

When Ben reached London, he did not go home to his father's house. He went to his two room apartment that he had inherited from his mother. He didn't care what the papers said, his mother would always be his mom to him. Though she was not around anymore, he understood her actions.

In Nigeria, a woman was expected to conceive on the first year after marriage. If she didn't bear any child, she would labelled as a barren woman or a promiscuous woman who had lost her womb and intentionally trapped a man. He could imagine how his mom must have felt when she discovered that she could not conceive.

Adoption must have been the only option for her. Ben had confronted his father after finding out he was adopted. His father had told him everything.

The only good thing about it was that he could finally be with Kelly and it would not be incest in it's true meaning. They were not related by blood.

That was not how his father saw it. Worse was uncle Simeon, Kelly's dad. The man still considered it shameless despite knowing they were not related by blood. The man had sent him on the next available plane to London.

Ben planned to give it time. Maybe Uncle Simeon would change his mind.


The thought of how she was going to find out that he had travelled without telling her hurt him. He was afraid she would jump into conclusion and do something rash like she always did.

He tried meeting her before leaving but she had gone out. He had also tried calling her, but she did not pick.

Maybe she was angry with him. He thought.

Ben had a quick shower before dressing up for bed. The festivities did not interest him when he Kelly was so far from him. Laying on his cold bed, he wondered what she was doing at the moment.

Suddenly, he heard his doorbell ring, alerting him that someone was at the door. He was not expecting anyone. Who could it be?

Just as he opened the door, he received a slap on his face.

What the fuck?

He was ready to retaliate but he saw who it was. He was shocked, speechless. He found himself rooted to the ground staring at Kelly.

"You don't get to leave me again, you idiot!" She yelled at him. Her chest heaving like she had just finished a four hundred meters race. She pushed away from the door and let herself in. Ben was still shocked. It felt like he was dreaming. How did she get here? He could not believe what he was seeing.

As if he was still uncertain that she was real, he touched her shoulder. Kelly turned to face him, glaring at him.

"You are...." Before she could say another word, he kissed her. And soon, like ice melt into water, Kelly melted into his arms. She savoured the taste of his lips on hers. All intentions of crippling him flew away. She would deal with him in other ways, pleasurable ways. At that moment she was sure of one thing. She loved him.



This is the end. I hope you all enjoyed reading the story because I enjoyed writing every minute of it.

I have started writing another story, The exile. If you're a fan of fantasy stories with witches, fairies, elves and vampires, I'm sure you will love it. I plan on making it a long, slow burn romance story with a little mystery.

Follow me on Instagram @munamary7 to see the digital illustrations on the characters in this story. I'll be posting short stories on my Instagram Page, TikTok and YouTube channel. I plan on telling more short stories with digital illustration on my social media handle. You will enjoy every minute of it. Don't forget to say a "hello hello" to me. I am always a dm away.