

Fate of the Furious

To say that Regan's life in her little apartment was boring would be an understatement. She was a millionaire, for fuck's sake. She should have more fun with the money, but no. She had an apartment. She lived by her God damn self. No boyfriend, considering she wasn't over Tej and no pet considering her, uh, 'occupation' was so iffy. Speaking of occupation, she hadn't heard from Dom or Letty in a while. She was sure they were okay, happy even on their honeymoon. She hadn't heard from Roman or Tej or anyone. She'd called Brian the day before but even speaking to him was getting repetitive.

She missed her family. She missed the adrenaline, man. It'd been months. Her 22nd birthday had just passed. She'd spent it alone, receiving a call from Brian and that was about it.

But, it was what it was. They all lived their separate lives until needed.

When her phone rang, she leapt over her couch to get to it.


"Dom." She replied.

Got a job in Berlin. Pack your bags, O'Connor.

One by one, their cars broke out of the building. They stepped on the gas.

You were only supposed to create a diversion, Roman. Letty said.

That was a diversion! He replied.

"Yeah, that was quite the fuckin' diversion." Regan scoffed.

How many of the damn explosives did you use? Tej asked.

I don't know, Tej. All of it?

Wait, all of it? Tej asked.

Roman, Jesus Christ. Hobbs said.

Got more of your fan club ahead. Letty announced.

They're still on us. These guys are taking it personal.

"Rome, if you blew up my building, I would also take it fucking personal."

We also stole their EMP. Other than your doctor's cold finger, I'd say it's about as personal as it gets. Hobbs added.

Phase two. Dom said.

Phase two? So you were just gonna keep that to yourself? Rome asked.

"You didn't ask."

What happened to phase one? What about that part? Roman asked.

Yeah, remember the airplane? Tej asked. Everyone drove their cars out but you?

I told you my engine seized up.

It's your balls that seized up. Letty replied.

Just follow my lead, okay? And, Roman, whatever you do...don't think. Tej said.

Tej, drop it. Dom ordered.

Bombs away. Tej replied.

Split, now.

They split right down the middle, allowing the wrecking ball to go between them. It hit the cops, which meant the team was clear for now.

Great plan, Tej. But just so you know, you missed some. Roman said.

"Oh, please." Rae replied. As if he'd leave them hanging.

Just wait for it. Tej confirmed her suspicions.

All right, great job, team. Let's break off and meet me at the safe house.

Regan pulled off with Letty, Hobbs and Dom going the opposite way.

Rae checked her rear-view mirror, seeing Ramsey in the passenger's seat of Tej's car. They'd broken up a year ago, but the way he held her when they thought Dom was dead played on repeat in her head.

That son of a bitch just crossed us. Hobbs said.

What? Letty asked.

What are you talking about? Tej asked.

Dom took the EMP. Hobbs said.

Bullshit. Roman replied.

"Hate to admit it, but I agree with Rome."

Where are you? Letty asked.

It's too late for me. Get out of here. Saw that look in his eye, and I've seen that look before. Dominic Toretto just went rogue.

"He wouldn't do that." Regan was shaking her head. "Letty?"

Just follow me, Regan, okay?

Regan nodded, though Letty couldn't see her.

She followed Letty, pulling into the garage and stopping when she did. Letty went through the glove box.

"All right, I got his phone records, y'all." Tej announced. "It's a whole bunch of calls to untraceable numbers."

"Burner phones, right?" Rome asked.

"Nah, scrambler." Tej answered. "Same number, but they got some sort of micro-router to bury the signal path, which means Dom is clearly communicating with somebody that's above our pay grade."

"We've handled above our pay grade before." Regan replied.

"Look, I don't know Dom as well as you, but if we just look at the facts... Dom's been having highly encrypted conversations with some mysterious person. He took out Hobbs. He stole an EMP. Now he's disappeared." Ramsey inserted herself.

"So what are you saying?" Tej asked.

"Maybe we should consider the fact that Hobbs is right." She answered.

"Maybe you should consider shutting the fuck up." Regan replied.

"Dom did go rogue." Ramsey tried to justify her argument.

Letty slammed the car door shut. Roman put a hand out in front of her.

"Letty." He stopped her.

"Before you judge the man, remember, you're breathing right now becuase he saved your life." She bumped into Ramsey as she walked away.

"You just gonna let her bump your shoulder like that?" Roman asked. Regan slapped his chest. "I'm just saying that was a little aggressive."

"Oh, shut up." Regan muttered, walking away from him. She went up the stairs after Letty. "Hey."

"Hey." Letty replied. Regan plopped down in front of her.

"We'll figure it out." She whispered. "We both know there's a reason behind him losing his shit."

"He didn't-"

"Letty." Regan stopped her. "He did."

Letty sighed. "She's trying to take your man."

Regan smirked. "He's not my man anymore. Let's figure out yours before we deal with any of my shit, okay?"

"Okay." She whispered.

Regan nodded, forcing a smile.

New base. Nowhere. Cuffed at a table.

"Hey, listen, guys, thanks...Whoa, whoa, whoa, what? Handcuffs? What is this?" Mr. Nobody asked.

"It's called abuse of power." Roman answered.

"You told me to round them up." The new guy explained.

"I didn't tell you to hand- Cut them loose. Oh, man. This is embarrassing. I'm sorry guys. Really, I-" Mr. Nobody said.

"So this is how you treat old friends?" Letty asked, holding up the cuffs.

"Friends?" Tej asked. "We don't even really know who the hell this guy is."

"It doesn't matter who I am, Tej. I'm like, nobody, okay?" Mr. Nobody replied.

"Nobody. So, then, who is he?" Tej asked.

"Him? He's nothing. He's, like, less than me." Nobody answered.

"Hey, Nothing." Regan greeted. He turned to look at her.

"Clearly we're getting nowhere with nobody." Roman said. "I've been in here for four hours, and my ribs are showing. I don't know about y'all, but I'm out."

"I wouldn't recommend that." Nothing said.

"What?" Roman asked.

"Well, thanks to your botched Berlin job, you all made Interpol's top ten most wanted list." Mr. Nobody said.

"All of us?" Regan asked.

"Well..." Mr. Nobody replied.

"Shit." She muttered.

"Top ten." Roman said. "That's all right."

"Roman-" Rae started, but she dropped it.

"Well, uh, not you, Roman." Mr. Nobody said.

"What do you mean?" Roman asked.

"You just missed the cut. You're number 11."

"What number did they come in at?" Roman asked about the team.

Nothing pointed to Hobbs. "Six." He pointed to Regan. "Seven." Letty, Tej then Ramsey. "Eight, nine, ten."

"She's ten?" Roman asked. "That's impossible. There's no way that she's a ten."

"Oh, she's definitely a ten." Tej replied.

Regan glared.

"How about we focus on someone who we're not gonna find on anybody's list. We're awaiting hard confirmation, but I believe that's the cyber terrorist known as Cipher." Nobody said.

"Wait, no." Ramsey cut in. "Cipher's an organization not a person."

"Not according to our sources." Nothing replied.

"What does she want?" Letty asked.

"No one knows." Ramsey answered. "Cipher is like a digital act of God. They- well, she can manipulate world systems form the shadows. Anything that can be hacked is hers to play with."

"And here's the kicker- you'll never find her linked to any of it." Nothing added. "Her digital identity is scrubbed every few seconds worldwide."

"So, basically, she's the bogeyman." Tej said.

"Damn, she's one of the hottest bogeymans I've ever seen." Roman commented. "I mean, if y'all know her, tell her to get at your boy."

"Is that all you think about?" Regan asked.

"What? Upset I've never said it about you?" Roman asked.

"Not really." Rae answered.

Nothing walked over, kicking his chair. "What are you, 12?"

"That was my shin, mother..." Roman replied.

"Let's just say people are scared of the hacker group Anonymous." Ramsey cut him off. "But even Anonymous won't mess with her."

Letty's hand hit the table. "What the hell does any of this have to do with us?"

"Probably nothing, Letty, but I do find it interesting that, apparently, for some reason, she's now working with this guy." Mr. Nobody answered.

He hit a button, making Dom's face appear on the screen.

"He's already delivered a fully operational EMP into her hands." Nothing said. "Detonate that, they can turn any city in the world into a war zone."

"So, then, what is it you're suggesting we do?" Tej asked.

"Maybe we find Dom, huh?" Mr. Nobody answered. "Well, first, let's catch him and then figure out why he's turned."

"So y'all want us to track Dom?" Roman asked.

"No, that isn't possible. That is above our pay grade." Regan argued.

"We've done above our pay grade before." Tej replied.

"Not that high." She countered.

"Yeah, I know, Regan, it's kind of a big job." Mr. Nobody said.

"I agree." Roman stepped in. "It's impossible."

"Which is why I'm bringing in an extra pair of hands."

"We don't work that way." Regan began to argue. When the door opened, she froze. "Shaw?"

"My day just got a whole hell of a lot better." Hobbs said as he stood from his chair. "Mr. Nobody, you wanna tell me why you just put me in a room with this tea and crumpets eating criminal sumbitch?"

Regan's jaw dropped.

"What a big mouth on a small head, coming from prisoner 6753." Shaw replied.

"Don't think we've forgotten everything you've done." Letty said.

"If it weren't for you, Han would be the extra set of hands right now." Regan added.

"We are not teaming up with this guy." Tej argued.

"Let's get one thing clear: I ain't on your team." Shaw replied.

"Damn straight." Regan muttered.

He pointed them out. "I don't care about you, your crew or your little family. I'm here for Cipher."

"You apply for a job? Head asshole?" Hobbs asked.

"You know, I think that tight T-shirt's cutting off the circulation to your brain. You should get a bigger size." Shaw replied.

"You two done or are we gonna be on the middle school playground for a while?" Regan asked.

"Cipher came to me first." Shaw changed the subject. "Wanted me to steal Nightshade for her. When I said no, she went after my brother."

"Ah, yes, brother Owen. Who could forget him, huh?" Mr. Nobody asked. "Former hell-raiser and current guest at a nasty little black-site prison."

"He fucked up Letty." Regan stepped in. "He deserves it."

"Cipher corrupted him and left him for dead. So, if I get a shot to take her down, believe me, Flex, I'm taking it." Shaw said.

"You're taking my boot right up your ass." Hobbs replied.

"Guys, guys, guys. The fastest way to find Cipher is through Toretto. Now, aside from myself, there is only two men in the world that have ever managed to actually track him down with any success." Mr. Nobody said.

"They're both in this room." Regan finished for him.

"Exactly, Regan. In front of me right now. So, like it or not, you two are gonna work together. You got that? I'm gonna take that as a yes."

"Am I the only one seeing this?" Roman asked.

"Oh, this ought to be good." Nothing mumbled. Regan smiled at him.

"Use God's Eye." Roman said.

"Oh, no, no." Regan argued.

"we put our lives on the line running around the world trying to figure this thing out." Rome told her.

"We risk God's Eye being hacked into." Regan argued.

"Okay, Paranoia, why don't you sit this one out?" Tej suggested.

Regan glared at him, but took a seat anyway.

"It can find anybody, right?" Rome asked. "Let's use it to find Dom."

"Roman, that is a great idea." Mr. Nobody replied.

Roman looked down at Regan. "Did you hear that? 'Great idea'."

Regan nodded, raising her eyebrows. "You know what else is a great idea? Taping that big ass mouth of your shut." She replied, smiling.

"Mr. Nobody, let's fire it up, huh?" Hobbs asked.

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