal, jumped on my lap.

“Well the kingdom of Atla was previously cut off from the rest of the world. I can’t see why there won’t be others like them.” Nate looked at me. “Do you have any more of those dreams? I mean anything that can give us more clue.”

I thought about it. “I saw the nymphs gathering in a secluded green area and chanting. There were speaking in a language that I do not understand. And that was it. That was the last of my dream. Sorry.”

I looked at everyone expectantly as I waited for their reaction. Everyone, except for the king and I seemed to have finished out food. “Well. That was better than nothing.” Ren finally says as he slouched on his seat.

“I guess, for our situation, it’s considered as lucky and a blessing. I mean, is it me or does Rose somehow have these specific dreams?”

“It would seem like the spirits are trying to reach out to us through Rose. I mean, I bet she’s the only one who can control spirits.”

“No need to make it sound like a horror film.” I mumbled as I stroked Custard’s fur.

“But it did give us a lead.” PRINCE Ace said. “The Nymphs.”

“That is a good suggestion and all, but how do you suppose we go and look for them?” Nate asked. “It’s not like they would magically show up when we ask them to.”

“Didn’t they appear the night that Rose got lured in the forest? And that time when Rose first bonding with her familiar?” Ren said.

I scoffed at this. “Yeah. And at first we thought that the Nymphs were helping me meet Fred. I mean, talk about an awkward conversation there.” I chuckled and stopped when I saw them giving me a look. “Right. Don’t speak unless being spoken to.” I grumbled.

“What the mutt says is right. The last place that the Nymphs showed up was at the forest near the kingdom of Tereau. Price Nate, Prince Ren, and I will go there and check.”

“What about me?” I said and I heard Custard yipping in protest. “And Custard?” I added.

“No!” All of them, even the king, said. Wow. That one time where everyone seems to be in agreement is to disagree with me. Glad to be of some use.

"In case you have forgotten, we are going to the place where we were ambushed by the rogues." Ace pointed out.

"Dear, you still need to learn how to control - if not master - your powers properly."

"Rose, the rogue king is after you."

"We still have to teach you how to protect yourself."

"Rosalie, my dear, I think it will be safe if you just stay here and let the princes and a few knights investigate."

And then there goes my selective hearing. "We have knights?!" I gasped in amazement. "Where?"

The Queen gave the king a pointed look. "Dear, there is a reason why we keep that information from Rose." At the Queen's gaze, the king immediately slumped on his seat as if it would help him to hide from his wife's glare.

I grinned widely in excitement. "Where are they?" I asked again.

"Rose. Here. Eat." Nate grabbed a macaroon from my plate and placed it on my hand. Ren reached out and slapped his hand away after I started nibbling on the macaroon. Nate gave Ren a short glare before looking at Ace. "About that going to the area where we last saw the Nymphs? I am afraid that I may not be able to come."

"Why?" Ace asked.

"I have to go back to Denver. My brother may have a wooden version of the hook swords. Plus, I wanna come and congratulate him. At least before they held the official engagement party."

I stopped nibbling as I looked at Nate. At least his face. I bit my bottom lip as I saw Nate smiling to the others as they sent their words of congratulations to the young vampire prince.

"Can I come?" I suddenly blurted out. "I mean, it is my training equipment. Best to see if I can actually use it." I shrugged. When I saw that Ace and Ren were about to protest, I added. "Or if not, I can stay with the Queen." I gave her a look. "I'm sure she'll enjoy having some quality time with me. Right, my dear aunt?" I smiled sweetly to make sure that my message was received.

The Queen's eyes widened and she immediately responded. "Prince Nathaniel, I do think that it would be best that she goes with you. I mean, some exposure would do her some good. And maybe she can become friends with another young lady!"

"Your highness, no offense but won't it be dangerous?" Ren asked in concern. "I mean there could be the possibility that they might be ambushed."

"I'm right here." I said and glared at Ren. Since when was he the worry type in the group?

"If you guys keep treating me like a kid then I will never learn." I looked at PRINCE Ace for help. "I mean, ask PRINCE Ace. I did helped out a lot. I also learned how to control summon Custard." It's a lie. I just got lucky at that time.

Ace gave me a look and, surprisingly, he nodded. "It's good that you admit that you were being spoiled." Leave it to PRINCE Ace to leave out a slight insult before helping out. "And I also think that coming with Prince Nate will do you some good. It's better than you sitting here and doing nothing."

At least he's on my side...

"Prince Nathaniel, what do you think?" The queen asked him.

Nate looked a bit troubled with all the attention on him. Then he locked gaze with me and I gave him an encouraging nod. There is no way that I would let Nate go back to Denver and have his parents berate him. Again. I know that if Nate does agree then there is a chance that I might disrespect the king and queen again. But for a good cause.

Just then, Nate leaned in to ask. "Is it finally my arc-" Before He can continued, I shoved a macaroon in his mouth.

"Yes, Nate. We get it. Now, do you agree?"

"I do!" He grinned.

Ren finally snapped and reached out to slap Nate away with a loud growl. Good thing for me that I saw it coming and managed to duck.

Huh. I guess my training is actually paying off.


It was decided that Ren, Ace and some knights would be leaving first. They wanted to make sure that the area as clear before Nate and I could leave. Ren made sure that I was wearing the hood that can block my presence. He even tied the hood around me himself. He kept telling Nate to close the carriage curtains while we were on the road and that if anything happens, he will be held responsible.

Ace finally have had enough of the wolf prince's overprotectiveness that he had to drag him out himself. Ace even threatened to cut his tongue to see if werewolf healing can recover a lost tongue.

Thankfully, we never got to know the answer to that.

A carriage was prepared for Nate and I. Since it was a royal visit we both have to dress appropriately. Nate was wearing a white and gold buttoned coat. A red cape was tied to one of his shoulder that was clasped with golden chains. His now grown red hair was combed back neatly, but bits of stray strands keep falling down over his green eyes.

I frowned on the constricting attire that I was wearing. I was wearing a white tube dress with a combination of white and black frills for the skirt. My hair has been tied into a half ponytail and adorned with flower ornaments. Nate saw me and he chuckled.

"It's been a while since I saw you dressing up nicely." He commented and bent down to scratch Custard's ear.

"Speak for yourself." I told him and started scratching at the spot where my necklace touched. The necklace was the pendant that Custard found when we were in Atla. I was able to clean it up nicely. The pendant was in the shape of a circle with two viking-like designs of wolves facing opposite directions. The chain hook itself was intact that I was able to insert a chain to make it usable. I mean, it was either this or some fancy and heavy jewelry. Ever since word got out that I became a princes, my maids have been pretty keen on making me wear one.

Nate saw me toying with a necklace and grinned. "Is that the necklace that Custard found? It's nice."

"Yeah. I just hope I won't get in trouble when Prince Meruem sees this."

"Nah. You won't." He dismissed.

Nate and I soon headed for the carriage. There were only two knights escorting us and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration as soon as I saw their shinny armor. They were riding horses and walking on either side of the carriage. Nate had to slap my hand when I attempted to peak outside and giggled.

"Stop that!" He scolded me.

I pouted. "But they're knights!"

"And I am a vampire prince."

I gasped as my eyes sparkled with an interesting thought. "Are they vampire knights too!?" I squealed and got my hand slapped again when my hand touched the curtains.


"But they're knights!" I said again. Then a slow grin started to spread actually my face, fueled with excitement. "Who could also be vampire knights!"

"And this is why the Queen doesn't want you to know about the knights." Nate grunted and folded his arms across his chest.

Throughout the whole ride, I wasn't able to peak at the knights again. Not with a very grumpy vampire in the carriage, who keeps glaring at me the moment I reach for the curtains.

We finally reached Denver after a long and agonizing ride of darkness in the carriage. Nate got out of the carriage first before turning around and helping me. I let him helped me out first and I turned around to carry Custard in my arms. I glanced back to see that Nate was looking at his old home.

"Home sweet home." He sighed.

I placed a hand on his shoulder at the same time that Custard yipped. Nate looked at us and gave us a smile before offering his hand to me. "Shall we?"

"We shall."


The rogue king, King Ferius, watched as the ice from his glass chalice slowly melts. The trickle of the condense water diluting his wine. He gritted his teeth and threw the glass away. It hit a nearby wall and shattered into pieces.

He still couldn't believe it. One of his general. Roy, was defeated by one prince! What a useless man! And to imagine that the tamer princess was with him. Leave it to that greedy King Corona Bayrus. To keep the good looking females to himself. He should have known that that greedy pig of a king is useless. Serves him right to die is a brutal way.

"King, the princes and knights have just been spotted walking near our borders." One his other generals said.

The king raised an eyebrow at him. "Are they attacking?"

"I believe not. It would seem like they are looking for something."

Just then, king Ferius saw a vision of them eating at a dinner table. Talking about the wooden chalice and asking the nymphs about it. He grinned. It would seem like they are still connected.

"Let them. It seems like they are also looking for the item that I want. It's better that they do all the work for us."

Next chapter