
Chapter Twenty two


  Quick question! Have you ever done something you knew you really shouldn't have done? But, you did it anyway and said to yourself "I will deal with the consequences later". I do that all the time.


   I always end up telling myself I would not do it again. Just to do it again. After what happened the other night, after the you-know-what, I just didn't know how to face Ben the next morning.

   I had woken up in his arms. While we slept, we had somehow ended up cuddling each other. Both our legs and arms were entangled in each other. I knew there was no way I could sneak out of that situation without waking Ben up.


  I was stuck between pretending I was asleep and, pretending to be shocked and push him away like I did before.

   "Kelly.... Kelly.." I heard his voice whisper against my ear. His lips brushed against my ear. I didn't know what really wrong with me. I kept remembering the kiss!

   "Mmm..." I responded. "I didn't know you were awake."

  " Me too. I thought you were still sleeping and I didn't want to disturb. But you kept dawdling on my body. What's got you so worried?" I really was dawdling. I had been fondling his shirt without realizing.

   "Are you comfortable with this?" I looked up at him.

   "Kelly, you are really soft. Cuddling with you is more that comfortable."

    "I don't mean that, stupid! I'm talking about us." I pointed at the both of us to emphasize the point.

   "Ohh.... That...."

   "Was a mistake that shouldn't have happened. You shouldn't have kissed me. I shouldn't have kissed back....." I pushed myself off the bed and started babbling "....What was wrong with me? I even told you I was a virgin. I knew I did stupid things but I didn't know I could do worse." At that moment, I was pacing back and forth. Ben just kept staring at me. "... okay, why are you not saying anything? We kissed!" I whisper yelled. I could not afford to have the entire family know what happened.

   "What do you want me to say?" He said calmly as he stretched his  arms and yawned.

   For a moment, for a tiny little moment, I couldn't help admiring those strong arm, the way he absentmindedly flexed his muscles.

   That was when I knew I was finished. No matter how much I try to forget what happened the other night, there was no going back.

  "I.... I'm not going to lie...." Ben sat up, facing me. "I don't regret kissing you. The only thing I don't like is the fact that we're cousin. " He kept his gaze on me. "You don't how much I want last night to happen again. "

   Speechless. I was totally speechless. I didn't expect him to say that. Here I was, panicking while he was wishing we did it again.

  I quietly left his room.


Through out that day, I avoided Ben like a plague. Mama booked an appointment with a hair stylist for me and everyone in the house with a vagina. We all went to make our hair look good.

  After that, was a relaxing session at the spa. Mama liked doing both together on the same day. As you must already know by now, mama loved to enjoy herself, pamper herself and do whatever made her happy.

   By the time we got home, we were feeling like a princess. Despite the fact I had been ignoring Ben all day, I still wanted him to noticed how good my new hairstyle looked on me.

  I met Ben doing something with his phone when I entered the living room. "You're back." He murmured to himself before going back to whatever he was doing with his phone.

  Was he blind? Didn't he see my glorious hair do? He had just glaced at me and that was it?

  I hissed and went straight to my room. I was still enjoying that princess vibe. Seriously, I loved the hair style I was wearing. Curls looked extra good on me.


  Later that night, before going to bed I talked to myself.

   "You will not sleep walk ever again." I kept looking at my reflection in the mirror as I repeated. "You will not sleep walk ever again. "

   Despite all that self talk, I still sleep walked to Ben's room, again!

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