
Call It Whatever You Want


It was late at night and all of the lights were off in Colin Moore's one-bedroom apartment, except for the one in his bedroom. The only noise in the apartment was the clicking of keys on his keyboard coming from inside his room. It was a typical night. Colin was at his computer with his headphones on his head, taking part of a guild raid in his favorite online roleplaying game. Part of the "luxury" of being single and having no social life was that he got to play a lot of video games.

As the clock struck 11:00, the guild called it a night, and Colin tore off his headphones and rubbed his ears, which had become sore and sweaty from hours of sitting at his computer raiding.

Colin, 25, had lived by himself ever since he moved out of his parents' house after high school. He wasn't particularly close with his family, who saw him mostly as a loser who didn't live up to his potential. Colin didn't think of himself as a failure, he just lacked motivation. For the past 7 years he worked the same job making sandwiches at a Deli down the street. It was walking distance from his apartment, so he didn't need to pay for a car. He had enough money to buy video games, and pay rent and bills, and that was all that he needed in life. Colin was a pretty simple loner, and when he was not at work he spent his time doing one of two things: playing video games and masturbating to porn.

Suddenly his cell phone started ringing, and he jumped slightly in shock. He rarely received calls, so he wasn't used to hearing the sound. He still had the default ringtone as his ringer since there was no reason to change it. He picked up the clunky, outdated phone and checked the caller ID before answering it. It was his sister. He quickly answered and said hi.

"Hey big brother!" came the voice of Kayleigh, his 20-year old little sister. She had a high-pitched voice that was very cute and girly.

"Oh, hey sis. What's up?" he replied.

"A lot is up, honestly. I was wondering if I could come stay with you for a little while? I kinda pissed off Dad and he says I can't live at home any more. What a fucking dick!" Even when she was mad she still sounded cute. Kayleigh was living at home while going to community college part time, but it didn't sound like things were going very well.

Colin wasn't a big fan of their father either. Their dad didn't think he would amount to anything - and begrudgingly he was right - so the two of them hadn't talked much in the past few years. "Sure, I guess." Colin did a quick glance around at his messy apartment. It hadn't been cleaned in months. Empty pizza boxes were stacked in a corner, and there was dirty laundry strewn across every room. "I don't have much room here since it's a one-bedroom apartment, but you can crash on the sofa if you want."

"Sounds great! I'll see you tomorrow! Thanks bro!" Kayleigh chirped happily.

As he hung up the phone, Colin said "Well, this'll be interesting." to his empty apartment. He hadn't seen Kayleigh since last Christmas, and the time before that was a while too, so they were kind of out of touch. Then again, she was probably the only person he could count on for help if he needed it, so Colin figured he should be the same way in return. He hoped she wouldn't be bored, or worse - grossed out, by his apartment. How long was she needing to stay? He had no idea. First things first: he had some cleaning up to do.


The next day Colin returned home from work and found Kayleigh waiting by his apartment door. At first, he didn't even recognize his sister. She was waiting with a single pink suitcase by the door, and she was absolutely gorgeous.

"Hey bro!" Kayleigh squealed and threw her arms around Colin, giving him a big hug.

"Wow, Kay! Hi!" Colin said sheepishly, hugging her back.

As they finished hugging, Colin pulled back to take a look at Kayleigh again. She had long blonde hair that was dyed very light blonde, almost platinum, and she was very tan - obviously she went tanning often because her skin was much more tan than his.

There was something else different about her too. Actually, two things. Kayleigh had always been a skinny little girl, at a mere 5'3" she only weighed 110 lbs soaking wet, and she had always been flat chested. Now, she was still as skinny as a rail, but she had a set of huge knockers, and she was flaunting them with a V-neck shirt with a deep plunging neckline, showing as much cleavage as possible. She was also wearing a pair of daisy dukes, jean shorts that were cut so high that her pockets stuck out the bottom.

As Colin and Kayleigh stepped into the apartment, he helped her with the suitcase and tossed it onto the floor near the sofa. The pink suitcase probably weighed more than she did. Colin had done a little cleaning the night before, basically just throwing out any loose trash laying around the apartment. The place still looked like a bachelor pad -- everything was basic and plain.

"I appreciate you letting me crash here for a bit while I figure things out. I didn't know where else to go." Kayleigh said, twirling her long blonde hair around one of her fingers as she looked around.

"No prob, it'll be good to reconnect." Colin said, going to the refrigerator to get a beer. He liked to have a couple brewskis after work to unwind. "Want one?" he asked, taking a swig.


Colin handed his 20-year old sister a beer as well, and they sat down on the sofa to talk.

"So why did Dad kick you out of the house?" he asked.

"Well...." she said, drawing out the first word of her explanation as long as possible. She tapped her perfectly manicured fingers against the bottle of beer a few times. "I used the money that Daddy gave me for tuition this year to get a boob-job. He wasn't too happy about that."

"Oh, I was wondering about those!" Colin exclaimed, excited that he finally figured out how his kid sister had changed so suddenly. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he realized he probably sounded a little too excited. He shut his mouth, internally cursing himself, wishing he had reacted more coolly.

"Yep." Kayleigh said, cupping her hands underneath her big tits, and she gave them a little squeeze with her fingers. "About a month ago. Community college sucks anyway, I want to be a lingerie model, so really I'm investing in my future, ya know?"

"Damn! You went big!" Colin said, staring at her round knockers.

"Yeah, I went from a small B-cup to an E." she continued, clearly happy to tell him all the details. "I wanted to go bigger, like, real big, but the doctor recommended against such a big increase all at once. So for now, I'm gonna stick with these E-cups until I can go bigger!"

Colin's jaw dropped.

"Oh, and with the leftover cash I got my lips done too. See?" she said, puckering her full, swollen lips into a kissy face. It was a noticeable change, she had big, plump dick-sucking lips now. Colin could only imagine what it would be like to kiss them, or to see them wrapped around ... something.

"So yeah, that's Daddy kicked me out. He was totally pissed that I spent all that tuition money on plastic surgery but I really, really want to be a lingerie model. I shouldn't need to crash here too long, just until I can start setting up some modeling gigs." she said, sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, her shorts riding up her thighs, and she was twirling her blonde hair around her finger as she talked.

"No problem, stay as long as you want. Sorry that I can only offer you the sofa." Colin responded. He was already thinking that having his sister around wouldn't be too bad.

The two of them stayed on the sofa talking until the wee hours of the morning, drinking beer after beer. Colin couldn't tell if it was the booze talking, or if she was just naturally very open, but Kayleigh was very candid and open about talking about her boobs and how much she loved them. Every time she would refer to her tits, she would cup them in her hands and lift them up a little, and Colin would glance down to take a good look at them. Actually, he took a nice long glance at them even when she wasn't squeezing them. Any time Kayleigh wasn't looking at him, he'd let his eyes wander down to get another look at her round jugs. Colin had never seen a set of tits that big and that round up close in real life before. Sure, he jerked off to big-tit porn movies regularly, but it was different seeing them in real life. On more than one occasion, Colin found himself getting an erection as he gazed at his sister's swells, and he would suddenly feel extremely guilty and force himself to think about something non-sexual until his dick went soft again.

Once the fridge was empty and there were no more beers left, Colin and Kayleigh decided to call it a night and head to bed. Colin got Kayleigh a spare blanket for the sofa as she changed into a set of cute little pink satin pajamas. Once she was all set, Colin went into his bedroom and shut the door.

Colin was tired, but he was too horny to fall sleep just yet. He turned off his bedroom light to make it seem like he was going to bed, and then he booted up his computer and started surfing for porn. He hit up his usual favorite websites, checking out some porn that featured some hot babes with big, round tits. Big tit porn was his favorite genre of porn to jerk off to, and his hard drive was full of full length videos he had downloaded. Colin spent a lot of time surfing the web for porn, being that he was single -- and had been single for a long time.. In fact, most nights he was either playing online roleplaying games or jerking off. There wasn't much to it.

After jerking off for about 20 minutes, Colin grabbed a handful tissues in his hand and emptied his load into the wad of tissues. It wasn't his most satisfying orgasm ever, but it would get him through the night.

As he threw the issues in the wastebasket and shut his computer down, Colin was ready to crawl into bed when he heard a faint moan from out in the living room. He paused for a moment and began to listen closely. Was it his sister? Was she talking in her sleep? Then, he heard her moan again out there in the main room.

Curiosity got the best of him, and Colin slowly opened his bedroom door to glance out by the sofa where Kayleigh was. His sister was laying back on the sofa, with her long blonde hair sprawling on the pillow behind her head, her back was arched slightly, pushing her huge tits up against her pajama top, and her thigh were spread wide apart. Her nipples must have been rock hard because they were visibly poking through her top. Her pajama bottoms had been pulled down to her ankles, and her knees were bent slightly as her thighs were opened wide, and she was rubbing her pussy, getting herself off.

Colin was shocked at first to see his twenty-year old sister pleasuring herself on his sofa. He watched her silently, pushing the limits of appropriate behavior, but he was just so curious. Kayleigh's thighs were gorgeous and tan, and between them she had the prettiest pussy he had ever seen. She was shaved completely bald, and he could see that she was soaking wet.

Kayleigh was rubbing her clit with one hand while her other hand squeezed one of her big jugs through her top. She was moaning lightly, just enough where she probably thought that Colin wouldn't have heard her. Colin watched, his jaw dropped open again, and he continued to watch until his sister made herself cum. It was so fucking hot that his dick got hard again.

Once she came, Colin squeezed his door shut quietly, jerked off one more time using that image in his mind, then went to sleep.


The next morning when Colin awoke he was greeted by the smell of breakfast cooking. The lure of fresh bacon and eggs got him out of bed and he stumbled into the kitchen, wearing just his boxer shorts, and he found Kayleigh in the kitchen, spatula in hand, cooking over the stove.

"Hey there sleepy! I figured I'd make us some breakfast!" she chirped cheerfully in that sweet, cute voice. Kayleigh was just wearing some lace panties and a matching bra. The bra cups held her magnificent breasts up and cradled them together. She was the most scantily clad girl that he had ever had in his apartment. For some reason, seeing her standing there cooking for him made her even hotter.

"Nice! You didn't have to cook!" Colin replied, stealing a strip of bacon.

"It's the least I can do to repay you." Kayleigh told him.

"Repay me? For what?"

"For letting me stay here. I know I'm not bringing in any money right now, but once I get in with some modeling agencies, I'll be able to help out with bills. 'Til then, I gotta do what I can to help out." she smiled at Colin, who was mesmerized by her smile and her big plump lips. Even in the morning, her lips were glossy and sensual.

Colin was starting to get an erection as he was standing in the kitchen with his little sister. He couldn't help but get aroused by having such a knockout babe standing around wearing almost nothing. Her ass cheeks were only half covered by her little lace panties, and her gorgeous knockers were about to spill out of that bra.

He was starting to have thoughts of wrapping his arms around her skinny waist and hugging her tight, and burying his face in between those huge jugs of hers. Her cleavage was so deep, her boobs were bulging out, yearning to be worshiped. Oh how good it would feel to motorboat those sweater-puppies. Her tits were cock-pillows made for toying with. They should be squeezed, sucked, and fucked daily.

Colin didn't realize a few minutes of silence had passed as those lecherous thoughts floated through his mind.

"What'cha thinking about?" she asked as she continued to cook breakfast. She was poking the spatula at the food while she brushed a strand of long, bleached blonde hair back behind her ear.

Colin blinked and shook his head, "Uhh... nothing."

"Oh, nothing? So, what were you thinking about last night?" she asked, a little grin formed on her face which was turned slightly away from Colin's sight.

"Last night?" he repeated. Last night? What was she talking about? He thought. Did she mean on the sofa when they were talking? Or later, after that, when he was stroking off in his bedroom after he told her he went to sleep.

"Yeah." she pursued.

"Oh, last night? Like, when last night?" he repeated the question, buying some time to think.

"Last night after you said you were going to bed, I heard you in your room jerking off. What did you jerk off to?"

She knew. And she was so candid and blunt about it too. There was no hiding or avoiding the topic; Colin had been caught. His sister might appear like a bimbo, but she wasn't as dumb as she looked.

"Ohhh... you heard me, huh?" he said sheepishly, and began to blush.

"Yeah, you know sound travels pretty easily through your walls." she said, placing her hands on her hips and looking at him.

For some reason he felt ashamed, and a mix of embarrassment and guilt. "I'm sorry." were the first words that came out. He felt like he had been caught by his mother.

Kayleigh giggled out loud, a high-pitched laugh that was full of glee. "Why are you apologizing!? I'm not mad! I'm curious what you were jerking off to!"

"I was looking at some porn on my computer. I have a bunch of movies saved."

"Really? What kind?" Kayleigh seemed pretty curious.

"I like the big tit genre usually. Actually, almost exclusively. I pretty much only jerk off to movies with pornstars who have really huge boobs. The movie has to have lots of tittyfucking and that sorta thing..." Colin admitted.

"So you're a big boob lover, huh?" Kayleigh asked.


"Like, how big do you like them? Like my size?" she asked, turning to face him.

Colin took a deep breath and stared at his sister's delicious, overflowing bra-fillers as he answered. Her E-cup boobs were full and swelling up from her bra, like twin bubbles of flesh waiting to be molested. "Yeah, actually. The pornstars that I'm really into are just about the same size. In fact, you have very similar bodies. Your tits are basically perfect, in my opinion. Shit, I hope that didn't sound weird."

Kayleigh laughed and squeezed his arm, "Maybe it should be a little weird, but I think I'm kinda weird too. I'm glad you like them! I love the attention, honestly. I wasn't sure if you were going to think I went too big, like Daddy did."

"Too big!?" Colin gasped, "'Too big' is hardly in my vocabulary! I love 'em big! Big is the fucking best! They look amazing! If you weren't my sister I'd totally be drooling over them."

"That's awesome! Yay, I'm so happy!" Kayleigh squealed, delighted by her brother's approval, and she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a big hug, squeezing her body up against his.

Colin was dressed just in his boxers, and Kayleigh was sporting just her bra and panties. When the two siblings hugged, their mostly nude bodies squeezed together, and their bare skin made sinful contact. Colin felt the warmth of his sister's huge melons squeeze up against his chest. He had never had a woman with such a big, perfect rack willfully squeeze it up against his body. It felt wonderful. Colin's dick was hard as a rock now, and he knew that Kayleigh could tell. There was no way to hide his fully erect penis behind just a thin layer of fabric. His bulge pressed up against her mound as they hugged.

"Alright, I gotta get to work." Colin said reluctantly, and started finding some clothes.

"Ok. Maybe I'll send you some dirty sexts of me posing in my lingerie so that you have some new material to stroke that big cock to." she told him, with a wickedly mischievous smile on her face.

"Oh shit, that would be awesome, sis." Colin paused after he said the word sis, which forced him to reflect on the situation. He thought for a moment, then added, "But, I think that might be crossing a line, kind of, don't you think?"

"Crossing a line? Oh, sorry." Kayleigh said. She looked sad now, and her grin had turned to a slight pout. She looked absolutely adorable as she stood there, in just her bra and panties, delicious curves spilling out of her bra and panties. "I guess if you say so. I was just really excited because you seem to really love big boobs too, and I haven't really had a chance to show them off since I had the operation."

"Oh..." Colin said, realizing he really did want to see those pictures of his sister in lingerie. Why talk her out of it? Plus, he managed to make her sad. What an idiot!

"You're right. I don't want to do anything like, ya know, like incest. We're not rednecks ya know?" Kayleigh said, twirling her blonde hair around her finger.

"No, no, no! Don't even say that. Forget I said anything. Never mind! I mean, it might seem weird to some people, but we're close, ya know? So there's nothing wrong with it. I mean, incest means having sex, which we definitely aren't. Not even close."

"Yeah, that's true." Kayleigh said, her smile returning.


That day at work was one of the longest work days of Colin's life. First of all, customers were being a pain in the ass and he really didn't have the patience for it today. Secondly, he didn't get any text messages from Kayleigh all day. He kept sneaking out the back to check to make sure his phone had reception. By the end of the day, Colin was disappointed. He really wanted Kayleigh to send him some sexy photos, but she must have gotten cold feet. Maybe she thought better of it. He thought maybe he had talked her out of it. What an idiot!

As he walked home from work, he shuffled along slowly, dragging his feet as he stared at the ground. He thought about what to say to his sister. He was anticipating an awkward conversation.

Colin entered his apartment and tossed his keys on the table. Kayleigh wasn't in the living room, so he wondered if she was home. "I'm home!" he announced. "Kayleigh, you here?"

"Welcome home, big brother." he heard her voice coming from his bedroom, and then she was standing there in the doorway.

Kayleigh had changed into some lingerie and she was now standing in the doorway, her hands were holding the door frame. Her slim little waist was squeezed into a gorgeous black satin corset. Her waist was already slim, but the tight corset made her look even more tiny and accentuated her curvaceous swells. Her big knockers were cupped by the corset and presented up nice and high as they were obviously squeezed into it with all the effort she could manage. Kayleigh's boobs bulged up as they were snugged tightly by the corset. There was a zipper than ran from top to bottom on the front of the corset, and she had to leave the top unzipped a few inches, giving her bosom more room. Her big, fake boobs were displayed gloriously, the lush curves of her cleavage were ready to spill out and overflow if she bent forward too far. She was dressed to kill, a pair of patching panties, fishnet thigh-highs, and seven-inch platform heels completed her outfit.

"Holy shit." Colin said, his eyes feasting on his little sister's body.

"You like it?" she asked, smiling. Kayleigh spun around, giving him a full view. Her cheeks were full and tight as her panties struggled to cover them. "I figured instead of sending you some pictures, I'd give you a full lingerie fashion show tonight."

"Wow, you look ... amazing!" he couldn't find the words to describe how utterly fuckable his little sister looked right then. She looked like she belonged on the pages of a magazine.

"Good, I was thinking I could show you all my different outfits and you could help me choose which ones to wear for my photo shoots."

"Yeah I'd be glad to help." Colin said, his eyes taking in all the gorgeous flesh. He was getting a hard-on again and the bulge in his pants was becoming obvious. If he was going to sit and watch her prance and dance around in lingerie, he was going to be pretty uncomfortable. "Let me just change out of my work clothes and into something more comfortable."

Colin went into his bedroom and took all of his clothes off, and wore just a bathrobe. He felt a little bit like Hugh Hefner as he changed into his robe while his sister was walking around in lingerie and high heels. Colin sat down in his favorite chair, and the robe allowed him comfortable breathing room between his legs so that his rock-hard erection could stick out unconstrained.

"So what do you think of this outfit?" Kayleigh asked, twirling around a couple times in front of her brother, showing off her corset, fishnet stockings, and ultra-high heels. Kayleigh was very close to him, standing almost between his knees as Colin sat in the chair, thighs spread apart luxuriously, and the flap of his robe covering his stiff boner.

"I think it looks sexy! I love the corset and stockings." he said, feeling like he was oogling a stripper on stage.

"The only problem with this corset is it's too small up top." his busty sister said, tugging on the zipper in the front again. As hard as she tried, the damn corset just wouldn't zip up all the way, so it was left partially open, exposing even more cleavage to feast his eyes on. "I thought it would be big in the bust!"

"It's fine. I like it like that, actually. Your tits are overflowing in it!" Colin said with a huge grin on his face.

"Really? So my boobies look good in this outfit?"

"Kay, baby, your boobies look fantastic! That outfit definitely shows off your best assets, which are your tits." he said, practically drooling.

"I'm so glad you like them!" she said, almost squealing with joy. Kayleigh reached up and squeezed her breasts in her hands, which caused them to swell up even more.

Kayleigh went into the bedroom to change into her next outfit, and Colin waited outside with eager anticipation. He pulled open the front of his robe enough for him to reach his hand inside, and he squeezed and stroked his rock-hard dick some while he waited. He was really going to need to cum after this lingerie fashion show. It was just too much watching his sister dressed in these tantalizing, sexy outfits.

"Ok, here's the next one." he heard her voice say, and Colin looked up to see her standing in the doorway again. He quickly pulled his hand out from inside his robe.

Kayleigh was now wearing a pink bra and panties, and a matching pink and black garter belt with straps that attached to a pair of thigh-high stockings. She changed her shoes again too, now wearing another pair of pink 7 inch heels. She looked like a stripper from heaven. The bra fit her perfectly, cupping and holding her young breasts up high. The material of her panties was sheer, so Colin could see through them and see the folds of her pussy lips clearly.

His sister had noticed that he had been sneaking a little rub of his aching cock, and she said "You don't have to stop. I take it as a compliment."

Colin was a little unsure if he should continue jerking off in front of his sister, so he paused for a little while and decided to just watch.

Kayleigh explained what she was wearing and told him about the fabric, who made the bra and panty set, and asked him if he liked it. She was standing in between his thighs again, just inches away from him. He gazed at her perfect body and those incredible tits, and he couldn't help but not stroke himself again.

Colin opened his bathrobe, and revealed his stiff, rock hard dick. The tip of his penis was wet where his precum had been oozing steadily out of the tip. He wrapped one of his hands around his bare member and held it in his hand, slowly stroking and jerking off while his busty sister twirled in front of him, showing off her lingerie and her amazing, fuckable body.

"You're going to make so much money with that body." Colin told her.

Kayleigh turned her head and saw that her brother had opened his bathrobe and was stroking his cock openly. Although she knew that he had been erect, and although she had heard him jerking off two nights ago, this was the first time she had seen Colin's dick and seen him jerking off. He was jerking off to her!

"Wow, Colin, your cock is big! Are you that hard just from watching me?" she asked, seemingly flattered.

"You bet. It'd be impossible to not get a hard-on looking at you." he replied.

"That's soooo sweet!" she said, and she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Colin inhaled deeply through his nose as his sister leaned over him, "God you smell good." he whispered.

"Colin, seeing you this turned on, well... it's turning me on too." Kayleigh admitted, standing there between his open legs in her bra and panties. He was openly stroking his hand up and down his cock, letting the precum drip down his shaft. He had never jerked off like this in front of a girl before, let alone his little sister. He felt so open and revealed, but it felt so good too.

"Yeah, I mean I can't help but get turned on around you, Kay." he told her.

"Is this ok? What we're doing?" she asked, it was a seemingly innocent question.

"I think so. It's not incest, right? Because incest is only intercourse." Colin assured her.

"Ok, good! I just love turning guys on, and knowing that I can turn on my own brother, that's the hottest feeling in the world!" she said.

"You're doing a great job of it. Look at me!" he said, showing off his stiff cock that was throbbing.

Kayleigh was getting so wet herself from seeing how turned on her brother was. She had some very slutty tendencies, so seeing a hard cock just a few inches away from her was very difficult to resist. She had an instinctive urge to drop to her knees and start sucking it, but she knew she shouldn't. Her pussy was soaking her panties wet the more she stood between her brother's legs. After a few moments, she unhooked her bra and let it slide off, down her arms. The bra slipped off completely and landed on the floor.

Colin watched as his sister's gorgeous breasts spilled out of her bra as she undressed them. Her boobs were perfect. They were round, perky, and even though they were huge, they barely sagged at all as their support was removed. Her titflesh was so young and tight that gravity hadn't even begun to take its toll on her bosom. Each of her perfect mountains of breast-meat were capped with a small halo, slightly darker in color; her areola were just a dark pink in color and her nipples were only somewhat hard, leaving them just soft enough that Colin's lips quivered at the suckable nubs.

His hand was beating off his member quickly now, and he switched hands from time to time. His sister was standing between his knees, just an inch away from his drooling fuck-stick, and she was topless.

"Wait 'til you see what I try on next." his busty sister said as she walked back toward the bedroom, her hips swaying seductively. It was the kind of walk a woman did when she wanted a man to look at her rear.

"I can't wait." he groaned.

The busty girl returned a few minutes later, still topless, but now she was wearing a little plaid miniskirt with her heels. The skirt was so short that it didn't even cover all of of her ass, leaving the bottom half of her cheeks bare. Her blonde hair was tied back now into pigtails too.

"Nice!" Colin said from his chair, he was relaxing and enjoying the show with his robe completely open, dick sticking straight up.

Kayleigh walked up to her brother again and let him have a close up look. She didn't have any panties under that skimpy, slutty schoolgirl skirt, and her bald mound was peeking out. "You wanna hear something crazy?" she said.

Colin nodded his head. He could barely think straight.

"Since I got the boob job, I haven't had anyone play with my titties yet." she whispered, leaning over slightly so that her E-cup melons were pushed out.

"No one?" her brother said, his voice cracking. He started slowly reaching up.

"Nope, things have been so busy with the recovery, fighting with Daddy, and having to move out, that I've hardly seen anybody."

Colin let his hands cup his sister's luscious tits and he held them for a second, then gave them both a nice squeeze at the same time. His fingers flexed a little as he squeezed them, and he felt her melons bulge under his grasp.

"You read my mind." Kayleigh whispered.

"They feel incredible. Oh God..." he said in bliss.

Kayleigh's knockers were the greatest set of tits he had ever felt. They looked and felt so perfect in his hands. He played with them eagerly for a long while, squeezing and rubbing them everywhere, absolutely molesting them. He would squeeze them together too, making each tit smush up against the other, making them bulge together lewdly. Her nipples had become nice and stiff now too. Her areola had become slightly darker as her nipples were aroused, and her skin became slightly pebbly and bumpy around the stiff, firm nubs of her nipples.

"I used to be able to cum just from having my nipples sucked." she told him. "I've been dying to see if I still can."

"Kayleigh, baby, I'd love to suck on your titties. There's nothing else I'd rather to than suck these nipples in my mouth right now." he said, continuously fondling her gorgeous rack. "Should we?" he asked, conflicted.

"Well, you did say something like this wouldn't technically be incest, right?" his stacked sister responded.

"Right, it isn't! Not technically." Colin said, then he added: "Not at all."

"Yeah, so it's okay. Go ahead and suck them. Please..."

He couldn't turn down an offer like that, and why should he? Technically they weren't doing anything wrong, and since they had come this far, what was wrong with a little sucking? Kayleigh's boobs were right in front of his face as he was squeezing and fondling them, so how could he not suck them? It would be crazier to not suck on those gorgeous tits at this point. Kayleigh's boobs were more than just a set of breasts, they were much more. They had been transformed from a modest set of boobs into a pair of man-made toys, and their purpose was to be squeezed, sucked and fucked. They were cock-milking fuck-pillows.

Colin opened his mouth wide and sucked his sister's right nipple into his mouth. His lips sealed around her skin as he tugged her nipple into his mouth and started to nurse on it. He sucked tenderly while he held her breasts in his hands, feeding the nipple into his mouth directly.

"Here, I'll hold them so your hands are free to play with yourself." she told her brother, and swatted his hands away from her chest. She lifted her big fuck-pillows up herself and pushed them up against Colin's face.

With her tits now held for him right in front of his mouth, Colin's hands were now free to jack off his cock again. He nursed on his sister's sweet nipple tenderly and moaned into her big tits as he sucked. He never thought he'd get to suck on a pair of tits as big as these.

Kayleigh started to moan as Colin nursed on her tits and switched from nipple to nipple. "Yes, it still feels so good! You can totally make me cum if you keep sucking on 'em. Please don't fucking stop."

Colin was rubbing his cock up and down even more quickly now as he sucked on Kayleigh's boobs. He tried to draw as much titflesh into his mouth as he could, sucking so hard at times that his cheeks would cave in. While her nipple was in his mouth, he would slide his tongue over it. He played with her nipple inside his mouth, circling his tongue around it and rubbing the flat of his tongue over the nub. Sucking on her tits felt right, despite how wrong and socially taboo it would be. For some reason, having his sister's tits on his face and his lips wrapped around her nipples was the most right he'd ever felt.

"Oh God, I'm cumming baby!" Kayleigh squealed to him.

He kept sucking on her nipples through her orgasm, and stroked his stiff cock until he made himself cum. He let out a loud moan which was muffled by his sister's tits smushing his face, but it was obvious to Kayleigh when he brother started to cum because her stomach started getting sprayed with squirts of hot semen.

Colin's dick exploded with several powerful squirts of baby batter that splashed across Kayleigh's flat stomach. He fired out three monster squirts of jizz that completely soaked her tummy immediately. The thick, gooey sperm started oozing down her stomach before he was even finished ejaculating. Colin would have wanted to spray his load across her boobs, but since he was sucking on them at the time, that was impossible. He just kept jacking his cock off, not caring where the rest of his load sprayed. His next squirt of jizz sprayed across her tan thighs, and the one after that splattered directly over her pussy, soaking her cunt with white slime. By the end of his orgasm, her tummy and lower body were soaked in gooey white ball-juice.

After the heated moment of passion, Kayleigh went into the bathroom to clean up, and Colin changed into a pair of boxers and t-shirt, and his sister did the same. They curled up on the sofa together, and both of them seemed to be wondering what impact what they had just done would have on their brother-sister relationship, but neither of them were ready to talk about it. So instead of talking, they cuddled up under a blanket and watched a movie on TV until it was time for bed. Kayleigh fell asleep halfway through the movie, and Colin carried her into his bedroom and tucked her into his bed before he crawled in as well. It was the first time they slept in the same bed together since they were kids.


Colin didn't get much sleep that night but Kayleigh was out cold. It was impossible for Colin to drift off while he slept next to his busty sister. He was spooned up behind her so that her back was pressed up against his front, with her ass nuzzled up against his crotch, and one of his arms was reached around her front, clutching one of her big, fake tits in his hand. He kept squeezing it occasionally to remind himself that the situation was real.

With her shapely rear-end pressed right up against his hips, Colin had a throbbing erection all night long. He couldn't take his mind off what had happened earlier. Having those juicy buns of hers pushed right up against his cock made him fantasize about her all night.

Finally, around 5:00 AM he finally drifted off to sleep, only a couple hours before he needed to go to work.


The sunlight streaming through his mini-blinds woke Colin up in the morning. When he realized it was morning, he wondered if he woke up just minutes before his alarm clock buzzer went off, which happened from time to time. He glanced at the alarm clock - it was 9:50. The alarm should have gone off at 9:00. He was late! He needed to be at work by 10:00 and it took him 15 minutes just to walk to work.

He would be late, no doubt about it, but maybe if he hurried he wouldn't be unforgivably late. He jumped up out of the bed, realizing that his sister wasn't in bed with him any more. He rushed to the bathroom and heard the shower running. Colin rushed into the bathroom anyway.

Kayleigh was taking a shower, and the bathroom was foggy with warm steam. Colin could see the silhouette of his sister's busty, slender body through the semi-transparent door of the shower.

"Kay, I need to take a shower real quick! I'm late! Did you turn off the alarm?" he blurted out.

"Yeah, I turned off the buzzer so you could sleep in. You seemed like totally tired." she said casually. He could see her soaping her body up through the door.

He groaned in frustration, but he couldn't be too mad at his little sister. "Alright well can you hurry up? I need to shower before work."

"Just hop in and join me." she said.

Colin figured there was no harm in it, since he and his sister had become pretty comfortable with each other already. He slid open the door to the shower and stepped inside. Kayleigh's long blonde hair was wet, matted to her head, and the hot water of the shower was steaming over her curves. The water was trickling down over her chest, making her nipples hard, and she was holding a bath sponge in her hand that she was using the soap herself up. Little soapy bubbles were smeared across her tan skin, and they were slowly dripping down over the curves of her booty, her thighs, and her skinny waist.

As soon as he stepped into the shower, Colin forgot all about work. The two siblings were facing each other as they soaped themselves up. Colin watched intently as his sister was rubbing her hands all over her body. Her skin was slick and shiny, and he was envious of her hands as they roamed over her sensual body.

"Let me help you." he said, taking the bottle of scented, moisturizing body wash, and he poured a liberal amount into his hand.

"That would be great." his buxom sister replied.

Colin began soaping up her ass first. His hands clutched her firm, squeezable rear-end tightly at first, and then he started to rub in circles, spreading the soap around. Her buns were nice and slick after a few minutes of his generous cleaning. As he was squeezing and rubbing his sister's ass, Colin's body was getting wet from the showering water, and he had developed a raging boner.

Next he decided to start washing Kayleigh's tits. Again he squirted a very generous amount of liquid soap into his hands, and then he placed his palms on top of her big, swollen jugs. He could feel her nipples against his palms as his fingers spread across the rest of her boobs. Soap trickled down his hands and clung to the underside of her breasts. The soap trickled down her chest and then over her ribs which were just slightly pronounced underneath the ballooning swells of her fake tits. He started squeezing and rubbing as he spread the soap across her chest. Colin never would have believed that he would one day get to fool around with a busty, sexy babe like this in the shower. Of course, part of him felt like being his sister wouldn't count, but he certainly felt like a stud at the moment.

As he freely groped, squeezed, and rubbed his sister's gorgeous tits, Kayleigh started to play with his dick. Her delicate fingers wrapped around his hard-on and she started to give strokes back and forth along the length of his shaft. Soap had started to drip down Colin's body as well, so Kayleigh was able to start giving him a nice soapy, slippery handjob.

"Enjoying yourself?" she asked, while her brother's hands seemed glued to her titties.

"Oh, fuck yeah. I could play with your tits for hours." he responded.

"That's great because it feels really good." she said, smiling at him.

Kayleigh was now pumping her hand up and down Colin's dick pretty quickly, really jerking him off. By this point, the two siblings had stopped pretending they were washing each other, and started to really just enjoy what they were doing for each other.

"You know now that you've got me all hard, you're going to need to milk the cum out of me." Colin told Kayleigh as she was rubbing his penis.

"Here," she said, handling him a bottle of conditioner. "Why don't you use this and show me how you'd cum on my tits if I let you."

"Oh, you mean like this?" Colin said as he opened the top of the conditioner bottle. He held the bottle up high, level with Kayleigh's chest, and he squeezed the bottle, letting thick conditioner squirt out from the top of the bottle and spray across her chest, drenching her melons. It sprayed across her jugs in thick ropes which slowly oozed down over the curves of her chest.

Kayleigh squealed and giggled as her brother sprayed her tits with the conditioner.

Once her chest was drenched in conditioner she dropped down to her knees in the shower and pressed her slippery chest up against her brother's hips, and his hard penis slipped between her breasts. His dick slid into place easily as Kayleigh squeezed her upper body up against her brother, expertly guiding his erection between her breasts where it found a welcome home. As soon as Colin's penis made contact with her, Kayleigh squeezed her boobs together with her hands, surrounding his cock with her breasts.

The soap and conditioner smeared across Kayleigh's tits made the surface of her skin very slick as she wrapped her jugs around Colin's hard dick. At first as she squeezed them together, his shaft slipped right out, and Colin helped her put it back in place by pushing his hips forward, thrusting his rod in between her fuckable tits.

Once Colin felt her perfect breasts surround his cock in a tight hug, he felt like he was in heaven. His legs quivered slightly, feeling like he had just thrust his cock into the hottest, sexiest place that any man on Earth would want to put his dick. He was one lucky son of a bitch. He groaned loudly. This was his fantasy that had come to life.

For years he had been masturbating to porn videos of tittyfucking, which was his favorite fantasy, but he had never actually done it before. Now, his stacked sister was letting him fuck her tits.

"God damn, Kayleigh, that feels amazing. You're so hot!" he exclaimed.

"Thanks baby! I'm just so glad you love my tits!" she replied, genuinely happy that he wanted to fuck her tits.

"I love them. I love you!" he said.

"I love you too, Colin!" she beamed up at him while her brother started to hump her tits. Colin was rocking his hips back and forth, causing his slick pole to glide up and down through the sheathe of flesh created by her tightly squeezed knockers. Colin's balls were pressed tightly up against Kayleigh's body and the smooth underside of his shaft lay flat against her chest as he fucked her melons. He would thrust up between her boobs as far as he could, hoping to see his cockhead appear as he viewed the topside of her breasts, but her tits were just so huge that she completely enveloped his entire shaft. Kayleigh's tits were just so fucking big that even when he buried his penis between her tits entirely, he was completely smothered in her warm, wonderful titflesh. He had never handled a pair of fake tits before, and he had always imagined what it would feel like, but this totally exceeded his wildest dreams.

Colin didn't know which felt better, the tittyfucking or the open exchange of loving affection he had with his sister Kayleigh. He really did love her.

"Your tits were made for fucking my dick." he said.

"I couldn't agree more." she replied. "They were made for this! Best investment I ever made, right?"

"Totally, sis." he responded, slapping his hips up against her chest as he really fucked her titties.

Kayleigh hadn't wrapped her new tits around a cock yet, and she was pleased how good her new set of knockers were making Colin feel. They looked great, she could tittyfuck like best pornstars, and the sensation still felt absolutely great to her.

Colin warned her that he was about to cum, and Kayleigh begged him to let her swallow his load. As he was about to erupt, Kayleigh wrapped her swollen, sensual lips around his cock and she tasted the jizz as it squirted from the tip and flowed into her mouth. She sealed her lips around the dick tightly and sucked hard. Kayleigh literally sucked the cum right out of her brother's dick as if she were sucking on a massive straw. She sucked hard and swallowed, drawing his semen milkshake up through his shaft and swallowed it right down into her tummy. She swallowed every last drop of his load until she had a belly full of brother-cum sloshing around inside her stomach.

Once she drank his entire load, Kayleigh stood up with a huge smile on her face, her perfect teeth beaming brightly framed by her full, glossy lips. She was so happy to have given her brother such a great orgasm. She felt fulfilled.

Colin squeezed her big tits in his hands and lifted them up, and he bent his head down so he could suck her nipples into his mouth one at a time. He drew her firm nipples into his mouth and sucked them with passion. He absolutely adored her new tits. Colin nursed on her boobs under the hot showering water until Kayleigh was sent squealing into her own orgasm too.

A few minutes later they stepped out of the shower together and grabbed towels. Colin had forgotten all about being late for work as he started drying off, but he didn't have much time to think. As soon as they were out of the shower, Kayleigh grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him from the bathroom into the bedroom. The stacked blonde took charge, pushing on his chest to move him to the bed.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"It's not fair that I just get a taste of your big cock. I can't just put my lips on it for a second, ya know. I want to give you a real blowjob." she answered.

Colin was laying back on the bed as Kayleigh crawled up over him. Her long, wet, bleached blonde hair hung down over his lower body as she grasped his cock in her hands. He was still semi-hard and she squeezed his shaft as she sucked the tip into her mouth and began sucking on him. Kayleigh's plump lips were enhnaced nicely so they were swollen and full of life. As those perfect dick-sucking lips wrapped around his rod, Colin closed his eyes and leaned back into the mattress, enjoying the blowjob.

Kayleigh sucked him into her mouth hard, and with her lips sealed around his shaft tightly, she started bobbing her head up and down. She was using those big, plump dick-suckers to get him off. Once he was good and hard again, with a stiff erection arching up into her mouth, Kayleigh started to use her hand too. She gripped the base of his dick and jerked Colin's cock off while she sucked and slobbered on the top half of it. It was a double dose of pleasure, getting a handjob and a blowjob from the sexy, stacked little blonde. After a few minutes of sucking her bother's cock, her saliva was drooling down his shaft everywhere, and it made it easier for her to pump her hand up and down the length of his entire shaft. She would glide her fingers up his veiny cock, then as they caressed their way downward, she would let the throbbing dick sink into her mouth.

Colin gripped the sheets as he felt his shaft quiver with pleasure as he was brought to his second orgasm that day by his little sister. He could actually feel the semen in his balls surge and rush up through the length of his shaft. He figured he must have squirted pretty hard into Kayleigh's mouth, but she swallowed his creamy load like a porn queen. She didn't stop sucking for a second, which drove him absolutely bonkers. Getting sucked through the entirety of his orgasm by his busty sister was the closest thing to pure joy he ever felt. Kayleigh once again sucked the cum right out of his cock and swallowed it with an unquenchable thirst.

They laid in bed together for a little while, staring at the ceiling. Colin was going to miss work today, there was no doubt of that now.

"Do you think that was wrong?" Kayleigh asked, resting her head against his shoulder.

Colin knew they had probably overstepped an invisible boundary of what was acceptable behavior. "What really defines right or wrong?" he replied.

"I mean, I love this. I just don't want people to look at us funny if they ever found out."

"No one needs to find out." He said, patting her blonde hair.

"I love sucking your cock. I love how crazy you are for my tits. I just never thought I'd commit incest."

"It's not incest, technically, sis." he told her. "Call it whatever you want, but it's not. As long as we aren't having intercourse it's not incest, see what I mean?"

She nodded and smiled.

Colin thought about that for a moment. As long as they weren't having sex, it wasn't incest. The problem was, he really wanted to fuck his sister now, and so that excuse wasn't going to hold for very long.

Next chapter