
Chapter 69: Teasing and Arthur's fate

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's first chapter.

We finished this arc on my pàtreon and would upload the rebellion arc next.

Thanks to everyone who supported me.

Thanks, Daniel Mclean for becoming my Pàtreon.

You could read up to 15 more advanced chapters on my pàtreon.


For the next mass release, if we reach 65 pàtreons, I will upload 8 more chapters.



"Only my eyes?" Teased Ashara as she knew that Edward was holding himself back in the last two months. He had told her that he could wait for their bedding Ceremony to do the thing.

"Your eyes, your face, your tits, and of course, your ass." Said Edward as he touched every part he said before slapping her on the ass. He wished for nothing more than fucking her, but he wanted to make it remarkable.

"Are not you going to tell me the rest of your plans?" Said Ashara as she wanted to know what sort of trouble she was going to marry. Her lover had just told her that he was preparing to end the fucking Targaryen Density. She wanted to open his head and see how Edward's brain was working.

"Not today, Ash. Not today. When you are ready, you would be my partner in this shit mess." Said Edward while looking into her eyes. Even if he was mesmerized by her beauty, Edward was not going to spell out all his secret. He told her the other secret to test her and let her know what she was getting herself in.

Ashara pouted her mouth a little. She was not happy with what Edward said, but she knew that she might not have the ability to face the next secret. If the first one made her speechless, what would the second do? But she had to try teasing him a little. Ashara was curious, after all.

"And now?" Asked Ashara while kissing Edward's neck. She wanted to see how much he could resist her.

"That won't do. I already gained some resistance against witches." Said Edward with a smile on his face. He did not endure the last two months for anything. Edward did not want to be helpless in front of Ashara or any beautiful witch again. He had to have some self-control.

"You sure, Ed?" Asked Ashara as she put one of her hands on his cock from over the clothes. She wanted to see how long he could last.

"I can still take that." Said Edward with a smile, but a drop of sweat appeared on his face. It was still torture, after all.

"What about this?" Asked Ashara as she took out her left breast while pulling Edward's hand to put it on her breast. She was still smiling while doing that.

"I told you I could resist this much." Said Edward with a distorted smile. Ashara's smile was like a demon's at that moment.

Before Ashara could do anything more, Edward grabbed her hands. He knew how daring this woman was, and if he did not stop her, he was sure that she was ready to get naked at the moment.

"What is wrong? Don't you want to see more?" Asked Ashara with an innocent smile as if she did not answer. No wonder this woman could attract those flies. Edward had to hide her well, or else...

The author himself could not imagine the consequences. Ashara could be wilder than Cersi.

"Let's stop it here, or I won't be able to hold it anymore." Said Edward as he longed to eat Ashara's up, so he had to stop her at this moment or he would set the monster free.

Ashara pouted a little as she loved to tease Edward, who was in love with her. But she suddenly had an idea. Ashara remembered one of their previous conversations. She decided to tease him a little more.

"Am I not pretty enough? I heard you did it with that whore at once. Are you telling me that you prefer her to me?" Said Ashara as she started teasing him again. Edward had explained to her everything about his adventures with the whores of Stormsland and The Vale. He even had a dreamy expression when he described Jaesella's curves.

Edward could only scratch his head after hearing her question. He could only blame his uncle, Heldon, for being talkative.

After Edward appeased her a little, Ashara thought of something of great importance. She looked at Edward's eyes at once and asked.

"What about my brother, Arthur? You two still did not reconcile with each other?... Right, I forget to ask, but don't tell me you will hurt my brother in the process? He is just a Kingsguard." Asked Ashara after she remembered her brother's position. She knew that Edward and Arthur did not see eye to eye, and after hearing Edward's plan and knowing how her brother was loyal to Rhaegar, she was afraid for his life.

"I don't like your brother, and you knew it. He is just a stubborn fool who would get himself killed one day for following the wrong person. I will try to protect him, but as I told you before if he insisted on being the same fool he is now, don't blame me." Said Edward as his expression changed a little. He had a big argument with Arthur a month ago. Edward had advised Arthur to work for him, and Edward would make him a lord in Stormsland. Although Edward knew he would refuse, he still offered.

Edward even advised him to take every action wisely and not do whatever Rhaegar told him without thinking. Edward did not want Arthur to help Rhaegar in kidnapping Lyanna.

But Arthur refused his advice and even insulted him, saying that Edward was without honor for asking Arthur to break his Oath. Edward got angry at once and called him Arthur the fool. He orders everyone in the castle to call him that.

Ashara freaked a little. She was closer to Arthur than Arnold, and she depended a lot on him. She was also proud of her brother. "The sword of the morning." had gained honor for every member in House Dayne.

"I am not trying to change your decisions. I know that you are doing that for our future and our children's sake but can you, at least, forgive him. If he behaves like an idiot, you can imprison him. I am sure we would be able to use him after some time." Said Ashara trying to sound cruel but as if her kindness would escape Edward. Edward knew that she wanted to save her brother and was trying to act in front of him.

Edward thought a lot about what he could in Arthur's situation. For Elia, he could push the blame on the Lannisters. But Edward could not put all the blame on Ned Stark in Arthur's case. If Edward wanted to control the North in the future, he would marry one of his sons to Ned's daughter. So Edward could not afford to push the blame on Ned. On the contrary, he wanted Ashara and Ned to have a good relationship for their future and because the man was his friend.


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