
82. A Peck?

Finally after what felt like an hour but was maybe just a few minutes and what to her felt like a hundred miles but was just a few steps, she saw a shadowy figure, their back against her with their head tilted up looking out the window at the night sky.

It looked like that person was staring at the moon and was oblivious to their surroundings, trapped in their own world. How RuQian wished to be that blissfully oblivious.

RuQian tried focusing her eyes on the stranger. The person seemed to be a man in a dark suit. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and opened her eyes again painfully. Her eyes wanted to stay closed and they wanted to take some rest.

She tried focusing her eyes on the man but in her condition and with the man facing his back to her, she couldn't see his face. She pulled herself, no she dragged herself towards the man, hoping for the man to be a good person and not some murderer or rapist. If he turned out to be one, 'Well I'll just have to find the strength to beat him up somehow.'

After walking for a while which felt like hours to her, she was almost near him. Now, she could see a very wide back and an extremely expensive suit which looked so comfortable that she wanted to sleep on that soft looking cloth.

She shook her head wanting to clear her muddleheaded mind and thoughts but it only made her more dizzy. She was close enough to the man to be able to touch him if she lifted her hand but her hand weighed a ton. She couldn't bring her hand to listen to her, it was like her body didn't want to cooperate with her mind any longer and wanted it's precious sleep.

She willed her hand to move and lifted her hand with all the strength she could muster. Now, as she had denied her body the sleep it wanted, she felt as if she was being pricked by tens of hundreds of needles in every single part of her body, mainly the hand she was trying to lift.

She could relinquish the control to her body but it was better to find someone who would keep her safe rather than succumb to her body's need for sleep only to be defiled later on. This pain she welcomed rather than the torture of having her body violated.

Just as her hand was about to reach the man's shoulder, which she intended to pat, he suddenly reached behind him, took a hold of her wrist and pulled her harshly in front of him, trapping her between the open windowsill and himself.

RuQian did not even have the strength to fight the man but still tried to get away from him in vain. She slowly raised her head and tried to see who the rude man was. She lifted her eyes with great difficulty but couldn't see the man. Her eyes were glazed over which only allowed her to see the outer shape of his face, not features.

She focused her eyes and used all the remaining energy she had, she 𝒉𝒂𝒅 to remember the person near whom she would become unconscious. She knew her limits, she realized she wouldn't be able to go on for long so she pushed herself to her final limits to focus on the man's features. She could see the man's jet black hair which contained streaks of brown highlights in it. His hair looked tidy but unkempt at the same time, like he ran his fingers through his hair a few times.

Slowly a pair of very beautiful, concerned grey eyes came into her view. Then she could see the long, high nose, then the pink, thin lips which looked so beautiful a girl would feel jealous. The man had such a beautiful face, that for a while RuQian's drowsiness left her.

'Ah, so he stayed. He said he would leave.' But this thought only lasted for a second, her dizziness hit her like a truck the next second which made her flinch back with a sudden jerk. Mu Chen had only been holding her lightly as she was already trapped but when she suddenly jerked back, she was about to fall out of the window as she was sitting on the windowsill.

She tried grabbing the closest thing to her with the adrenaline provided to her in the fear of falling. "Chen." She called out to him and held on tightly to something and the next second she felt something cold on her lips that turned warm in the next instant.

Her body was still running on adrenaline so she could clearly see and feel everything, the blue tie she was holding was being squished in her hands. The widened grey eyes of the man staring into her slightly confused eyes with shock and the thin warm lips pressed tightly to her thin glossy one's.

RuQian's heart started thumping loudly the next second. It wasn't an open mouthed kiss, or a sexy hot one, nor a gentle sweet one. It was just an accidental peck on her lips and nothing else but she felt like her heart was ready to jump out of her chest.

She had been thinking of this man for more than a month and she clearly understood she had felt attraction or maybe lust, as every time she categorized him as a handsome man. In her previous life when she met him in the business party, she had had an indifferent expression and she had felt nothing towards him. He was handsome then too even with a mask on but she just didn't care.

But in this lifetime, all she could think about this man was, him being handsome and his caring nature when they were young. She had kissed many different men in her previous lifetime, hell she had had countless one night stands but her heart never raced in this manner but here the damn small organ was jumping around with just a peck on the lips, an π‘¨π’„π’„π’Šπ’…π’†π’π’•π’‚π’ peck at that! What was wrong with her?

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