
Being a Bandit is Hard!


Life can be so harsh at times. Before this ridiculous war, there were plenty of merchant caravans passing through. They would come from or toward Eaglevein, and we'd just happen to be there to steal a part of the treasure. 

We have been training diligently recently, and we have definitely become stronger. But, it still doesn't change our situation! I can hear the band members grumbling again. 

"I'm so hungry! I want real food, not tasteless roots anymore!"

"It can't be helped. At least we have something to eat. It could be worse. We could be members of that City of Starvation thingy."

"That doesn't help one bit! It's like saying: don't worry about getting tortured and killed because, in the other cell, a guy is getting tortured even more sadistically." 

"What do you even mean?" 

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