

After half an hour of non-stop running, made more manageable thanks to my infinite stamina, I, along with Midoriya, whom I decided to call Deku, Finally arrived at the large, H-shaped building. Checking the time, we noticed we were barely on time, so we quickly sprinted inside and tried to find our class. Coincidentally, we were both in class 1-A, so to spare me some trouble, I followed Deku around as he did the work of finding our class, which he was too dense to notice. We eventually found it, a gigantic door, with the class-name 1-A written vertically on it. I am pretty large, especially for my age, which since coming to this world became 16, yet I still did not even reach half of the door, barely making it to the top of the A on the door. It seemed to be this large for accessibility, as there were plenty of students whose size reached inhuman digits thanks to their quirks. Instead of contemplating the size of the door and what would be behind it, I instead opted to open it and find out. I slid the humongous door open, which was surprisingly easy and stepped inside. As I walked in, I saw a sight that brought back quite a few memories.

"Don't put your feet on the desk!"

A square-faced boy with neatly combed hair and rectangular glasses reprimanded a delinquent looking boy with unkempt, blond hair.

"Huhh?!" The future criminal answered provokingly.

"Don't you think that's rude to the U.A. upperclassmen and the people who made this desk?" The square answered as if the fate of the world depended on the placement of the young man's feet.

"Nope. What junior high dod you go to, you side character?" The delinquent answered as if itching for a fight.

The two continued to bicker until the wild boy noticed my arrival. As he looked at me, so too did the rest of the class. Eventually, eighteen eyes wide open from surprise were staring at me. It seemed that even though I took and passed the same exam as them, it was still surprising for someone of my calibre to be in the same class as them.

Under the stares of the entire class, instead of shutting down like I would've done in the past, I greeted everyone.

"Yo! nice to meet you. I'm Adam. I hope we'll get along!" I said calmly before walking towards a seat. Deku clumsily bowed and said, "H-hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya, n-nice to meet you!" before hurrying after me and picking a seat next to mine. The surprise factor wore off quickly, and pretty soon, the entire class was murmuring between themselves.

As me and my newly acquired sidekick took a seat, the square-faced boy from earlier approached my table in an almost robotic fashion. It was clear from the way he carried himself that he came from a strict, high-class household.

"Good morning! I am from Somei. My name is Ida Tenya."

"Yo. I'm Adam. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. I heard of your magnificent performance at the entrance exams. Congratulations."

"Oh, thank you. It was no biggie..." And just like that, we started chatting. Our conversation was quickly interrupted when a giant yellow larva with a tired-looking human face slid inside the classroom. It naturally gathered everyone's attention, including mine, causing the class to be completely silent. The yellow creature stood up before pulling down a zipper, revealing itself to be a homeless-looking middle-aged man inside a sleeping bag. His being in a sleeping bag was quite ironic, considering he looked as if he had not slept in months. As he pulled down the zipper, he said in a tired voice:

"All right, It took eight seconds for you to calm down. Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough."

He looked around the classroom before continuing in the same tired, monotone voice.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you."

This statement shocked my classmates, and they immediately started talking with each other. They quickly became silent, however, when the teacher, Aizawa, Reached inside his bag and pulled out a red, white, and blue shirt.

"It's kinda sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field."

A few moments later, after everyone had put on their new gym clothes found at the back of the classroom, we were standing in a large field as Mr Aizawa gave instructions.

"A quirk assessment test??" The class repeated, shocked at this announcement.

"What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?" A girl whom Deku had talked to previously, Uraraka Ochaco, asked. These were all the usual events that would happen on the first day of school. Considering it was still Sunday, this exercise was quite strange.

The teacher, still sounding extremely tired, answered.

"If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events. U.A.'s selling point is how unrestricted it's school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes."Throughout hiS monologue, there was not a single change in tone, which at this point was impressive. As he talked, he turned around to face the class before grabbing a device out of his pocket. The device strongly resembled a smartphone, and he pointed its screen towards us before continuing.

"You guys have been doing these since junior high, too, right? Physical tests where you weren't allowed to use your quirks. The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their quirks. It's not rational. Well, the Ministry of Education is procrastinating."

He then pointed at the wild youth who was bickering with Ida earlier.

"Bakugo, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right? In junior high, what were your best results for the softball throw?"

Bakugo was slightly surprised that the teacher knew such information, but he quickly answered the question. "67 meters."

"Then, try doing it with your quirk."

Sparing no time, Bakugo quickly grabbed the softball handed to him before taking place within a circled spot.

"You can do whatever you want, as long as you stay in the circle. Hurry up, give it all you've got."

Bakugo performed a quick stretch, seemingly thinking about how he would maximize the distance he would throw the ball. He then took a ready stance before throwing the ball as hard as he could.


A strange battle-cry for a hero-to-be, but it did the trick.

As the ball left his hand, he created an explosion that launched the ball away with impressive speed. When the ball finally landed, The device in Mr Aizawa's hand beeped before displaying a distance value on the screen. 750.2 meters.

"Know your maximum first," He said as he showed the result to the entire group. "That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero."

"Woah!" the class was surprised. The students were impressed with the distance the ball went, but more so with the fact that they could finally use their quirks without restraints.

"This looks fun!" One girl said.

"We can use our quirks as much as we want! As expected from the hero course!" Another exclaimed.

Naturally, I was not all that impressed. Bakugo's throw was, in my eyes, not that impressive. It was a feat I could easily top using my raw physical strength, which was possible thanks to my divine constitution. As for letting my quirk go unrestraint, I knew deep down there was not a single enemy in this world that could make me go all out. Then again, it was not about power but fun, and that was significantly easier.

The teacher, for the first time that day, showed an emotion: a small yet still noticeable displeased frown.

"This looks fun, huh?" He said, a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

"You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time?" he lectured. Then, scaring many youths, he smiled menacingly, bloodlust in his eyes.

"All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion."

"HUH??" The class was shocked. With just one sentence, Aizawa had managed to raise the pressure on the younglings tenfold. My newly acquired sidekick seemed even more nervous than the rest, for reasons with which I was intimately familiar. I briefly considered giving him some helpful tips but refrained from doing so. Not only would it be very suspicious, but it was also not my problem. I decided I would let young Midoriya overcome his obstacles on his own, like a man. I then thought about more important matters, such as what I would be having for dinner that day.

While I was busy thinking about life-and-death matters, the teacher was still giving his speech. I had already lost interest, though, so I patiently waited until it was time to start. Eventually, Aizaw finished his piece, and the show could begin.

Test 1: The 50-meter dash. In batches of two, students would sprint 50 meters as fast as they could, using every bit of their power. It was interesting to see the different students use their quirks to overcome their limitations. Unfortunately, this exercise proved to be far from a challenge. Even without using an artefact, I was able to beat Ida Tenya's speed using pure physical strength. A relatively impressive feat if you consider that his quirk increases his leg strength. Nevertheless, a walk in the park for me.

The same happened during the next few tests. The more records I broke, the more attention I got from my fellow students. Even the teacher had his attention on me as, throughout the exercise, he had yet to see me use what he believed to be my only power, my Gate of Babylon. Considering how I beat everyone without even using my main thing, intrigue was the least he could show.

My streak of using solely physical strength had to end, however. I had to use the Gate at some point, even if it was to appease the crowd. When it was time for the 5th test, the ball throw, I was determined my ability.

I went first, not wanting to delay my showing off any longer. It was dead silent when I walked towards the circle. I stood there for a few seconds, ball in hand, waiting for the suspense to reach the limit. When the tension reached a point that it could kill a person, I took action.

Holding the ball in my left hand, I created a golden ripple under it, which promptly absorbed the ball. I then crossed my arms before materializing a gate right in front of me, from which the ball emerged. I held the ball in a loaded position, focusing all my power. Then, I launched it.



Immediately breaking the sound barrier, The ball created a massive shockwave as it launched forward. However, it seemed the ball could not handle such monstrous speeds, as before even going past the horizon, it disintegrated.

A/N thinking of using Ozymandias's oufit as the hero costume. No other fate character has the same amount of sauce. lemme know if yall have suggestions tho. also its time for some social interactions with the fellow students, maybe its time for our (first) waifu? haven't made a choice yet so again, lemme know. also love yall

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