
Change in Competition

Next matches were soon decided,it resulted in selection of top 32 from the candidates that have submitted from beginning.Now change is introduced in the competition.Next matches will be challenge matches .There will be 16 positions for next selection and at start of challenge round each position will be held by 16 seeded players.Top 32 can challenge anyone from 16 and by defeating them can take their positions.

If they fail to defeat the one who they challenged.Losers will be given one more chance to challenge but that will happen only after all original challenges have completed.If seeded player fails to defend his position or wants to change his rank he or she too can challenge one time but that will also be after completion of original challenger.

Priority will be given to seeded players than other players who lost challenge after original round of challenges.

As of now along with challenge round rules and list of seeded players with their positions are posted on the hall .This round will begin on next day.

"This is list ! hmmm .....almost all seeded players are of navel chakra level"commented Sauren while reading through list.

"It looks like this round will result in tough matches"

"of course but first we have to select suitable opponent and then decide how to finish them and note our rank in top 32 because it is necessary to know when our turn will come otherwise if someone before us challenged our target and took his position,we will have to change our target ."explained Sauren.

"So let's find one whose weakness matches with our strength,no need to take hard battles if we can complete this easily"said Zeph.

Sauren was shocked by his thinking.He was going to suggest to fight strong ranking seeded players to confirm their position.But then he mulled over it and realised Zeph's suggestion matches with his character.Zeph is practical person he never showed off and never show burning desires.He almost tries to remain calm in every situation.

Yes if he suddenly says that lets fight first ranked player,then that overbear and almost overconfident nature will be out of character for Zeph.He is boy but thinks like mature man.Sauren felt shame that even he was only teenager when he died at earth but still living two lives should have given enough maturity to him but compared to Zeph he was still lacking.

"I will be going to other board to note our ranks in top 32 .You should go to reception to collect information about 16 players,what do you say?"

"ok ,we will meet at inn ?"

"Nah , anywhere quiet....like stadium stands?"

"ok fine"sauren said and both of them went to complete their respective tasks

After half hour ,two figures could be seen sitting in corner of stadium stands,every where around them seats were filled by laughing and chatting students who were enjoying there holidays.

Watching around Sauren commented"quiet?"

Zeph gave awkward smile"looks like everyone wants to hang out at stadium today.

Ok,ranking are decided according to our respective matches.So I am at 11 th position wheras you are at 19 position in top 32 ranking.So it means before our turn many changes will occur in top 16 players."

"Yes ,we can't pre plan now but atleast we can read about 16 players information it will help in some way I guess."Sauren waved information brochure in his hand. Then he and Zeph began to look at given information of seeded players.

'1 rank - Tyson green -Navel Chakra

Spear user,White deer academy,ice elemental ,top student of academy known to have 2 skills and 1 technique

2 rank - Feryl hawk - Navel Chakra

Sword user ,Maple academy,fire elemental, publicly known to have 3 techniques and zero skill

3 rank -Cecil Dune- Navel chakra

Spear user,Sokken academy,earth elemental, publicly known skill 1 and technique 2

4 rank - Muse - Navel Chakra

elemental manipulator,Sokken academy, sound waves energy , publicly known 2 technique.

5 rank -Polar mane -Navel Chakra

axe user , Sokken academy, lightning energy, publicly known 3 techniques and 0 skills.

6 rank -George keem -Navel Chakra

sword user ,leaf academy,water energy, publicly known 3 techniques and 1 skill

7 rank -Issekan - Navel chakra

whip user ,white deer academy,wood energy , publicly known technique 3 and 1 skill.


"No this will not do ,they have too little information moreover rank is not based on strength too.

It will best to react according to circumstances.moreover everyone is at navel chakra level ,you won't be able to win in root chakra level."

"yeah it will be best I open up next chakra point,I will try tonight .I have decided whom I want to fight "

"Already ,but how do we know of their weakness with so little information."

" I'm going for rank 5 person."

" rank 5 hmm....Polar person ,why? ...oh I understand you want to experience how lightning user other than you fight."

"Right, therefore I will challenge him if ranking remained unchanged till my turn"

"Then I will decide on spot "said Sauren as he tossed brochure into his bag". Actually Sauren didn't mind fighting anyone moreover, he would be more than happy to fight tough enemy.

"That council head was also on list ,right?"

"yeah ,she would be very strong if she is that position.Also you remember that girl Brynn what is her position in Top 32."

"I didn't notice.I just looked at mine and yours."

"Seriously dude atleast you should have skimmed over list to find any familliar names "said Sauren while yawning.He closed his eyes and stretched his legs.

Zeph was in deep meditation continuously revolving his serpentine energy.

After two hours of nap ,Sauren opened his eyes .He was satisfied at good sleep he has taken . Turning his head he found Zeph still in meditation.He decided to stroll around academy as he didn't want to disturb his meditation.

Happy reading...........you can share your suggestions or thoughts with me

Copper_maskcreators' thoughts
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