

"Talking" 'Thought' (Translations/Authors notes) SPELLS

Name: Henry Potter

Birthday: June 07, 2007

Age: 8 (chapter 1) 9 (chapter 2-4) 10 (chapter 5) 11 (chapter 6) 12 chapter 7-)

Parents: Olivia Greengrass (Deceased) and James Potter 2 (Deceased)

Grandparents: Harry Potter, Ginny Potter nee Weasley (Deceased), Alan Dumbledore (Deceased), Daphne Greengrass (Deceased)

Blood: Albus Dumbledore, Nicolas Flamel, Minerva McGonagall, Tom M Riddle, Gellert Grindelwald, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, Merlin, Morgana Le Fay, and lots more (including animals) (He won't have their memories just the potential for everything besides the dark arts as his affinity is light/grey)

Heir: Potter, Black, Dumbledore, Greengrass

Alignment: Light/Grey

Core: 4,000,000 (average: 250,000, Harry Potter: 10,000,000, Founders: 70,500,000, Merlin/Morgana: 100,000,000,000, can destroy countries with a few words)

Status: Pure-Blood (has 4 magical grandparents)

Nickname: The-Boy-Who-Lived (Out of 10 pureblood children only he survived the experimentations) (if you have a better nickname please let me know)

Residence before experimentations: Greengrass Manor

Residence after experimentations: Potter Manor

Powers: (Low, Average, High, Master), Legilimency (High), Flight (Average), Occlumency (Master), Wandless (Low), Animagus (Master, Can only turn into small things until older), Language (Master, can speak ALL languages, plus use them in spells), Choranaptyxis (High, small as a rat, as big as 8 ft. tall), Precognitive sight (Master, can see 1 second into future), Metamorphmagus (Master, can change into another person) Teleportation (Average, can go though weak wards)

Affinities: (Low, Average, High, Master) Light (Master), Grey (Master), Dark (Low), Charms (High), Transfiguration (High), DADA (Master), Healing (Master), Wards (High), Cursebreaker (High) (Since Henry has Low Dark but high Charms, it will take less time to learn but more power to cast dark charms, but since he has Master Grey and Master DADA, it takes less time to learn, fewer wand movements, and less power to cast Grey DADA spells)

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