
Once Again

Monday morning. How often, since the inception of time, had the week restarted once more? With the birth of light, per the hands of God, came the idea of Monday too. . . and it would not disappear, even if the Elohim did.

Once more, the week, together with the world, had reset. But humanity's thoughts remained in the previous day. News, all around the world, would discuss the weird phenomenon that happened in Seoul. The media was quick to find a name for it—The Birth of Light. And just as quick as they were to name it, so was their need to explain it, though this task was not as easy.

Many thoughts swirled around, from reputable news sources claiming it to be a lightflare from the sun to yellow papers and tabloids calling it a government experiment gone wrong or aliens from outer space probing Korea as a test station. Nonsense or not, the citizens of each country had their own thoughts, irrespective of all the junk floating around.

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