The rust within souls: doubt, heartbroken, fear, mysterious, strong emotions like regret, anger, anxiety, etc. Their is also ones who are recorded in this book that loves the comfort of the darkness, and those who are happy; and fight the monsters in the darkness. (Poetry Form Book.)
Hold me in my cloak, even though my bones are without my skin. My soul is dry and lost, but the tree that hovers over me hasn't left.
It didn't judge me by my appearance, but my heart. It was on fire. My heart also sensed the spirit that was always with me in the beginning, it was another spirit just like me: lost and dry, but nature started to grow on our backs.
Then, we stuck together and called our hearts Fire and Water. It still bloomed blossom trees above us, and some of the petals even fell.
But when it did, we were at peace, even without our original skin. We had eachother, different but looking for someone else just like us.