
Chapter 6, School Principal Phone to Ms. Rani Devi

Chapter 6

After one month, phone call came from School Principal. Phone received by Rani. Telling that, Parents meeting is scheduled tomorrow. Please come to the school. But, Principal told me to come as a Parent and not as a DSP.

Rani: See Anurag, Principal asked me to come to school as a normal parent.

Anurag: OK Rani. You go. Whatever you feel like you tell them, let’s see what will be the actions, reactions and outcome.

Rani: Went to School next day like a normal parent.

Principal: All Progress Reports given to each parent before their ward. Explained each wads behavioral attitudes to their parents. How much interest to be shown to their wards for monitoring subjects at home etc. More of mothers came to the school than fathers. Few fathers attending the parents meeting.

Rani ji, whatever you want to tell or explain please tell, told Principal.

Rani: OK madam. Then started telling all the Parents.

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