
Author's Note

Hi Guys…. It’s been a while since I last updated. I am sorry for the delay. I took a break from the story as I am having my exams at the moment, but sadly because of the current COVID-19 situations, my exams have been prolonged. So it will take some more time before I start updating again. 

For waiting so long, I will give you guys a small treat - a description of how I picture my characters.

Auroar Stephen-

Age:18 (has been stuck at the same age since the incident, if you carbon date a fossil from about 500 years ago you might get his real age).

Appearance: Black shoulder length hair, blue eyes, wears clothes from the 15th century.

Hobby: Writing poems, painting (well at least these were his hobbies from before he was taken out of time. Now pretty much everything bores him except for a certain girl).

Andriya Adams:

Age: 17

Appearance: Waist length wavy brunette hair, hazel eyes, wears anything which is black and white.

Hobby: Listening to music, reading fictions, taking long hot showers

Alexander Adonis Adams:


Appearance: Short brown hair with hazel eyes(like Andriya’s), wears only trendy and branded clothes.(Andriya calls it his secret obsession)

Hobby: Main vocalist of ‘The Playlist’. He also has a Youtube channel though it's anonymous under the name ‘John Dow’. He does covers of songs.

A little about ‘The Playlist’: It is a band formed by Alex and his College buddies. The band consists of 4 members in total, namely, Alex, Felix Agust, Jake Sanders, and Enzo Agreste. Their specialty is that they play songs that the listener requests, i.e., they sing covers of songs according to the request of the audience.

Ryan Dennis:

Age: 17

Appearance: Brown hair and brown eyes. He always wears a leather jacket, when asked why he says he wants to match with his sweetheart(his ride).

Hobby: Fencing, taking care of his ‘sweetheart’ and watching thriller series.

Zoey Lockwood:


Appearance: Blonde medium length hair and green eyes. She wears comfortable outfits which mainly includes sweatshirts and hoodies. She always has a neck chain with a star shaped locket.

Hobby:Obsessed with Zodiac signs and also has a blog specifically for it.

Alan Parker:

Age: 17

Appearance: Dirty blonde with striking blue eyes. He wears his jersey jacket everywhere he goes as if to let people know that he is a Jock.

Hobby: Loves football, partying, and socialising. He has a few secrets which will be revealed later on.

School Name: Hayden Creek High School

This is all for now. Let me know if the characters are like you imagined or not. Leave your questions or impressions in the comment section. I will be back with a new chapter next week. Remember to stay safe and stay healthy.

Follow me on instagram: @auroa_r2314

Until next time,



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