
The start of the fall. (1)

.Good people.

.In the hands.

.Of bad people.

.Do bad things.


3rd POV


Groggy weak eyes blinked open, ears being assaulted with the obnoxious alarm tone, repeating itself over and over again. Mouth tasing like foul cotton, tired muscles scattered around the king-sized bed. Letting out a tired, dry sigh. Pushing himself up, and tiredly rubbing his eyes.

Tiredly pushing off the bed, Myung moseyed into the bathroom, looking into the mirror, only to see a tired eyed male, with black curly bedhead hair. Sighing, and pushing his hands through his hair, to fix it. Brushing his teeth and catching a glimpse of the now long gone sleep by closing the eyes for a brief moment. Finishing. He balanced himself against the counter and taking one last glimpse in the mirror, letting his eyes wander around his figure to make sure any scars are not visible.

Leaving the room, not caring about how curly his bedhead hair is at the moment, he makes his way to the closet in his room. Silently the dark oak door opened, revealing the dimly lit room, walls covered in grayish paint and various black and white paintings, and some disks from worldwide known albums. A king-sized bed, with gray clothing, at the corner of the room, right next to a window with a wide seal, with some pillows, allowing a person to lay there. Instead of a wood floor, it had a black, fuzzy and soft, rug.

A single, 3 light bulbs, aimed at different angles to light up the room dimply, two windows with both having white blinds. A closed built into the wall, made of bright birch wood. A simple, large desk with multiple shelves above it, in the corner of the room, with an expensive computer on it. A TV right against the bed for comfort watching. A single wood stands next to the end foot of the bed, at the same time making it look fancy and homely, and balancing the roof perfectly.

Myung making his way to the closet, opening the sliding door, eyes gliding across the various clothing. The black ones, gray ones, and weak, brown colors. Finally settling to a simple, style for today, he pulled out light blue, ripped jeans, with a chain to add, a loose black sweater, black mask, and a bucket hat with pins. Putting the old clothes down on the bed and leaving it there, Myung left his room into the hallway. The hallway was painted with aesthetic light, soft brown, completed with a white roof and multiple lights, to make sure it was bright enough. The hallway which was on the second floor, leads to 2 bathrooms and 5 bedrooms, lets just say this house was huge, and he bought it himself. walking down the stairs into the living room.

The living room was medium-sized, but enough to have at least 6 people plus their space. The walls colored softly, light brown, just like the hallway on the second floor. It had a large carpet in the middle of the room, a large black sofa and a large shelf like closed, with a TV, and Xbox in it, with also various other things such as games and books. The living room in total had 3 windows, each having its own blinds of course.

To the left from the Living room was a small section where the entrance door was, with a shelf and hanger, where to put boots and coats. The door was colored oak, as it was a perfect combination with the aesthetic air, radiating from the colored walls.

To the right was the kitchen, it wasn't large but was big enough to be able to comfortably move around and have at least 3 people cook at once. Wall covered in white color, the floor is made of birch light wood. The kitchen had everything that a person who loves to cook would want. A well operating stove, multiple shelves for any dishes. A fridge right next to the wide counter. Not far away from the main counter was another counter, near the middle of the room, where people could either eat or make food. The kitchen was partly also the dining room, near the corner of the room was a table with multiple chairs and a sofa. On the right side of the kitchen was a glass door, which leads to the backyard. Where there were just a fence, trees, and wide land.

Letting out a sigh, Myung made his way to the kitchen, wincing a little by the bright light shining into his eyes, causing a stabbing feeling. Brushing his eyes, to soften the pain. Groaning he made his way to the closest shelf. Grabbing a simple apple from the shelf and grabbing a black backpack that he put on the sofa earlier. Putting on some black boots and unlocking the door.


Woo Sunoo POV

The loud, obnoxious alarm ringing in my ears, tired eyes slowly opening, everything looking blurry. Tiredly pushing myself up I reach for the alarm. Finally, after a brutal, loud ringing, it finally stopped. Getting out and rushing my hair I make my way to the kitchen. On the way there a loud thud echoed from the kitchen, causing me to wake up fully and quickly run to the kitchen, to only see Yeonjun picking up all the pans from the ground. Letting out a sigh I mumbled -" Yeonjun, why are you up so early in the morning?" Only to receive an awkward, sorry chuckle from him.

"I-uh. Woke up really early and I couldn't fall asleep anymore. So I decided to maybe make breakfast." Yeonjun spoke quietly scratching the back of his neck as he stood up. "Sorry, if I woke you up Hyung" He quickly added to himself.

Looking around the rather small gray kitchen, the light shining brightly through the window, it was about 7 am that's for sure.

"Well, let's clean up and eat something light. We have to go back to the University." I hummed looking at the slightly taller male in front of me. Yeonjun gave me a bright smile and nodded drastically, crouching down to pick up the rest of the pans as I made my way towards the fridge to get some eggs.


"C'mon Woo! Hurry up, I wanna meet Zach'!" Yeonjun yelled from the living room, waiting at the door for me to finally get ready and go meet our friends we haven't seen all summer.

"Hold on Yeonjun!" Shouting from my room I quickly make my way to the corner of my room, picking up the clothing I already put last night, swiftly putting it on, looking into the mirror, and making sure my clothing is in good order. Had blue simple jeans, with a black belt and a loose sweater tucked into the jeans, making it look a little aesthetic but still balanced. Fetching my soft brown backpack I make my way to the tiny living room.

The tiny living room had a medium-sized tv and a sofa, completed with a small fuzzy rug. It wasn't much but was homey and comfortable. Putting on my black and white sneakers I jaywalked to Yeonjun, who was waiting for me outside on the sidewalk.

Whilst walking next to the taller male, we laughed and chatted about the most normal things, just about what we were gonna do in our free time and where we should meet up. As Yeonjun started to ramble about one of his best challenges, looking to the other side I saw a rather tall male, on a skateboard, flowing the same way as us, he was going rather slow, maybe they were still sleepy, just like me. The figure style seemed simple, but still interesting, with a loose black sweater, ripped jeans, and a bucket hat. The male's height seemed to be somewhere at 5'11 feet.

"Hey, Woo? Are you listening?" Yeonjun waved in front of my eyes, desperately trying to get my attention. Knocking me out of my thoughts I looked at the younger sibling.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking." I quickly excused myself for not listening, giving a wry smile. Yeonjung gave a smile back and playfully nudged me to the side. To which I nudged back, and soon enough he started to speak about the challenges again. By looking to the other side again, the male seemed to have disappeared, they probably just sped off on the skateboard.


Finally flowing closer and closer to the University, we could see the tip of the large building. Its tip formed more like a castle, or a cathedral for that matter. It was the only university where we, mythical creatures, could learn about our kind in Korea. It is one of the most populated and home to the most powerful and impressive mythical creature kinds come from. I, Yeonjun, and Zachary have been learning here for two years now, and that makes us tier 2 students.

The max tier, where we also graduate, is tier 5. And it is one of the hardest ones to get to, if we fail at one of the subjects, we stay at the tier we were, and we go up only then when we pass it. All of the students that learn here are given specific subjects, on which we are capable to use, such as magic, spells, powers of specific creatures, etc. I, Woo, am an Angel, and I study magic and angel powers. They are one of the hardest ones to master on that hand. Yeonjun is a Cat Hybrid, he studies his powers and spells. While Zachary is a Werewolf, and he has only the powers of a werewolf, since they cant use either magic or spells.

So far everything has been easy for me and Zach', but Yeonjun does have some problems with spells lately, so I help him with subjects I know. Every tier we go, we can assign on where we live and who we live with, I and Yeonjun have been thinking about moving in with Zach', but he says he doesn't have enough space there, and so do we. Then we just stay the way we are.

Finally making our way into the field of the university, the scent of fall hit my nose, a little chill running down my spine as a wind hit my neck. The building was very high, with about 4 floors, the entire building itself was separated into 5 parts. each connected to the other. Each part holding different creatures. Parts of the walls were covered in vines, and arts craved from stone and wood. Cast with a spell to never old and wilt.

Yeonjun grabbing a hold of my arm quickly pulled me inside. "C'mon! Let's go see Zach'!" He beamed in excitement and happiness, causing me to chuckle and start to laugh as I tried to catch up with him.


Finally entering the main building, the walls being made of bricks, locker-like closets put against the walls. Some students were already here, even though it was pretty early. The ceiling being decorated with some vines and flowers. The floor is made out of hard stone bricks. Slowly making our way through the crowd of students, taking a sharp turn to the left we walked our way to our lockers.

Yeonjun, noticing a white-haired boy, let go of my hand and ran towards the male. "Zach!" As soon as the younger yelled out the white boy's name, they turned around and smiled brightly, holding out his hands for Yeonjun to give a wide hug, to which, Yeonjun, literally, threw himself at him. Them both turning into a giggling set of two childish boys.

Letting out a laugh I make my way towards them, as soon as Zachary looks at me I break into a run. At our intact we both hugged each other, giggling as he slightly spun me around.

Finally putting me down, we all exchanged wide smiles. "How was your summer Zach'?" I asked him happily, as he let out a chuckle.

"Oh, it was fine! I spent a lot of time playing games, you know, like always" He laughed out giving a quick glance at Yeonjun, who most likely did the same, "How about yours Woo?"

"I spent most of the time, just playing the guitar and watching movies," I hummed back at him as I turned against my locker. Turning back and forth the lock, hearing the satisfying pop, opening the locker I put in some books from my bag, to reduce the heaviness.

"I've heard that there will be a new student in tier 2. The only thing I know is that he can use magic, but the odd thing is that he is human." Zachary mumbled not too loud so only we could hear. "Human?! We have never had a human student before! What do you think he would be like?" Yeonjun beamed in surprise and curiousness.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that he can use magic, and it's a male," Zachary said with a little tint of excitement. "Woo will most definitely be the first one to meet him since he knows how to use magic too," Zachary added.

Both of them looked at me, as soon as I heard my name, I gave them a confused look. "What?"

"You better make friends with him!" Yeonjun nudged me by the shoulder.

Zachary smiled brightly, his tail starting to fag left and right in excitement, "He's gonna be a new student, we cloud make friends with him!" Letting out a frustrated sigh.

"C'mon guys you know I'm not good with socializing much." I huffed and crossing my arms. They both giggled and turned against their own lockers.

Yeonjun, whilst opening his locker hummed, "Just bring him to us, we can make him us friend,"


The loud bell ringing, signalizing that the lesson has started and to go to our subjects for today. Waving Yeonjun and Zachary goodbye, I make my way to the magic section.

Walking slightly behind a chatting crown of people, hearing the footsteps echo throughout the hall, taking a sharp turn on heel I break from the group and jaywalk down the slightly smaller hall to the magic section.


Entering the empty classroom, I slowly walk towards my seat up the stairs, sitting down I take out my notes and book. Looking around the classroom, it slowly filling up with students, the room was rather quite large, with its seats put in a line, every row going up one stair, a huge blackboard at the opposite side of the seats, and a table full of contents, shelves on both side corners, each left seat row having their own large window that stretches up almost to the roof.


As the classroom was almost full, all seats were taken except the one beside me, like always. I'm used to it, I wasn't very sociable so people found me boring. But when I warm up to them I can be pretty fun to be with. The professor named Do-Yun Min finally coming into the class, with a rather tall male following them. My eyes widened as I recognized the taller male clothing, whom I saw on the other side of the street except they weren't wearing the bucket hat. Their messy black curly hair, sharp features, and odd blue eyes. I've never seen someone like this, I never thought a human cloud look like this. Their body seeming slim, but the chest was wide. The aura feeling just like lavender.




.".Good morning class, today we have a new student Myung Seojun Won.".

Next chapter