
Reincarnation of Gods

Standing alone, a safe distance away from prying eyes, Zariel stared at the mansion that stretched over a few acres. The walls were all ruined and tattered with debris and rubble in many places, with long poisonous vines coiling through windows and doors. Bring a fiendish air towards the mention that held such a tragic history.

"Master. It's been years since that blasted scarlet night appeared. What have you found?" Duke Blackwater desperately chastised. Having grown restless as of late.

Zariel lit some ravane followed by another and another, then another. Allowing the smoldering air to fester in the twilight, he waited motionlessly.

"Your lungs will look like shit if you keep smoking. Your body is not what it used to be." Sephtis, God of Order, and Zariel's Master warned solemnly. "I am currently in the Plane of Oblivion, meeting an old friend."

"An old friend? You have friends?" Zariel jeered, blowing sweet smoke into the chilling night. "You could have fooled me."

Sephtis chuckled lightly, somewhat entertained, "Aye, he is quite a workaholic. But reliable as they come. From what I have learned, Seven particular Lords have escaped. One of them is an old rival who I killed but could not entirely destroy his soul. A failure, no doubt on my part."

Grabbing Zariel's attention, Sephtis once again chuckled, seeing his little disciple grow grim. "Calling him rival was a stretch, as I needed the help of seven other powerful sovereigns to kill but kill I did. At least I thought I did."


Releasing a heavy sigh, Sephtis continued grimly, " Ignoring Heaven and Hell, for now. When a soul dies, said soul will automatically head into the Plane of Oblivion to be processed and judged. From there, depending on their crime or life, they are sent to any of the twelve realms to be reincarnated, tormented, or saved."

"So the Plane of Oblivion is like a what? Limbo?"

Shaking his head, within the depths of Oblivion, Sephtis breath chilled, "Yes and No. It's a little of everything, as it houses its own version of the Nine Hells and Heaven. Only those picked by the Hells and Seven Heavens can enter their Plane. Like you."

Passing his feet over the smoldering embers of the Ravane, Zariel hummed, recalling his time within the hells. There was no smile upon his lips, only a burning killing intent fueled by rage and hatred.

"The Seven that escaped were all those who died, with minor injuries to their souls. From what we can gather, a few from the domain of Illuthath infiltrated Oblivion. They forced these seven through a cycle without the usual proper procedure of wiping their memories and barely cleaning their souls. It's a fucking disaster here."

"What are their names?" Zariel viciously demanded, growling like that of a wild beast.

Silent for a moment, Sephtis sighed, "I know you're a Master of Intent, but do not speak their names. As of right now, we know who two of them are. Ruler of Elysium, Aldrich and King Arthur Pendragon, Blade of The Radiant Star."

"I have heard some stories of Aldrich, but who is Arthur Pendragon." Zariel patiently questioned without the use of his lips.

'The Last Monarch of Light." Sephtis uttered coldly, sending Zariel paler than the snow beneath his feet. "You need to be careful and keep Aurelia away from them."

Staggering backward, the voice of The Master fell silent and distant. Yet the only thing Zariel could hear was the crackles of laughter from the devil that wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

"I did say those of Legends and Myths were on their way." Claimed the Demonic Fallen, Mephisto amusingly enjoying the ashen grimace upon Zariel. "It's quite a show, you know, at least it is for me. How will Zariel Blackwater make it out of this? Find out on the next chapter of—"

"Piss off," Zariel howled, pushing Mephisto's arm from off his shoulder as if he were the plague incarnate.

'Meow,' Mocking Zariel, the Demonic Fallen crackled with laughter, "It's always enjoying talking to you, Zariel. How are you liking Aurelia, by the way? I see she is already using Chasing Daybreak; how disappointing."

"Why are you here," Zariel barked coldly, having grown tired of this trickster who came and went as he pleased. It was not the first time he had appeared to the young duke over the years, offering nothing but torment each time.

"Shit and giggles, and a little chaos. My little niece is growing so strong, you see, but she reminds me so much of my brother before he fell. Bright as the first light."

Holding a profound stare upon Zariel, the smile on Mephisto deepened, sending a chill deep into the depths of his core. Time had seemed to have frozen with the devilish Mephisto focusing on Zariel. Feeling he had returned back into the depths of hell once again, a fearful sweat slithered down his brow, staining his clothing.

"Dumb-Dumb! Who are you talking to!" Aurelia suddenly called out, patting Duke Blackwaters shoulder startling him awake. He gulped, but his gaze remained fixed upon the Fallen Angel, staring coldly unlike his usual self.

Sending a glance towards the villa and then back to Zariel, the golden eye girl frowned, "Who are you talking to? There is no one here."

"Till we meet again, Zariel. Truly you are more interesting than the Birth of a Fallen." Mephisto muttered, blinking out of existence, leaving no trace of his presence or involvement.

An icy shuttered colder than the Eighth layer of Hells passed through the Young Duke, who did not dare even to blink. The hairs upon his flesh were on end, and the blood passing through his veins had come to a halt, if only for a moment.

"Zireael?" Growing a little frightened, Aurelia whispered, patting his shoulder, having never seen the everpresent calm lord so pale. "What's going on."

'God knows.' Zariel replied darkly, walking off without another word.

Opening her mouth, Aurelia held her words only to notice the small ashes of ravane fluttering about in the snow. A hint of worry pressed softly against her small heart as she looked up towards the fading image of her mentor.

'When will he stop?' She asked, unsure how many times she had asked herself the same question.

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