
End of school

With the Flying Thunder God Technique Dix learnt everything he wanted from Konoha. He thought of simply moving out and start hunting the Akatsuki, but sadly that isn't something he was able to do. At that point in time he had no idea where any of the Akatsuki hideouts or members were, Except for Pain, who was known to be residing in Amegakure at all times. This means he just had to wait for them to appear.

He had to get one more technique though. He had to learn the Sage powers at Mount Myoboku. Even though he was already very strong, he needed control over natural energy as a safety measure. There are quite a few jutsus or techniques that grant almost complete invulnerability. Most of these are vulnerable to only one thing, namely natural energy. Dix intended to fight the Akatsuki before they can gather the nine tailed beasts. He had no idea what kind of hidden trump cards they had at this time. He was fairly certain he can't really lose anymore, unless every single Akatsuki member attacks him at the same time, but its always better to be ready for everything.

To acquire the Sage power he would have to wait for Jiraiya to show up, who had the key of getting to Mount Myoboku. He also had the keys to unlock Kurama's cage, but Dix was sure he wouldn't be able to cheat it out of him in any way. He could kill him for it, but that had many troubles and hurdles in itself, and would cause way more trouble then worth. He had his own ways though, so why risk it.

So, for now he just had to focus on releasing Kurama from his prison, as his chakra would greatly empower him. For this he needed more knowledge of seals, because he had to make a specific key for that specific seal to open it. And that was maybe even harder than making the seal itself. Or he could just force it open. It wasn't too durable, his and Kurama's combined power could probably make it crumble in a few weeks/months.

But just to be sure he wanted to have the seal and the key in his hands so he can secure Kurama, either if he tries to go rouge or is summoned by 'Madara'. Because of that, he changed the squads setup so only two remain, one for perfecting the FTGT and the other is to work on the seal. Half of those in the latter group had to leave the village and travel elsewhere undercover to gain fuinjutsu knowledge, from any source possible.

Kurama himself had the same idea to force it open, but Dix refused it by pointing out the fail-safes the Fourth left behind in case something similar happens. Even though he had ways to go around those, or just simply rush trough them, Kurama accepted the argument and promised to wait some more.

All the while nothing much happened. For almost two years. School was the same as always, boring, he spent time with his friends, trained with Hinata, etc. Normal stuff. Hinata seemed to grow fast both physically and mentally. She seemed to be more mature than in the anime, and almost completely left behind her timid and weak personality, while also becoming way stronger than the original, probably thanks to Dix's hard training. She was always happy to see him when they met, and was always full of energy and positive vibes. She reminded him of an energetic puppy.

Months passed in relative peace and quiet, when Dix got word from his clones that they managed to make a key that would most likely work. He was happy they handled it so fast, but instead of rushing to open the gates, he decided to wait. Kurama had no way to know what his clones are doing, because there was only one of him, he doesn't get clones with the Shadow Clone Technique. Also he has no way to see Dix's memories, so he would assume he is simply working on it.

The reason he wanted to hold on to this fact without acting is that by releasing Kurama, even if he is cooperative to the letter, he would have direct access to his consciousness, and while he still couldn't read his exact thought, it would be way easier for him to read Dix's emotions and intent. Also he hated the idea that for years he was supposed to have a constant roommate in his own body, even though he liked Kurama's character.

Apart from these news, there was nothing noteworthy that happened until the end of school. He graduated with flying colors. At the last class they were given their Konoha headbands and were placed in genin teams.

It seems like fate wanted the original story to continue, no matter how good Dix was in Naruto's place, because he was put into Team 7, alongside with Sakura and Sasuke, just like in the anime. The only emotion that was shown at this turn of events was Sakura's enthusiasm because of his love for Sasuke. Neither Dix nor Sasuke wanted to comment on the matter.

A few days later he went to a meeting with his new teammates to see their leader, Kakashi, just like in the anime. He already appeared a few times before and was a bit more involved in events, while in the anime none of the kids knew who their leader is.

They gave their introductions, Dix tried to act as commonly as possible, not too cheerful but no gloomy either. Sakure once again hinted towards his love of Sasuke, and didn't add much more, while Sasuke himself told them of his ambitions of revenge. Both latter kids were kind of a headache for Kakashi, but nothing like the first one. He was a peerless genius, even better than himself. He bound to be arrogant or stuck-up. Or just simply annoying.

The kids were given their instructions that they have to show up at the specified training grounds the next morning without having breakfast. Then everyone was dismissed.

Dix knew what will happen, so instead of listening to his team leader he ate his fill the next morning, then lazily walked over to where he was told to go. He knew Kakashi will be late, so he didn't rush either.

After a few minutes he walked in the area, being late for many hours by then. They were supposed to get there way before the sun comes up, something Dix wasn't willing to do, but seeing the state of the other two he found there, they woke up and arrived in time without eating anything. That was Kakashi's plan, to make them tired and hungry, so the following exercise is harder.

When he arrived he greeted both Sasuke and Sakura, then sat down and started meditating. He knew Kakashi won't arrive for almost an hour or more, so he took his time to sense things. He wanted to see the exact abilities of Sasuke, the 'genius' and make a comparison between them. Obviously it wasn't even a question that the difference will be like heaven and earth. The best description he could come up with is that while Sasuke was a grain of sand, he was the Sun itself.

The others didn't want to speak either, except for Sakura who told Dix he was late and that he shouldn't be so easy-going. He just dismissed it by saying he knows how Kakashi operates, then went back to his meditation. Following his lead, they waited in silence for 3 more hours when Kakashi finally decided to show up at around 11 AM. Dix actually sensed his arrival almost an hour before, but that one wanted to see the kids' reactions and dedication, so he hid away to monitor them.

So when he finally arrived Sakura blew up in anger, reminding Dix that in the beginning of the original story Sakura's personality was a kind of messed up by her suppressed rage that always resided in her. Dix never knew if that point in her personality was simply dropped, or she trained it out of herself, but after a while it never showed up again in the anime.

"You are laaaaate!" she cried. Kakashi didn't look one bit concerned, but still gave them some bullshit explanation.

"Well, a black cat passed my path, you see..." he said, but the kids seemed to be angry, so he didn't continue. Instead he walked over to a tree's cut trunk and place a clock on it.

"Ahem... Okay, its set for 12:00." then he pulled out two small bells. "Your first assignment will be to take these bells away from me by noon. Those who are left without a bell by the end of the training will not get lunch and will be tied to those." he said, then pointed to one of the wooden poles genins usually use to strengthen their arms or legs by simply punching or kicking them. Sakura gasped, while Sasuke was having his signature 'I don't give a fuck'-look on his face. Dix just cracked a smile.

"Also, those who doesn't get a bell will have to go back to the Academy!" Kakashi continued with a threatening tone.


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Cheers! :D

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