

It's been a month since people began coming into town. Sherrie spoke to the people about how the process of her planning was going to be done. She explained the rules and guidelines on how to construct well built structures. She needed to be certain that Grieve would not be able to surpass her surveillance of the buildings.

She explained who will do each separate job. As for the new CIA and FBI team, they are to learn how new cases should be carefully investigated. They are to learn how to approach criminals with caution. But the most important part of the training was teaching intense combat.

As Sherrie explained the process to the new recruits, something else caught her eye. She saw Joyce from a distance. Joyce was sitting down alone. "Excuse me, team." said Sherrie as she walked to Joyce.

Sherrie didn't know what to say as she had never taken care of a teenager before. "Do you need something?" asked Sherrie. Joyce nodded no, but her expression said otherwise.

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