
All Hail Raas!


Heh... so another month went by... how time flies.

But here we are now, another chapter!


After a quick clean up Raas contemplated on his next move.

He sat there curled up watching the elven woman silently praying in front of the graves. He didn't know what to do from here on out, but he needed more information about this place, and how to get back.

He could probably wait till Scorge found him, or maybe even summon him with some kind of ritual. The thought of summoning Scorge made him cringe. Pushing the thought back he contemplated.

After a few seconds, a small smirk appeared on his face.

Without any consideration, he swopped the startled elf off her feet and placed her on his head.

"Eeep! What are you doing my lord?!" shrieked the elf as she tried to cling to Raas' scales as tight as she could. "Hold on tight" spoke Raas as he slithered through the woods. The speed of Raas made her hair flutter and she could barely keep her eyes open.

"Just a little trip to your home." said Raas as he "elegantly" slithered through the vegetation, mowing down bushes and plants.

As his large frame slithered he flicked his tongue to follow the scent of the fleeing elf soldiers.

It didn't take long till he saw them in the distance, they looked exhausted leaving every weight behind that would hinder their movements. Jumping from tree to tree or straight up sprinting, they fled from him as if he was a demon. 'Are they really so scared of me?' thought Raas as he saw them noticing him.

'It is kind of funny scaring them...' thought Raas but quickly caught himself, 'NO! Stop, Scorge is rubbing off on me! Can't let that happen! This is not funny, only..., mildly amusing...yes mildly amusing!'

Slowing down he let the elves get some breathing space as he didn't want to confront them before they reached the city. He could probably level it if it was a small one. Scorge has taught Raas much in the time when there was nothing to do, mostly "useless" stuff on how to destroy things. And one of the things was how to get what he wanted by installing fear. The other was how to cripple cities and what infrastructures to target.

It was kind of bizarre for Raas to think on city levels. Was he truly strong enough to destroy them?

Yes, and no.

He could easily destroy a village, or even a small city with a few attacks, but the main problem where the people living in it, and some magical defenses and towers that are troublesome. There could be some adventurer guild branches that housed strong people but they were thinned out and mainly in large cities or monster-rich surroundings.

But from what the elf had told him, it was a small outpost city that was mainly used for trade and resupply, before the humans destroyed the main border cities.

"Oh by the way, what is your name?" asked Raas as he shook the thought of deleting cities from the face of the earth. He had other plans...

"Lana al Lodaria. Daughter of Leonidas al Lodaria." squeaked the elf.

"Hmmm, a noble then I guess... so here's the plan," said Raas as he came to a stop at the edge of the forest. In front of them, he could see the fleeing elves scurrying inside the city. A few seconds later the gate shut tight and some kind of magical energy pulsed. The city walls shook and a blue transparent shield encased the walls.


(POV Commander Gravus de Lopita)

After running for my life we finally reached the city.

"Commander Gravus what is the rush?"

I didn't even bother the guards as I just pushed them away and shouted "Seel the gates activate the shields! Threat level 4!"

"Commander what happened?" asked a soldier, but I didn't have time to explain as the monster was chasing us like one of those dwarf's war serpent machines, or so they called them.

"Just do it and prepare for combat! And someone calls the wizard tower, tell them to send their elites! For Goddes' sake, the tower master should personally come at this point!" I was still in shock witnessing the blast from the damned beast. A single attack killed one of the famed Greyborns, bypassing their bloodline abilities that were known to even withstand a gargoyle class siege weapon.

If such a beast attacked those walls it would only take a couple of shots to blow a hole through it.

And who knows what other attacks it could dish out. I wasn't going to risk it.

"Yes sir!" saluted the soldier and activated the protection barrier.

The next few minutes were tens. Soldiers running around with spells being prepared.

"Sir, the monster has been spotted at the edge of the forest! It is currently just sitting there!"

"Damn it!" I shouted, hoping to have more time till it appeared. But the soldier continued with the report.

"But it isn't alone. We have spotted the monster with Lady Lana, and she is running towards us. What should we do?"

My mind raised. "What?" I blurted out.

I found the situation suspicious. How come the monster only killed the humans and not us? But the thought of Lady Lana having tamed the beast was impossible. She wasn't even a beast tamer and with her levels... no way. But what if?

"Don't let her in, get me two long Rangers that cover me. I will go out and talk to her. You two follow me!" I shouted pointing at two of my best men.

It might be an irrational idea and her father might hang me for it, but only if we survive this.


Marching out with two of the elite guards flanking me I greeted her. "Lady Lana, why are you here with the beast?"

My arm rested on my blade clutching it with all my might, and even from here, I could feel the oppressing presence of the monster. Its eyes were locked on me, burying into my soul.

"Greetings Commander Gravus. My Lord, the demigod serpent, send me here to ask for an audience with the city lord. He asked me to tell him that he isn't here to feed and is only passing by and is only seeking some information. If what he is searing for is found he will depart without a need of combat. We will wait for two hours."

I let her words sink in for a second, I have so many questions.

"And if the city lord dosn't agree?"

"... then you will feel the consequences of such actions..." said Lana somewhat pleadingly.

She was clearly threatened by it.

"And tell my father not to do anything rash..." said Lana and left.

"Should we eliminate her?" I heard from my communication crystal. The Rangers on the walls all aimed at her.

"No, and inform the city lord of what you heard. We will wait for now..."


(POV Raas)

Wow, it went better than I thought.

Lana managed to send my message and now we wait. I never planned on destroying this city but a few open threats do go a long way. And if they don't cooperate I will leave and search for another city, maybe even the human cities/towns if I have to.

She returned and kneeled before me informing me that everything went smoothly. The poor thing was still scared of me, but I will let her go once this whole ordeal is done.

The two hours quickly went by and Lana got anxious as time moved on.

But just as two hours were up, or so I assumed, a group of knights and mages flanking a tall man with green hair and blue eyes in noble clothes marched towards me.

Sitting up I unfolded my wings and towered over them.

"Greetings demigod serpent. I am the city lord of ... to what have I the pleasure of meeting you?"

'He too?' I thought as he called me a demigod.

"Hmmmm..." his tone is elegant and eloquent, "After a recent small scuffle I was teleported here and now seek some knowledge for where exactly I am and how to go back. And in my search, I stumbled upon this little one. She had helped me, but lacked the knowledge for me to go home."

The city lord paused and thought, "If that is the case it would be a pleasure to help you...."


"Demigod Raas." He finished his sentence.

After a few minutes of talking, I managed to find out where exactly I am. and how to go home. There were a few teleportation circles that linked the continents but they weren't built for such a size. And the only way for me home is to cross the human kingdom or a roundabout way by sea or to go to the southern continent than to the central one where apparently the dungeon I was "born" in resided.

But till then the city lord offered me residence here and asked me if I could scare away the humans as they are in a full-blown war with each other for 3 years or so.

I had much to plan out and I could spare a couple of days here.

"I agree to reside here for a couple of days till I finish planning my trip, and till then I promise to protect this city."

As I spoke those words a small orb flew out from my core and hovered over the city.

*Ding!* *Ding!* *Ding!* *Ding!* *Ding!*

[Raas has agreed to protect the city for the remainder of his stay!]

[The elven city "Latia" is now under Serpent Guardian Raas' protection may death fall upon every being that shall harm the city and its people!]

[Mana regeneration for citizens increased by 10%]

[Mana capacity increased by 10%]

[Solstic Venom is now active!]

"...what?" the city lord mumbled as he read the notification.

My eyes nearly popped out as I read the system prompt...

I was shocked, he was shocked, the entourage of guards was shocked, and Lana nearly collapsed from shock.

The city lord and all the guards dropped to their knees and spoke "All hail our Guardian Serpent Raas! May he protect its city and nurture us as we guide it!"




The next chapter will be probably released after 21.August. Have a University Test coming up. But till then hope you stay safe and healthy!

And here is an art from a Discord member.

PS: don't forget those Power Stones!

Next chapter