
Tower of mastery, more like tower of EZ

After the count down, many pokemon teams ran at another team closest to them, while some pokemon tried to hide or avoid fights most likely because thats what their trainer wanted them to do. My team consisting of Gato (Binacle), Froakie and Chespin seemed to be heavily underrated since most pokemon teams just scoffed while looking at them thinking they are small fry. This pissed off the tiny trio, and they decided to destroy this competition. At first when I told the trio about the tournament they all didn't seem too interested, maybe because I told them that they were much stronger, but alas they didn't care much.

Now that these pokemon they think are weaker than them are insulting them, they are going to get quite serious now. The secret is that the trio aren't really much stronger than other pokemon here, since trainers participating here are from famous clans and families. I'm pretty sure a famous kid from Blackthorn city was here and it's pretty easy to infer that the dragonair, kingdra and noibat trio dominating other teams are her pokemon, since dragon types are pretty rare.

Anyways, Gato hated to be underestimated so using his earth bending abilities, he moved himself forward at super speeds and started a massacre. He was throwing pieces of earth at anyone around him while some of the pokemon had their jaws drop at how a seemingly weak pokemon who couldn't move is destroying pokemon from left to right. Froakie and Chespin on the other hand, didn't have as much training as Gato but with their team work they managed to stand out too. Froakie was throwing his trampoline like cotton and Chespin used them to jump up high and launch his pin missiles everywhere, while Froakie himself acted like a ninja, bouncing from one place to another launching water pulses left and right. Currently Froakie and Chespin are about level 26 with an everstone, but the last time I checked, the everstone of Froakie showed signs of cracking while the one fot Chespin not so much.

After a couple minutes, there were only two teams left, my team and the dragon team. While my team was a bit out of breath, the dragon team looked completely exhausted. I made sure my pokemon trained their stamina constantly, and it looks like the training payed off.

Gato using his rock affinity sent a bunch of small rocks flying towards the dragon team. While kingdra and dragonair were dodging and destroying the rocks, noibat wasn't so lucky and got hit right in it's head and was down for the count. Seeing this, dragonair and kingdra got super pissed, and dashed towards my team. My team who already knew my plan as I told them prior to the tournament already knew what to do. They got into a formation with Gato in the middle, Froakie behind and Chespin on the side. As the two dragon dashed towards my pokemon, as their trainer tried to yell towards them to calm themselves down and think rationally which shr wasn't allowed to do by the way. Her two pokemon either couldn't hear her or ignored her as they were coming in close.

As the dragon pokemon were about 4 meters ahead of Gato, Froakie sent out loads of his sticky cotton, covering them while Gato manipulated the ground so that rocks covered the two pokemon and stopped their movements. Finally Chespin sent his combination of bullet seed missed in with pin missiles towards the side of the pokemon, hitting them directly, causing them to finally faint.

As everyone who was watching saw that ending, trainers who participated, trainers that didn't participate as well as viewers were all in awe. The announcer who seemed shocked as well finally announces "Team Froakie, Binacle and Chespin of Trainer Zero win!"

As everyone woke up out of their complete shock, they all started clapping and talking with their friends. "I didn't know a mere Binacle could be so strong, maybe I should try to find one" some people said, while others said things like "How could a pathetic Binacle be so strong!"

While everyone had different reactions, they all seemed to accept the fact that I won by a huge margin. I got up from the stands feeling like a badass and went to congratulate my pokemon. The fainted pokemon were picked up by staff to be sent to the pokemon center and returned to their trainer. As I got up on the stage, all eyes were on me and a lot more whispers could be heard. One of the two referees watching over the match handed me a ticket "This a ticket to prove that you have won the first match, use it to pass the security of the tower of mastery and meet up with Kingston, he will be handing the prizes to the 4 winners."

I nodded and I quickly returned my three pokemon to their pokeballs. "Thanks man, anyways I gotta dash" as I started sprinting away as an entire crowd of trainers and viewers alike were trying to flock around me. As the people in the crowd saw me start to run, they too started to run as well. "PLEASE MR. ZERO GIVE US YOUR TEACHING" "ZERO GIVE ME YOUR CHILD, I DONT CARE WHATS UNDER THE MASK". As I heard the comments of the crowd, I dashed much harder, so much so that I kinda let loose and the pressure from me pushing the ground made cracks on the concrete.

After juking the crowd multiple times, I calmed down and hid in an alley way taking a deep breath in, not because I was tired but to forget the cursed things I heard within from the crowd. I couldn't even move outside the alley way as more people flocked, in fact I saw some people flocking around someone else too. 'Maybe one of the other winners from the 3 other tournaments.' Well it isn't my problem, so I ran away from that area since it the crowds were getting close.

I ran towards the beach area, which was completely empty and lied my back on a wall that was dividing the beach from the town for cover. "Sigh I just want to go train" I say "Sigh I just want some ice cream" someone else says at the exact same. "Huh" I say as I turn around "Eh" the stranger says as we both turn to each other face to face (technically mask to face).


So some people have been tracking me down on webnovel replying to my comments asking when Imma update, which flatters me a bit and is pretty funny but also makes me feel guilty sooooo yeah. Um anyways, I tried to portray the MC's intelligence here by him predicting what will happen in the tournament and making a plan based off those predictions for his trio. Anyways for the next chap, I plan to make the MC face a problem from his past life, OK WAIT BEFORE YOU START FLAMING ME, ITS NOT A BIG THING. I want to use that problem/trauma as well I guess to progress a certain genre since I feel like it'll help a lot. The problem is more mental, but it won't be something annoying, since I hate things like that too. I remember reading a fanfic where the MC couldn't let go of some bullshit of his past and the author dragged that on for many chaptets which became really annoying, so it won't be anything huge but a kinda medium problem the MC will face. Anyways bye have a great day, give me some ideas too.

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