
Surprise Letters

 As Ryan held out the letter I stared at the letter in his hand and then at him. Then Zoey came and stood in between us and she was staring at the letter too and then at both of us. She then did the unexpected thing. “Finally!!! You had the guts to do it.!!” She exclaimed and clapped her hands together.

Ryan and I looked at each other and then at Zoey and yelled “What on earth do you mean by that?” “What the hell are you talking about?” we said simultaneously. “ This is not for you. I found this in my locker today. I wanted you to look into it. How can you even see us like that Zoey?” Ryan said, clearing up the misunderstanding. We burst out laughing and I took the letter from him and started reading it.

It looked like a letter but when we opened it, all we saw was this.

Dear Ryan,

This bud of love by summer’s ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet.


Your blooming bud.

We read it and looked up at Ryan. It was really eerie. “ Who writes letters in this era and what on earth does this even mean… You sure it was given to you and not for any other Ryan?” Zoey asked. I found this interesting Then I noticed something. “Whoever this is… she might be taking her English lessons pretty seriously….” I told them. “This is Shakespeare. I am pretty sure of that” It was a quote from Romeo and Juliet. I wonder who this is. Ryan spoke up “Whoever this is I would like to ask them how they got my locker password. I mean that's creepy.” He said looking around.. I could tell that he was being self conscious and a bit uncomfortable about this whole thing.

Then the bell rang so all of us rushed to our respective classes. During the break we showed the note to Alan and he too had no idea of what was happening here.

Rest of the day passed by without much events and soon it was 4 in the evening. Zoey and I were in my house. As promised in the morning she was here to “drag me out” to see the game. She came early, we had some time to spare, so we laid down on my bed and started listening to some music.

Apparently Zoey has started listening to Kpop and she wants me to listen to it too. So here we are listening to random Kpop songs. She was singing along to “Can’t you see me”,a song by a boy band called ‘TXT’, while I was busy getting confused by what was happening in my life now.

This week has been a really hectic one. Week highlights - I started seeing a mysterious person who talked and looked like he didn't belong to this century. Ryan got a mysterious ‘love’ note. Zoey is acting weird around Alan.

Soon as her playlist ended Zoey jumped up and started going through my wardrobe looking for something I could wear. After digging deep she found something. “Finally!!” she exclaimed and stood in front of me holding a white t-shirt which had two black stripes on the sleeves along with black denim jeans. I was happy with her choice so I agreed to it. My hair was braided down. Zoey was wearing a navy blue crop top along with high waisted blue denim jeans. She decided to pull her hair up to a high pony. She had medium blonde wavy hair. It suited her a lot.

When we were coming down we saw Alex on his phone. He looked frustrated for some reason. When he saw us he smiled and ended the call.

“Where are you young ladies going at this hour?” he asked trying to sound like a strict father, but failing miserably. “We are going to the games. Alan’s playing tonight. No need to worry Sir I will bring Andriya back in one piece and before the curfew too.” Zoey said playing along with him and with a small bow. Then both of them burst out laughing. “Why aren't you my lil sister instead of this boring person next to you?” Alex asked, glancing at me in between. “I wish you were my brother too.” Zoey replied pouting a bit.

“You guys do realise that I am standing right here? And Alex, if you want her as your sister, I am very happy to step down and give her the honor.” I said and with a huff I walked off. I could hear Zoey and Alex laughing behind me. “Are you coming or not?” I asked Zoey trying to pretend that I was annoyed at them but failing as I ended up cracking a smile too. “Yeah coming. Later Alex.” Zoey called out and both of us rushed outside.

We rode to the game in Zoey’s car. When we reached there it was pretty crowded . As we got out we saw Ryan pulling up next to us on his bike which he liked to refer to as his ‘beauty’. I will never understand how a guy’s mind works.

“Hey girls” He greeted us as soon as he got off of his bike. “Hey” “Hi” both of us replied. “It’s a surprise seeing you here Andriya. To what do we owe this pleasure ? ” Ryan asked, gasping fakely . “ Well..it was between coming here silently or having her drag me out of my house. I don’t want to die yet so i had no choice but to come here without much resistance.” I told him with a slight shrug and soon I received a punch from Zoey. “Oh I am sorry. I wanted you to have a social life.” She said pouting a bit. “Come on let’s get going or else we will miss the starting of the game.” Ryan said. We walked towards the ground. We picked seats not too close to the front yet not far away from the ground too.

Soon the players came to the ground. Apparently the match was with the school who won the championship last year and this made them our rival. When Alan came to the ground he looked up to the stands. When he saw us he started waving at us vigorously. Then we saw a cheerleader approaching him. It was Rebecca. She turned towards us and waved with a smile. She then turned back and started talking to Alan and they were laughing a lot. Zoey grabbed onto my hand and squeezed it. I yelped and she said a quick sorry.

“Is it just me or do you guys also feel like Alan’s hiding some small detail.?” Ryan asked, referring to Rebecca and Alan. I just shrugged while Zoey remained silent. The game started and halfway through it I got bored and decided to finish the snacks that we had with us. All this time Zoey remained silent. She didn't cheer even when Alan scored a few goals. Soon the game ended and our school won by 2 points. Soon we came out. “Hey let's go see Alan.” Ryan suggested. “You guys go on. I am leaving . Not feeling well.” Zoey said and looked down at her feet. “Ryan I will leave with Zoey. She is the one who drove me here.” I told Ryan. Ryan nodded. We both looked at Zoey. Something wasn't right. She was behaving weirdly. Ryan looked at me again and I understood that he was worried too.

“I will let Alan know. You guys carry on” Ryan said. I dragged Zoey with me and we reached her car. We got in and she started driving me home. The car ride was really silent. I felt like she needed some space so I didn’t question her. Soon we reached my house and when I was about to get out I turned to her and said “I know you are upset about something. But whenever you are ready remember that I am here for you to talk to.” I was worried about her. She nodded and smiled softly.

I got out of the car and started walking towards the house. I turned back to see if Zoey left or not and I saw she had already left. When I turned around and I yelped a bit. There was someone sitting there waiting for me by my door.


Hey guys I hope You guys like this chapter. Tell me what you guys think about Zoey’s problem and who do you think might be the one waiting for Andriya? Don't forget to vote and Leave a review if you guys liked it.

Follow me on instagram: @auroa_r2314



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