
Chapter - 68 Sooner or Later she's gonna be far away from you

"He caught us doing sex on the roof and now he's blackmailing us" you said as you start to look at her

"Okay, but what does he want? Money?" She said again

"No, he wants me for the night" you said as your face got sad again, I turn my attention towards her, she said nothing and just looking at you

"I don't know what to say but he's a fucked up kid" she said as she turns her attention to him

"Luci, you don't have to worry, he can't do anything" she said as she stands up and went near you and put her hand in your shoulder, you stand up and smile at her, you start to hug her, I don't know why but I feel the anger vibe from her right now, is she angry for you?

"She seems angry" I can hear Alex's words, he's here, looking at you and her hugging each other

"I think so too" I whisper, as quiet as I can be, you left her body and sit down on your seat

"What is going on here?" Alex ask to me

"Where have you been?" I ask as I turn my eyes towards him

"Uh….. why?" He said

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