

It was the blade that was screaming danger to Zeph as he focused on the stance of Dolph. He waved his sword and gestured to Zeph, beckoning him.

The white lightning began to dance around him as he vanished and appeared just before Dolph. He was surprised but his reaction was fast enough to block his attack. 

Zeph turned to his other hand in which magically another dagger appeared, he slashed at his abdomen. Dolph pushed back his right dagger which was locked and rotated his sword to parry his other dagger. 

What followed was a continuous attack by two daggers as Zeph tried to dominate him again at close quarters. He, like before, was having difficulty following fast-paced swipes with Zeph's short daggers. 

Zeph was skeptical of this artifact sword which was now fully charged but after some time, seeing it was only boosting his strength. He got complacent and pushed more and more on him to deliver a fatal wound. 

Next chapter