

"Commander," A young noble knight shouted, soluting a middle-aged knight with a long streak of white through his evenly cut jet black hair.

Folding his arms over one another Sir Greymore, traced his calm eyes towards the knight standing at the ready. "What is it Logan," he asked in a clear, commanding tone.

"There has been movement from her majesty Lady Talia. She seems to be cleaning, alongside the Assassin known as Innis. Can we presume that Duke Blackwater is on his way?" Logan informed, lowering his head so he may not meet the gaze of Greymore.

"Lift your head, son! I am not like the other knights. You may not show such false weakness before me." Said Greymore, "Look me in the eye when speaking, I may be your Commander, but I am also a knight in service of the crown. "

Hesitant, Logan paused for but a moment, lifting his gaze, eyes that reflected the eyes of a lion towards Greymore. Who did not seem shocked in the slightest.

"I have heard many things about you Logan, that is why I asked you to appear within my battalion. Despite the heavy discrimination, I chose you out alongside three other Beastman. Out of our four hundred, you and three others stand out." Greymore proudly uttered, bearing down towards the young knight.

"Lift your head, and know you have found a place here. I have never once cared to discriminate, as we will be fighting side by side."

Finding a smile upon his rugged appearance Sir Greymore, shot his eyes through the bushes and tree's towards what appeared to be the outline of a large tent.

"You are to take fifty men and patrol the Lake of Reflection. Watch over the people here, but keep an eye out on the Princess."

"And what of the Prince?" Logan voiced, with a hint of rejection.

Clitting his tongue in reply, a heavy silence filled the encampment they resided in. Orders have been given, but lives have already been taken by the kingdom of Broma. As knights of the Kingdom of Ferrum, they felt nothing but disgust by the very thought of protecting the enemy.

"Still attempting to get into Princess Taila's pants. However, it seems our lady cares not for his advances." Sir Greymore explained with a prideful smile. "No matter, for now, visit the Lake and guard the perimeter. A squad of knights vanished and was found eaten by beasts. We believe it was done by a druid. Keep an eye out."

"Yes, Sir!" Logan declared, dismissing himself.

Staring intensely at the young knight, a scornful voice filled with condescension resounded from behind Sir Greymore. "Did not think you would pick a half-blood to be one of your knights. Is our kingdom so lacking?"

Shifting his stern gaze towards Sir Eachann, who carried his head high with a cheeky smile. The Commander turned, unable to hold a second longer than needed upon this man.

'a disgrace to us knights. I hold no ill will to you, Duke Blackwater, but this man. This insect doesn't deserve to carry a noble title.' Greymore thought to himself, clenching his fist tightly to his side. 'Knights serve the king or their lords! But this thing serves no one, yet struts about like he is a Barron or count.'

Dressed in the formal armor of a knight of Ferrum, Eachann lifted his lips high, somewhat arrogant due to his new title. "When shall I see my daughter again? It has been far too long! To think I would be here to bring her in!"

"You are only here to make her stand against Duke Blackwater." Said Sir Greymore, "Any further actions will be taken as Treason. Are we clear!"

Chuckling a little oblivious to Sir Grymores stern warning, Eachann smirked, "Treason? Really? I may be a commoner at birth, but I have seen much of our kingdom."

"It will seem, your confidence has grown in considering to how it all began. You were no more a little insect, begging us not to take your gold. But let me put it in words, you will understand. If you do not deliver us, Aurelia fucking Morningstar. I will sever your head where you stand and claim Treason! Clear?"

At his stone words, Eachann's expression turned ugly on the spot. He shivered, immediately losing his early confidence.


"Take off your armor and dress properly. Aurelia never saw you as a knight, and she doesn't need to now. You are to dress like you were before, just cleaner. Tell her you have come back for her and that she should follow you. If you cannot get to her, you are to poison her cup or food and deliver her to me, alive." Sir Greymore sharply uttered, pressing his hands behind his back.

Surveying the Lake of Reflection in the distance, he turned to the Ashen expression of Eachann, "you should be grateful you are alive right now. complete this assignment, and you shall be rewarded with your freedom and another chest of gold."

"A... and what of Duke Blackwater and the princess?" Sir Eachann inquired softly, struggling to stand before the swordlike gaze of the true knight before him. Not daring to meet his gaze, Eachann held his head low.

"You are not to even approach with Lord Blackwater, nearby. Should he see you, you are dead. Should Lady Talia or Innis see you, you are dead. We will handle everything. Just be at the ready when we call."

Frightened by the possibility of death, Eachann took a step back. Death was all but common amongst commoners. He had seen so many just walk out of their homes and die of their own volition. Death was a very common sight, but he had made it. He was a knight of Ferrum. He had something to live for now.

Gritting his teeth, he peered up towards the measured stare of Sir Greymore and spoke, "Y-y-you can count on me."

"hmph, you truly believe that don't you," Sir greymore stated with a mocking air, "Return to your tent. I shall inform you when they arrive.'

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