

Han, how far are we from Interpol? Brian asked on their radio. 

About 12 blocks. 

"It's a ghost town over here. Shaw must've pulled all the cops to him." Tej told them. 

All right, y'all, we in this shit, so let's go get it. Roman said. 

"Let's do this." Rae agreed. They kept on driving.

Interpol straight ahead. Han announced. 

They all pulled to a stop as the bullets rained down on them. Rae watched Brian get out of the car, aiming his gun. "Brian!" She called, getting out herself, assuming the same position behind the door. She raised her own gun, firing shots with Bri. Brian's third shot hit him. 

"Not bad." He mumbled when he turned to her. 

"Tha-" She was interrupted by more gunshots from the side of the cars. The siblings ducked behind theirs. The team all shot in unison. 

"Get in! Let's go!" Brian called. He made sure Rae was in her car before sliding into his. 

"Guys, we got the Rover." Tej announced. 

Okay, well I got whatever the hell that thing is. Roman replied. 

"Come on, baby." Tej encouraged Rae. 

A guy in the back of the Rover broke out the back windshield, aiming out a gun. 

"Oh, shit." Rae exclaimed when she noticed the glowing blue thing they'd shot out. 

What is that, a- a hockey puck? Roman asked. 

"No idea." Rae called. 

Regan watched one get shot a Bri, and then watched his attempt to dodge it. 

The blue light turned red and the tires on the car seized. 

"Tej!" Rae screamed as she tried to move the wheel. "Brian!" 

The car smashed into a parked one, flipping around before finally stopping.

Dom, Rae and Roman are out. Where are you? Brian asked. Rae could hear Tej calling her, but it was faint and fuzzy. 

"Brian." Rae whispered before her eyes finally closed. She had blood running from her nose and her forehead, the airbag depleted in front of her. Tej continued to call her name. 

Rae could hear Tej and Roman arguing. She slowly tried to sit up, the light in the room making her nauseous. 

"Hey." She called. "Shut the fuck up." 

"See, man, when a woman starts shooting at you, that's a clear sign to back the fuck off." Roman said. 

"Roman, I'm about to shoot you." Regan threatened. 

"We need to get the hell out of Dodge." Roman continued. Regan pulled herself up, walking over to them. 

"I'm glad you're okay." Gisele said. 

"Me too." Rae replied. "I noticed you guys were behind. I got worried." 

"That could have been my forehead, man. And look at your girl." Roman said. 

"Nah. That's not as big as your forehead." Tej replied. "How you feeling, baby?" 

"Nauseous." She answered. "Where's Bri?" 

"Calling Mia. He was asking about you." Tej said. 

"Oh?" Rae asked. 

"Wanted to know if you'd shown any signs of distress before passing out." Tej answered. 

"Duh." Rae replied. 

"You remember anything?" Tej asked her. 

She shook her head. "I remember screaming." She answered. 

"Screaming what?" Tej asked. 

Regan shrugged. "I don't know." 

"Oh, finally." Rae heard behind her. Brian wrapped his arms around his sister. "Never again." 

"Never again?" Rae asked. "But that was fun." 

"Shut up." Brian replied. "Never again." 

"Never again." She promised. Brian reluctantly let her go, kissing her forehead. 

"You aren't allowed to die on me." Brian reminded her. 

"I wouldn't dare." Rae replied. "You aren't either." 

Brian smiled his usual light-up-a-room smile down at his sister. 

"This is crazy, man." Roman started talking. 

"What are you talking about now?" Tej asked. 

"I'm sitting here looking at these images. It's like we're hunting out evil twins." Roman answered. "I mean, look at this black dude tight here. he's handsome. Clearly that's me." 

Rae laughed, taking a seat on Tej's lap as Roman continued. 

"We got a white Hobbs. This is Han. Tej. It's an African in a beanie. That's like your Mini-Me, man. Hey, Brian. When did you do this photoshoot?" Brian smiled, flipping him off. "I'm just playing, man. You know you're the prettiest blonde around here." 

"Excuse me." Rae interrupted. 

"Natural blonde, sis. Natural blonde." Brain called. Rae turned around, flipping him off. 

"Wait, that's not natural?" Roman asked. 

Rae shook her head. 

"What color is?" He asked. 

"All right, lock it up. We got two things." Hobbs called. "First off, this is the worst damn city in the world to commit a crime. They got cameras on every street corner. Got video footage from CCTV of the raid. Let's track that, see where it leads us." He handed Tej a tape. Tej tapped Rae's side lightly. She sighed, sliding off. 

"And secondly, we just got confirmation on what Shaw's crew grabbed from Interpol. They ripped off a data base of every location that houses the final component that they need." He finished. 

"So, where are they at?" Bri asked. 

"There are over two dozen of them around Europe." Riley answered. 

"But the list is only good for 96 hours." Hobbs said.

"So we have to move." Rae concluded. 

"Which means wherever Shaw's crew is gonna hit next, it's gonna happen within the next four days. They got a window and so do we. As Regan said, we gotta move." Hobbs said. 

"They're right. So let's break this down." Dom said. "You met them. What do we know?"

"We know they have to be running custom engines." Tej answered. 

"You heard that flip car going through those gears. Insane." Rae finished. 

"Sequential transmission." Han said. 

"That didn't sound like a normal engine." Gisele added. 

"That was a turbo diesel." Brian told her. "It sounded like something you head at Le Mans."

"Did you see it take all those hits and still stay flat in the corners?" Tej asked. 

"Yeah, hydraulics." Roman said. 

"Or magnetic suspension." Rae and Bri said at the same time. 

"But who not only has access to the components but can fabricate something like that?" Han asked. 

"Maybe a handful of shops in London." Brian suggested. 

"Regular tuner shops aren't gonna cut it on this one." Dom told him. 

"We're gonna have to dig deeper on that." Rae said. 

"Han, Gisele, Regan, Roman, you're up." Dom told them. "We find the guy who made that car, we find Shaw. 

"Let's go." Gisele said. 

"I'll help." Riley offered. 

"Roger that." Hobbs replied. 

Rae waved to Tej as they made their way out. 

"All right, this is number five on our list." Riley told them. 

"And the dirtiest, it seems." Rae replied, taking a look around. 

Their guy in question raised a gun, sending it through the cement block to be a hook on the other side. "Holy shit. What's the dude planning on hunting? Moby Dick?" 

"Do you actually understand that reference?" Rae asked. 

"That must be our guy." Han said. "So, how do you all want to play this?"

"Han and I got this. We go in tight, let me do all the talking, and y'all have my back on it." Roman said. 

"There's one thing you boys are forgetting. He's a man. Let's go." Gisele replied. 

Rae and Riley followed close behind her. 

The three let the door close behind them, getting his attention. The girls smiled and nodded along. 

"We're looking for information." Gisele said. 

"You're looking for information? About what?" He asked. 

"Information about...cars." She answered. "In particular, two you designed recently." 

"Ramp cars. Low slung, skeletal frames." Riley added. 

"We'd be very interested to find the man who bought those." Gisele told him. 

"Why should I help you?" He asked. 

"Because we're asking you nicely." She answered. 

"Because you're asking me nicely? What can you offer that I can't get from a thousand other girls?" He asked. 

"We can offer this to not be so nice." Rae answered. 

He reached for Riley's face ad she reacted quickly, twisting his arm so he'd cry out in pain.

"That is what we offer." Rae mumbled. 

Riley flipped him over, landing him on the ground. He continued shouting as she pressed her knee against his face. 

Gisele leaned down. "You look like a man who likes it rough." She said. "My friend here can give you heights of pain you've never experienced before. And don't even get me started on the little one. Do we have a deal?" She asked. 

"Deal, deal, deal! Deal. Deal." He agreed. 

He lead them into the shop. "So, I uh- I got the information in here." He sat down at a computer. "So, may I ask why you're looking for Shaw?" 

"He took something of ours. We'd like to talk to him about it." Gisele answered. 

"Let's see what we got." He replied. 

The tires screeching caught Rae's attention, though Gisele and Riley didn't seem to mind. Letty got out of the car, making Rae freeze. This was her first encounter with Letty. 

"Letty." Rae whispered. 

"Sorry, girls." The man said. 

"Oh, shit." Rae mumbled when she noticed the gun the man in the front pulled out. The guy next to him lifted his gun up with him. Letty was unarmed. The girls ducked as fast as they could, Riley grabbing her gun and aiming. Rae watched Letty duck as Riley took a shot. 

"Watch it." Rae barked. "That's our girl." 

Letty pulled her gun out, pointing it at Riley. Riley hid behind the cement pole as best as she could. 

"Gisele, if she shoots Letty, I'm gonna have to kill her." Rae warned. 

"Yeah. That's fair." Gisele replied. 

Gisele pulled the guy to her, begging him to stay. 

"Go." She told Rae. Regan nodded, running out of the room. As she did, she noticed Letty take off with Riley right behind her. She tailed Riley. 

Rae chased Riley through dark tunnels, taking every turn she noticed the brunette take. She had her gun in her hand as she ran through the gate right behind her. She took notice of the train station, tucking it away safely. The three girls pushed people out of their way as they kept going. The way their hair flew behind them was how Rae could keep up. Letty ran into a guy, slowing her down and Riley caught up to her, making Rae run faster. They fought in the hall as Rae caught up, trying to pull them apart rather than choosing who to fight. Riley pushed Regan away, pushing Letty into the wall to cuff her. Rae  scrambled to her feet just as Letty got up. She didn't get a chance to stop Riley as she kicked Letty into the wall. 

"Shit, Riley, stop." She tried. She didn't wanna have to get violent. 

Letty pushed off the wall, wrapping the cuffs around her fist. All three girls had their fists up, Rae standing closer to Riley. They threw punches, Riley driving her knee into Letty. 

"Aw, shit." Rae mumbled. She took the opportunity to send her left elbow straight into Riley's nose. She slammed against the wall, Letty now having the upper hand. She hit her knee into Riley's stomach before Riley reached her hand up to grab Letty by the throat. She moved her closer to the stairs, the two delivering blows still. Rae looked around at the people staring. Riley spun, wrapping her legs around Letty's neck to place her under her, attempting to get the cuffs on. 

"Regan, help me." She called as Letty struggled under her. Rae just stood there. Letty moved, biting Riley's thigh. She finally got out from under her, Riley kicking her off. They both stood, Letty getting a running start. 

"Letty, no!" Rae yelled. She was too last as they both rolled down the stairs. "Shit." 

She ran down behind them. "Letty, go." She called as they both started to get up. Riley made a move towards Letty, but Rae got in front of her, sending her left elbow into her face again. It was her best defense, really. 

Riley stumbled back, but returned the blow. She spun, swinging her left leg at Rae. Regan flew into the wall just as Letty had before. That was it; Regan was fucking done being nice. Her left hand slid into Riley's hair, pulling her forward as her knee went up, repeatedly. She released her grip, throwing her elbow into Riley's face once again. As Riley stumbled back, Regan used her own move on her, placing all of her weight onto her right foot before jumping up and spinning once, throwing all of the power into her left as she kicked her against the wall. She landed, giving Riley a moment. 

"We done?" Rae asked, wiping at the blood on her face. 

"Yeah." Riley answered. "We're done." 

The two kept a decent amount of space between them, all trust lost.

Next chapter