
Meeting new Friends

In Evening:

Alan followed the map to reach dining hall, he saw that there were many students and that dining hall was very big. He was asked for his ID card by a security person, later he told him the area where freshers were sitting. Alan walked towards that area and sat beside a boy with Raven Hairs, that boy wore a White T-shirt and Black Trousers.

"Hello, I am Ethan. What's your name ?"N Said that boy with raven Hair.

"I am Alan." Alan replied with a low tone.

"Are you sad ? You doesn't seem excited." Said Ethan.

"No, just missing mom and dad." Replied Alan.

"Ok. I was also like this week back, but I met Lucia, William and Noah. You will also enjoy here, they all are from different regions you know ? By the way where are you from ?" Said Ethan.

"I am from Gloom Village near Vermillion City." Replied Jason looking at the 3 other kids introduced by Ethan, Lucia had red hairs and fair complexion, she had two ponies on her head, that girl had serious face. William was different, he had Black hairs and dark complexion but he was most funny in the group, he was the one cracking jokes in between. Noah was another girl who had blonde hairs, her hairs were short and she also had fair complexion with cute face, her smile was very cute.

"Ohh, so you are from Kanto itself. I am from Unova region. Have you heard of it ?" Said Ethan.

"Yes, I know. Its very far from here." Replied Alan. Alan can't remember how exactly he knew many places, because it seemed that he had heard information about these places or people before, although his vision was not clear, like he could only recognize a few Pokemon, places or Same as people. Like Professor Samuel Oak, it seems like he had seen him before but he was different then like a short of cartoon character or something, but still he seems similar.

"Great, Noah is also from Unova, William is from Alola and Lucia is from Jhoto." Said Ethan and everyone said hello to Alan as well.

"Hello everyone, good evening. This is a welcome ceremony for the freshmen who are enrolled in the new semester. I hope you all know your classmates by now." A white-haired old man said who stood on the stage. He was the principal of the school, Mr. Charles. Behind him were the most famous researchers, Professor Samuel Oak. Next to Professor Oak, he saw two other familiar faces, but he could not recognize them.

"As per policy of Pokemon School, Every new year students is taught about the Pokemon, their types, habitat in first year, from second year they were allowed to choose one pokemon with whom they will bond, Study and train for next 9 Years of school, though students are allowed to capture pokemons of their own after they get their first pokemon. But their certification will depend on how well they have trained the pokemon received from school." Said Professor Charles and everyone clapped.

"So I hope you all are ready for your school, school will start from monday so you have 2 days till your lectures start." Said Prof. Charles and told everyone to start eating.

"Wow, it will be cool to have a pokemon of our own. I want something powerful." Said William.

"Yeah that will be great, what do you think Alan ?" Said Ethan.

"Yes it will be great." Said Alan, he already had a pokemon but he kept it a secret till he trust these kids.

Everyone Finished their dinner and started their walk back to dorm.

"So Alan, what type you like most, I love Fire Types, they are so energetic and they look very fierce, like Charizard." Said Ethan.

"Um...Uhh... I haven't decided yet, but I think I love all types, though I loved my mother's Scizor and my Dad's Aggron, so I think I love steel type because I think they are powerful and immune to so many attacks, they are not easily defeatable." Said Alan.

"Wow, I love steel types too, you know my dad has a powerful Skarmory, my father use to take me on ride." Said William, he was excited that he found someone with same thinking.

"Nah... I think steel types are boring, they are too slow and a fighting type can defeat them easily." Said Noah.

"You seem to love fighting type most." Asked Alan.

"Yes, and I want to be a gym leader like my dad." Said Noah.

"Wow, your dad is a fighting type Gym leader ?" Asked Alan.

"No, he is Normal type Gym Leader, he has gym in Aspertia City." Said Noah.

"Wow, thats so cool." Replied Alan who was very excited and looked at Lucia who was silent in whole conversation, "So Lucia which type you like most ?" He asked Her.

"I love Ghost type. They are so good and silent killing weapon. They feed on fear of people." Said Lucy in creepy tone.

"Creepy." Said Everyone in single tone.

Alan was first to reach near his room and he waved good bye to everyone then entered his room. He called out his friend Beldum and chatted with him about his new friends in school. Beldum was also floating around happily listening to everything Alan was saying. "I am waiting for lectures to start now and i will be glad to learn more about you and your type Beldum." Alan Said and Beldum headbutted him in joy.

Chapter Ends

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