
Rune Magic Card

After checking all the material as Angus ordered, "Alright, it seems there is no defect for the item. Oh yeah, here's some monster parts and my payment." said Angus while giving Ernest another space pouch.

Catching the space pouch, Ernest immediately gave the space storage to his trusted employee to check it.

While Angus's space pouch checked, "So, is there anything else you need?" asked Ernest.

"Yes, I forgot to mention this in my order since this item is scarce and expensive. Is there any high circle rune magic?" asked Angus.

"High Circle Rune Magic? Unfortunately, even with our connection, we could not get such an item within a short time." said Ernest.

"Right, Then, if you could get such an item, please procure it for me. As for the money, use the excess money in that pouch storage I gave you." said Angus casually.

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