
Chapter 120: Leaving King's Landing

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"Just take a seat, Lord Arryn, Ned." Said Edward with a calm voice surprising the other two. They thought with such a look, Edward's voice would be stiff. But they seemed to be wrong about Edward.

"You knew why we come here, Edward. First of all, let me apologize to you." Said Jon while bowing his head. He knew they were in the wrong this time and bowed his head before he even took his seat.

Ned Stark followed Jon in bowing his head. He was glad that he was not alone in his fight against Robert when Robert agreed to kill the Targaryen's children.

Edward hurried to help Lord Arryn to stand. He did not like when Jon did something like that. Actually, Jon's position in Edward's heart was way higher than Steffon's. Not only because of how he read about the man in the books and the show but because this man really treated the three of them as his children. Edward respected him. That was why Edward decided to take care of Jon's son, Robin, after Jon's death ^_^.

"Don't worry about it, Lord Arryn. What happened had already happened. It is just I gave Ashara my word to return her sister and childhood friend back to Stormsland. I just got tired of breaking my words to my family. I promised my mother that I would take care of my brothers and Renly died. Now it is Ashara's turn to be sad." Said Edward with a sad voice, trying to look pitiful in front of the other two. Both Ned and Jon knew about the concept of honor in Edward's eyes and knew that he cared about his family more than anything else. Luckily for Edward was that only the two of them had come to visit him as both of them valued honor more than anything else.

"I know, but what can you do in such a situation. You can't bring back the dead, can you? Ashara would understand." Said Jon as he was trying to console Edward. He then looked at Ned and nodded his head.

"But we came here today because we wanted you to lift the siege on King's Landing." Said Ned as he looked at Edward. He would leave the next day to Dorne, and he could not help but worry about what Edward would do in his absence.

"Don't worry. I am leaving tomorrow. I will return to Storm's End. Lucky for me that both of you came here today. Two things will change in our deal. I will not help the Iron Throne ever. I might help you both but would not extend my help to a matter that concerns the Iron Throne. Because part of our deal got broken, I took the compensation from the Targaryen's share." Said Edward with a calm voice. This matter was the important one in his eyes.

Jon and Nod looked at each other's eyes and could see the helplessness in each other's eyes. What could they say? If they told Edward that they did not agree to what he said, would Edward listen to them? So it was better for them just to shut up and take it as it was.

"I am leaving for Dorne tomorrow. Varys told me that Rhaegar might have imprisoned Lyanna in the tower of joy, so I am going to see if it is true." Said Ned with a heavy tone. It was the only clue that he had after all this time in King's Landing.

Ned hoped that he could find Lyanna. He was afraid that he would find his sister dead as the rest of his family. Suddenly the big Stark Family shrunk by that much in just a few months.

"Come with me to Storm's End. After I talk to Ashara, I would come with you. Stannis should have taken that area from Dorne by now." Said Edward as he gave Ned a nod. That was what he wanted. He decided to save the idiot Arthur so that he could coax Ashara by that at least. If Arthur tried anything funny in the future, he could kill him by that time.

Ned nodded his head to Edward to express that he agreed to Edward's proposal. After discussing some solutions about how they could handle The Reach and Dorne, Jon and Ned left to do what they had to do.

Edward thought about what to do from this moment and came up with a plan in order to help him in the sixteen years of peace. Edward decided to exchange the idiot, Mace Tyrell, with a copy of each book from The Citadel. Yeah, it would probably not be enough, but with The Tyrell, Tarly, and Hightower's pressure, the maesters might agree. If they still did not agree, Edward planned to send his army to Oldtown to scare them off, but he would never attack. No one knew what those maesters idiots had invented there. Edward was afraid that they could spread some of the diseases they stored in that place or make some horrible things that might harm his men. That was the reason he would only scare them. And with the help that maester Jones had provided him, Edward knew the exact number of books stored in that place.

Maester Jones was against Edward in this plan. He disagreed with Edward's plan of educating the masses. He thought that the knowledge should get protected by the lords as it might cause many problems when many men had such a weapon. And only a selected few should have the right to learn this knowledge. Edward had the same thought of educating the masses would be dangerous, but teaching the basses to all the Smallfolk. Something like reading and writing and some mathematics would be helpful. The selected few who show promising talents in this area would get the right to complete their education.

You might be wondering why Edward would need the knowledge from the citadel, but this was a different world with different pieces of knowledge. Just look at the diseases in this world and how much this world was different from the modern world. Here, you could find a trace of magic everywhere.

The following day after Edward's conversation with Jon and Ned, The Smallfolks filled the different streets of King's Landing. All those people came to send Edward and his army off as Edward ordered his army to move. Carriages filled with gold and other valuable thing left King's Landing through The River Gate. Jon and Robert, who still had a swelling on his face and looked a little angry, came to say their farewell to Edward.


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