
6. Vericus

Finally after just under two hours of running Ereni's diner came into view. Staying within the tree line I shifted back into human form. Pulling my bag from my back I pulled on some jeans and a shirt. Owen and Slo doing the same beside me. Ty still in wolf form with the others padded to my side.

"Take the others start a search of the area surrounding the diner, Then work your way out. We might not have caught their scent coming in but they might still be nearby. You find something howl."

Ty inclined his head and together with the others left to follow out my orders. I glanced from Slo to Owen.

"Come on Ereni's inside hopefully she had sense enough to close the diner for the rest of the day."

Without checking to see if they were following I left the shadows of the trees and headed towards the diner.

The building stood alone off the highway that connected Asheville to Charlotte. Secluded enough that if anything should happen few humans would be involved. Ereni had bought it with her husband ten years ago. After what had happened to my parents she blamed herself since she was my fathers beta at the time. She was beyond strong I knew with her and Grunter in Asheville I wouldn't need to station others here. Thinking about it now I wonder if that was the right choice.

The bell above the door rang as we entered. Thankfully Ereni had indeed closed the diner so that by the time we arrived the place was empty of all humans.

"You made good time."

Ereni sat on the counter her husband standing next to her. She was tall for a female about six foot two. Her muscles contracted as she pushed herself off the counter her greying hair tied into a braid at her back. Grunter of course grunted what might have been a hello. I suspected he didn't care for me much. He wasn't red eye pack being a bear shifter but he was Ereni's husband so in my books he was still family no matter how he felt about me.

Ereni stood before me her eyes taking me in a small smile spreading on her lips. Her hand reached up to try touch the scar on my eye hersmile fading. But Before she could touch it I grabbed her wrist not letting her go but not letting her touch the thing that reminded both of us of that night. Like me I knew that night would forever haunt us both.

Sighing she gently extracted her wrists from my hand and turned to Slo her smile returning in full.

"By the moon look at you you've grown so much since I last saw you."

It was no surprise since she moved here ten years ago she hadn't seen either of us in that time. I watched as she wrapped her arms around him squeezing him tight. When she pulled away Sloane put a hand on her shoulder. His eyes searching hers.

"Ereni was any body hurt?"

The intensity in his eyes had me curious. He seemed to be holding his breath for her answer.

"No my boy everyone is safe you don't need to worry."

The relief I saw in him as his body relaxed made me suspicious. Who was he worried about? Was it Ereni? Grunter?

I didn't have time to ponder this though when Owen stepped forward lifting Ereni off her feet in a tight hug her laugh a lyrical sound made me smile considering the circumstances.

"Put me down you great oaf."

Laughing he set her back down as he pulled a strand of her hair.

"Still greying I see."

She slapped his hand away playfully.

"My hair may be grey but I can still give you a run for your money even if you are older."

I growled the sound breaking the reunion like the snap of a whip.

"Enough we can get reacquainted later after we find the intruder."

Ereni nodded turning back to me.

"Of course Vericus business first."

She indicated one of the tables sitting herself on one of the chairs as Grunter who'd remained silent the whole time sat next to her. His hand wrapped around hers his eyes watching my every move like I would pounce any moment.

"There's not really much to tell Vericus I've never seen this wolf before. What I can say is that he's strong. I gave him a direct order and he brushed it off like it was nothing. I've never seen anything like it."

My lips pulled back in a low growl.

"Wait what? You gave him a direct order and he resisted it?"

Owens voice had an edge of concern that worried even me. If there was a wolf out there that could resist Ereni's orders that was not good. If it turned out this wolf was apart of the lunar eclipse pack it might explain why they've been so quiet these past months.

"Not once but twice I asked him to state his name and pack. It was strange not only did he not tell me it was like my order didn't even faze him."

Her words forced me to my feet turning to Owen and Slo.

"We need to find this wolf. We can not let someone that powerful get away. There must be a reason he came here we need to find out what it is and fast."

I started to leave when Ereni's hand grabbed my arm.

"Vericus wait!"

I growled my eyes glowing, unfazed by me Ereni looked to Slo. He was halfway out of his chair but one look from her made him freeze.

"I'm sorry Sloane but he has to know."

My eyes threw daggers at my brother.

"Know what?"

Sloane shook his head his heart skipping a beat. My wolf rose to the surface with each second he remained silent. His eyes avoiding mine telling me whatever it was I was not going to like it.


My eyes returned to hers as she pulled out an apron. Reaching out I grabbed the black fabric but didn't smell it. I wanted to hear it from them.

"he was after something. That apron has his scent on it you should be able to use it to track him."

Slowly I brought the apron to my nose one smell told me all I needed to know. It wasn't just one wolf scent on the apron but two. One most definitely male the stench of old spice with a tangy citrus to it. The other however was decidedly female a mix of orchids and cherry blossoms that sent me wild.

My hand curled as my claws extended. My canines were out as I raised the apron in front of Sloane.


Slowly he rose to his full height glaring back at me he shoved the apron away. I could tell he was trying to hold back his anger and doing a much better job of it then I was.

"Her names Kandra she needed a place to stay so I gave her one and asked Ereni to hire her as a waitress. she's been living in the pack safe house down the road for the last few months."

I snarled at him grabbing the table I threw it across the room. Grabbing Sloane by the collar I growled down at him.


Ereni tried to pull me away from Sloane but I was beyond listening. I growled her way forcing her back as her alpha. Sloane glared back at me his own anger rising.


I pushed him back needing distance before I did something I couldn't take back. Owen approached me as I started pacing turning in vain to push back my power.

"Vericus just hear him out."

I growled his way pointing at Sloane.


He answered calmly his voice trying to soothe my anger.

"I just found out."

I grabbed another table throwing it into the wall as well. Sloane tried to hide his fear but I saw it. Even though I hated myself for making him afraid of me I couldn't stop the darkness from rising.


Ereni didn't answer Grunter pulling her behind him protecting his mate from me. His glare shot daggers at me but I was beyond caring.

"At the cabin I dropped her there myself. I told her to wait til either Ereni or I came to get her."

I took one last look at Sloane.

"This is on you Sloane what happens now is your own fault."

My wolf burst out shredding my clothes as I jumped through the glass window. I didn't get far before Owens tan wolf caught up to me. Skidding to a halt my hackles raised my teeth bared. Not even seconds later Ereni too blocked my path her wolf completely grey her husband in the form of a brown bear at her side. Sloane nothing more then a black streak came from the side barreling into me.

The force knocked me to the ground, but I was back up less than a second later. All four blocked my path as I growled at them.


Sloane bared his teeth at me making my wolf boil. Owen snapped at Sloane forcing him to back down. Blue eyes turned back to me.

'Vericus you need to calm down. If you go like this you'll rip her apart. I know you don't want that blood on your paws.'

My growls deepened.

'Please Ver it's my fault she's here. Don't make her pay for my mistakes.'

I snapped towards him.

'Your right this is your fault you should have told me about her! How do you know she isn't the one that let them in? She could be the enemy and you just let her into out territory with no regards for anyone's safety!"

'Vericus you don't know the whole story. Come back with us and we'll explain it.'

I growled at Ereni everything in me wanted to stop what was growing inside me. Wanted to hear them out. But the power of my wolf only saw them as obstacles in my path. Subordinates challenging me, challenging their alpha and my wolf would not stand for it.

Before I could stop myself I moved to attack Ereni, Grunters much bigger size blocked the attack pushing Ereni out of the way. My teeth sank into his side, my jaws biting down through flesh and muscle. His roar sent the birds flying in fear. Pain shot from my paw. letting go of Grunter I grabbed Ereni's neck and ripped her off my paw tossing her to the side.

Not breaking in their attacks Owen latched into my side, growling I threw myself against a tree where he was attached. He released me the wind knocked out of him. Sloane was the only one left as the others struggled to recover.

I faced him my hackles rising more, his blue eyes so much like our mothers pleaded for me to stop.

'If you hurt her I'll never forgive you.'

I attacked slashing with my paw knocking him to the ground. Pinning him down I growled down at him just as I was about to bite down a gust of wind drifted in. The scent of old spice and citrus hit my nose. But that wasn't the only thing I could smell. There was orchids and cherry blossoms and hidden within those cherry blossoms was the scent of a heart numbing fear.

I snapped towards Sloane glancing at the others my anger abated in an instant. Glaring down at Sloane I spoke through the mindlink.

'Your friend is in danger stay here and take care of them. When I get back you will tell my everything.'

Not waiting for an answer I broke away running towards the cabin. Following the scent and knowing that's exactly where it was coming from. I knew I had lost control, I had hurt them because of it. But when I scented her fear I couldn't stop my need to save her. The overwhelming pull to protect her. Whoever this female was she was not with them. That much was abundantly clear. That however didn't mean she was innocent. I'll dispose of this threat then I will have my answers and if she proves to be a threat to my family, to my pack I will kill her. Even if It means Sloane will hate me forever I must do what I have to to keep them all safe.

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