
34. Raine

It had been two days since I'd escaped the red eye pack. For the first few hours they were hunting me so relentlessly that I barely made it passed them in my new shifted form. Turns out being a cockroach is a lot harder then you might think. But then they just suddenly stopped and the way was clear. I didn't understand it after what I'd done to Cora. I mean she most likely lived but still I thought Slo would chase me to the ends of the earth but guess I was wrong. Whatever the reason it didn't matter all that mattered was my objective, to kill the immortal Driak.

I knew it would be no simple task to take him down, especially with the lunar eclipse pack backing him. They maybe all idiots for following him but they were strong and well trained. I needed power and lots of it. What I took from Cora was only the beginning. Thanks to Driaks control all the power I had gained before loosing my memory was given to him. This time however I would be keeping it for myself.

A sudden change in the wind sent a familiar smell towards me. I smiled inside my wolf form as I continued to pad through the trees. I knew he was following me. He had been tracking me for over a day now yet never approached. I was slowly leading him towards one of the safe houses I knew Driak no longer used any more. I needed supplies and I hoped my stuff would still be there. Though even if they weren't anything would do at this point. A bonus would be that I could greet my pursuer without being completely naked. Not that that was in any way a problem but Considering the last time I met this person I doubt he had any good intentions.

Just like the cabin near Asheville I knew the second I'd passed through the wards of the safe house near mount pleasant. It was pretty much an exact replica of the one in Asheville. Shifting back to human form I entered the cabin. Going inside the place looked like it had been ransacked. I groaned to myself. Driak you idiot you just had to take Slo to a safe house now they know we were using them. All was not lost though as I had hidden my things somewhere no one would look.

Going into the living room I approached the far wall where one of my own paintings had been hung up. A waterfall scene with a naked female bathing in its depths. As much as I like the opposite sex it didn't mean I wasn't impartial to the female form. Since the sight of this particular female set me ablaze I figured if it appealed to males the same way they were less likely to look behind it. Just as I was about to pull it down I smell drifted through the house. Male definitely the masculine woodsy smell a dead ringer. Females have of more of a flowery smell. I inched quietly towards the bedroom following the smell. Stepping without sound I waited for him to open the door.

The second the door knob turned I kicked it knocking him back forcing him onto the bed. I was on top of him in seconds my clawed hand around his throat a growl escaping my lips. My eyes took in the sunkissed brown hair and yellow eyes. His lips spread into a smile.

"Long time no see Raine."

I growled as he grabbed my wrist twisting it off his throat. His other hand going for my own throat as he rolled us till he was on top. He pinned both my hands above my head as he looked down at me. Openly taking in my naked Body beneath his own. I could feel his cock harden between us as he pinned my legs with his own. He grinned when my eyes saw what grew increasingly larger between us.

"Nice to know some things haven't changed since the last time I saw you."

I scratched him with my claw making his hold on me loosen just long enough to roll him onto his stomach twisting his wrist around his back my knee in his spine. With just enough pressure I could break his back and he knew it.

"Seems your right some things never do change."

His eyes met mine silent his features unchanging. I waited for the anger but To my surprise he chuckled.

"Alright you got me."

I let him go matching his chuckle I slid off the bed grabbing a pair of pants that were on the floor and threw them at him. He put them on while I looked for a shirt big enough to cover at least most of me. Dressed I faced Malix my arms crossed untrusting of his presence here.

"How did you get away from your father?"

He shrugged grabbing my wrist he pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me. He was at least a foot taller then me and I'll admit hot as hell. Even I couldn't help but blush at his closeness.

"You know me I always find some reason to seperate from him."

I smiled sadly. It was true I had known Malix for years. His pack thought that he liked the life of the lycans but in truth he hated it. We had first met when I was sixteen. I had been badly injured after a fight with a witch when Malix came across me. He'd nursed me back to health in secret not even knowing who I was. When he found out....I frowned not wanting to relive that day. I hadn't seen him since but judging by the look in his eyes he seemed to have gotten over it.

I didn't move as his hand reached towards my face his fingers tracing the fresh scar down my eye and cheek. I pulled away trying to put distance between us but he held me tight.

"I'm sorry Raine...."

My gaze met his again, his hand cupped my face thumb caressing my lips. We hadn't been romantic back then but something in his eyes now told me he regretted that fact.

"That night..... I was angry that you'd lied. I didn't understand....didn't know what you'd been through. Didn't even give you a chance to explain....."


My voice was sad unsure. So much had happened since that night. So much had changed since when we had spent time together two teenagers unsure of what was between us. I had lied to him for the years that we had known each other. Whenever we met I wouldn't give him any information about my life about myself. I knew that if he ever found out what I had done what Driak had made me do, turned me into he would hate me. I was right when Driak ordered me to attack the Lycan pack I had gone to warn him. I told him everything that I had lied about even my name.

I would never forget the look in his eyes. He was the first person to show me kindness. To treat me as something other then a tool to be used. We had fought that night, he was stronger but I was a weapon. I had left him bloody and bleeding but alive. After that day I never took off the mask. I wore it always never letting anyone else even those of the lunar eclipse pack see the real me.

Malix leaned in his lips kissing the scar on my face as silent tears streamed down my cheek. Sadness turned to anger as I pushed him away growling.


I roughly wiped my eyes hating how much this was effecting me. I'd let him in, sure I hadn't been honest about myself but I had trusted him. I'll be dammed if I was going to let him break that trust once more.

"Don't please....I ....I can't do this now. Please just....just go back. Forget about me....forget about back then....forget everything."

He shook his head stepping closer everything about him denying my words. His yellow eyes staring down at me as he wrapped his arms around me once more. I struggled half heartedly, the pain in my chest draining me of all my strength.

"Raine listen to me whatever your planning, whatever your feeling you don't have to go through it alone. I know I hurt you, i was hurt too. I knew even back then that you were lying to me. I didn't know what about but I knew you were hiding something. I tried to get you to open up to let me in. I didn't understand why you held walls around you. When I found out I was angry. Angry because I thought you had used me to get to my pack. I was angry because of the feelings I had towards you and the fact that I thought That you could never feel the same way back. When you left me there I saw the tears in your eyes as you left. It was in that moment that i knew what we had was real. In that moment I knew that you felt the same way that I did. I love you Raine, I've loved you from the moment I saw you so close to death all those years ago. All those times I snuck out to see you I knew I would follow you to the ends of the earth. Even if you didn't feel the same, even if I never got to have you as a man has a woman I wanted to stay by your side. So please Raine let me stay by your side let me follow you. Let me help you do whatever you feel you have to do. Whatever happens believe that I will never turn against you ever again."

I hadn't even realised that I'd stopped struggling til his hand trailed up my back to rest again at my neck. Could I really let him come with me? Could I really trust that he would stay by me as I took down an immortal being such as Driak? His words of love flowed through me. Was that what it was back then? Was that what made me go to him every time we had planned to met? Was that what drove me to warn him that night?

I had been raised as a tool, a weapon. Manipulated, used taken control of. Could I trust him at his words? More importantly if I did trust him and if this was love that I felt for him could I knowingly take him into a battle that would most likely kill both of us before it's even started?

I stared into those eyes that pleaded with me, begged me to let him in. To let him stand beside me. Looking down I leaned my forehead against his hard chest.

"I don't know if what I feel is love, I don't even know what love is. All I have ever known is hate, hatred is all I have. How can I let someone who knows what it is to love stand beside someone such as me? Where I'm going what I plan to do is not something that can be easily done. How can I bring anyone else into this hate? I can not stop hating, I can't forgive what has been done to me. I refuse to drag anyone else into this. You have a pack a family that needs you. You have plans to lead them into a better life, a life without isolation. I can't take those plans away from you and I won't."

I stepped back once more looking into his eyes.

"Go back to your pack Malix I won't have your death on my hands as well."

He growled a stern look on his face as he gritted his teeth. I knew he was stubborn but I didn't realise just how stubborn.

"Sorry Raine but I can't do that i meant what I said. Even if I can't be with you as a man you love I refuse to leave your side. My orders are to follow you until Vericus returns. So even if you try to loose me which we both know you won't be able to I'll still follow you. Though even if I didn't have those orders I'll still follow you. There's only one way to stop me and that's to kill me. Are you willing to do that?"

I stood frozen unable to move unable to answer. No I wasn't willing to do that. I couldn't kill him then just as much as I couldn't kill him now. What could I do? Even if I did manage to loose him he would find me eventually. No matter what I did he would get involved. At least if he was by my side I might have a chance of keeping him safe. Not to mention taking down Driak was no easy task two were better then one.

Sensing that I was giving in he closed the distance between us slowly. This time I didn't pull away as he cupped my face. I could feel my heart begin to race at his touch. His yellow eyes so bright as he leaned closer. I couldn't move, couldn't breath. My reluctance to let him come with me slipping away with each inch he came closer. All the feelings that I had felt back then came flooding back. His lips were so close. Just as he was about to kiss me red irises flashed before my eyes.

Growling I pushed the thoughts of him out as I closed the distance between us. Malixs lips were soft at first but as our tongues touched he became more forceful. His hands grabbed at my arse lifting me into his arms. I could feel his cock between my legs and moisture swelled at my core. My hand tangled in his hair pulling him closer. I rubbed against him a muffled groan rumbled through his chest.

I was still a virgin and inexperienced but in that moment I didn't care. I wanted him, I wanted him inside me. Everything in me yearned for it, but at the same time A slight pain started to pound inside my mind. A small voice screaming at me to stop, to put an end to our touch. A voice that was turning into excruciating pain as I ripped away from him stumbling to my feet.


I clutched at my head the pain tearing me apart. My eyes started to blur stars crossing my vision. Malix was speaking but I heard none of it as the pain tore through me. His arms wrapped around me as he cradled my head in his arms. My screams of pain hurting my throat. I don't know how long I crouched there screaming in his arms my body shaking til finally my body gave out. Exhausted I slumped in his arms only vaguely aware of him lifting me up and gently placing me on the bed. My eyes closed the second my head hit the pillow and darkness shrouded me.

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